
Saturday, April 28, 2018


For Weekend Writing Warriors, I'm switching from my WIP to my science fiction romance, THE CHAMELEON. During the month of May, a group of science fiction romance and paranormal romance authors (myself included) are banding together to raise awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). We're donating 25% of the profits during the month of May from our "blue cover" books to the ALS Association.

Here's the link to our group:

When Lea Kirk approached me about this project, Stephen Hawking had just passed away. What a perfect way, I thought, to honor him and all that he accomplished while having ALS.

I chose my book The Chameleon because of its lovely blue cover (designed by Florence Price of The Novel Difference). Even though it is the second book in my Outer Rim series (strong women on the frontier of space), it is a stand alone book. 

Here's my snippet for Weekend Writing Warriors:

“Accounting—this is Leeva,” Jileena Winslott answered the comm with the nasal tone of her alter ego, “How may I—”
“Your father wants to see you, immediately. He’s in his office there—I told him you were playing shintung.” Without waiting for her response, her bodyguard, Maxil, severed the connection.
As Jileena raced out of the office, she thanked the Divine One her boss had left early. Before seeing her father, she had to get to the private sanitary facility on the first floor of Winslott Industries where she’d hidden different changes of clothing for any occasion. If her father thought she was playing shintung, what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Of course, he’d never believe—or approve of—her working in his company.
When the elevator opened, a large man stood squarely in the middle of the spacious lift. Pilad Sindaro, his arms folded behind his back. With barely a glance, he dismissed her—the frump who worked in accounting.

Legally Blond meets Mata Hari

Socialite Jileena Winslott has perfected the image of the spoiled, rich, bubble-headed daughter of an industrial magnate. In reality, she’s a smart, savvy aide to her father in social situations where she is his eyes and ears. She yearns to be her true self and run the family business. When her father sends her on a covert mission to the Outer Rim, she has the chance to prove herself. Big problem. He insists she take along a fake fiancĂ©—the man she’s secretly loved for years.

Security Officer Laning Servary has better things to do than babysit a spoiled rich girl on a tour of the Frontier. If he refuses, he can kiss his career good-by. Then Jileena’s father sweetens the pot. If Laning keeps her safe, his family will receive the land they share-crop. He can’t refuse.

In the close quarters of her ship, Laning and Jileena discover they aren’t who they seem. Pirates, weather, and her recklessness threaten to derail the mission. As Laning and Jileena revise their impressions of each other, they’ll have to make hard choices about their goals. Can their budding love survive?

Here's my landing page for the ALSA campaign:

This post is part of Weekend Writing Warriors. Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. 


  1. She seems to be able to fool some, but not everyone. A nice snippet!

  2. Very interesting, Diane. Super writing!

  3. I wonder what's with the big dude. A good guy? Or bad guy?

  4. Love the idea of changing clothes to fit a different persona!

  5. Ooh, interesting set up and snippet. Such a worthy cause you guys are supporting - best wishes with that!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. I agree about the cause, even though I don't personally know anyone with ALS.

  6. What a great snippet - drew me right in and I love the sound of this book. Good wishes for the ALS project, what a good cause!

  7. Great action, and she escapes detection again!

    1. LOL, Aurora. He doesn't even give her a glance.

  8. Hmm, wondering about shintung. :-) She's on a mission for sure. Good pacing.

    What a wonderful benefit for ALS. I hope you guys do great!

    1. Thanks, Teresa. When she changes clothes, the reader will probably guess shintung is like tennis.

  9. She's certainly got all bases covered. I just hope her dad doesn't catch on. That would be a disaster!

    1. It sure would be. She doesn't want him to know what she's doing.

  10. Interesting snippet. What, pray tell, is shintung?

    1. In a couple of paragraphs (next week, maybe) you'll figure out shintung is like tennis.

  11. Hopefully she can avoid him for a little while longer!

    1. She'd better. Or she's going to be in deep doo-doo.

  12. She's telling some big lies. Somewhere, somehow, I bet they'll have consequences!

  13. Intriguing snippet. And she does not seem like the kind of person it's safe to dismiss so easily!

    1. Thanks, Ian. She isn't, but Daddy pigeon-holed her. Big mistake.

  14. There sure is a lot going on in that snippet! Her life sounds a little complicated...

    1. It is, Alexis. And that's the beginning of the story.

  15. Oohhh intriguing. It will be fun to watch how her perfected image crumbles around a certain security officer... and how he reacts when he realizes she isn't just a spoiled little rich girl.


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