
Sunday, January 21, 2018


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here

I'm sharing excerpts from my new release, ROMANCE REKINDLED, a romance with a little mystery. Abby and her daughter visit her mother in jail.

To keep within the guidelines, this snippet has been edited from the original. Please excuse the rogue commas.

Mother bounded off the cot with the agility of a much younger woman—all those classes at the Senior Center must be paying off. “Abigail Louise, what are you doing here?”
Abby fisted her hands on her hips. “What are you doing in jail? And who is that man?”
That man rose more slowly than Mother had. He looked to be about her age, or slightly older, and a little taller with a head of thick, gray hair and a weathered face that had seen a lot of sun. When he reached Mother’s side, he placed his arm around her waist. Around her waist! How dare he?

Abby Ten Eyck likes her life the way it is. She runs a successful business, has a well-adjusted teenage daughter, and has managed to keep men at bay since her divorce fifteen years ago. Just before Christmas, she’s hit with change. Her mother decides to sell the family home. Then she’s arrested, with an unknown man. Could this new man in her mother’s life create more upheaval? Or could his handsome son be just what Abby needs to revive her dormant feelings?

Sam Watson embraces transition from frenetic Wall Street to a small Michigan resort town. His health is worth moving close to his dad who seems over the moon in love. But it’s the daughter of his father’s girlfriend who fascinates him. Abby Ten Eyck reminds him of his driven self. He must help her slow down before she burns out. Like he did.

ROMANCE REKINDLED is available at:

Amazon  ~  Amazon UK  ~  iBooks  ~  Kobo  ~  Smashwords  ~  Nook  


  1. Great snippet! I'm sure her mother has a few stories to tell about how she knows that man and how they ended up in jail.

    1. Oh, she does, Jess. but she isn't willing to share all of them. Yet.

  2. I love how their roles almost seem to have reveresed, with Abby being disapproving of her mother's new relationship!

  3. I agree with Lyn! The child becoming the chastising adult.

    1. I've been on the receiving end of rebukes from my child. LOL Usually because of the grandkids. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Mommy has a boyfriend, Mommy has a boyfriend.

  5. I suspect there's a lot about her mother she doesn't know. Fun snippet.

    1. There is, Alexis. And I make Abby wait to find out.

  6. How funny - Mom has a right to her own man!

  7. Cheeky devil! He just lost all his points with the daughter! Wonder how Mom's going to explain this? Great snippet!

    1. LOL, Jenna. He'll get them back, as soon as Abby examines her attitude!

  8. Nice! He's not afraid to show his place in her mom's life. Yeah...who is he? :-)

    I saw your comment on Jenna's page that you forgot to sign up. The admins can now add to the list after it has closed. I added your link. I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. :-)

    1. Abby will find out about him soon enough.

      I didn't know you could add, Teresa. Thanks so much for letting me know and for adding me to the list.

  9. LOL - his arm around her waist - how dare he. This is great fun. Tweeted.

    1. Thanks, Daryl. I'm glad you find it fun. I had fun writing it.

  10. Ooh, the plot thickens! Who is this guy and why are they in jail together?

  11. I totally get the concern over the jail cell. But having an arm around her waist isn't a very big thing. She seems to be over reacting.

    1. She is, Caitlin. Seeing her mother with an affectionate stranger is too much for Abby who likes the status quo.

  12. I loved her reaction to the man placing his arm around her mother's waist. It made me chuckle. Great snippet.

    1. Thanks, Karen. Unfortunately, Abby isn't chuckling.

  13. I love the emotions here... sarcastic humor, worry, frustration, shock, anger! It's a wild ride, and if my guess is right, it's just beginning.

  14. Lovely picture of maternal protectiveness in reverse!


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