
Saturday, May 26, 2018

#WeWriWa - THE CHAMELEON: A Fiance?

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here

I'm sharing snippets from my science fiction romance, THE CHAMELEON (An Outer Rim Novel). In last week's snippet, Jileena's father informed her of a major discovery of a rare mineral. 

Please excuse the wonky punctuation that was done to keep within the guidelines.

“Baby, I’m sending you to Galeria 7 to check out this discovery.”
“To the Outer Rim?” Jileena’s jaw dropped—while her father had sent her on discreet missions before, he’d never sent her that far from the Central Planets.
“You will check the site and do your own analysis. If, indeed, it is high-grade lambidium,” he said, “you will negotiate mining rights with the local tribe.”
“I can't send Sindaro--discretion is imperative, no one will suspect you going out to the Rim for anything other than a vacation.”
When he paused, hope began to trickle through her. He’d never had her negotiate anything as important as mining rights, and now he was giving her a chance—a chance to prove herself.
“With your fiancé,” he added.
She groaned, “About this fiancé—tell me it’s someone I know.”

Legally Blond meets Mata Hari

Socialite Jileena Winslott has perfected the image of the spoiled, rich, bubble-headed daughter of an industrial magnate. In reality, she’s a smart, savvy aide to her father in social situations where she is his eyes and ears. She yearns to be her true self and run the family business. When her father sends her on a covert mission to the Outer Rim, she has the chance to prove herself. Big problem. He insists she take along a fake fiancé—the man she’s secretly loved for years.

Security Officer Laning Servary has better things to do than babysit a spoiled rich girl on a tour of the Frontier. If he refuses, he can kiss his career good-by. Then Jileena’s father sweetens the pot. If Laning keeps her safe, his family will receive the land they share-crop. He can’t refuse.

In the close quarters of her ship, Laning and Jileena discover they aren’t who they seem. Pirates, weather, and her recklessness threaten to derail the mission. As Laning and Jileena revise their impressions of each other, they’ll have to make hard choices about their goals. Can their budding love survive?

Final Week: Science fiction and paranormal romance writers are donating 25% of their royalties for the month of May from their special Blue Cover books to the ALS Association, an organization dedicated to providing ALS patients and their families with a multitude of different types of assistance, and continuing research to find a cure for this deadly disease..

I'm donating 25% of my royalties from my sci-fi romance, The Chameleon (An Outer Rim Novel) to ALSA in memory of Stephen Hawking. Despite the debility of ALS, he accomplished so much in the field of physics and cosmology.

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Back to Weekend Writing Warriors: be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. 


  1. "Tell me it's someone I know." Yikes. That leaves so many possibilities. I hope she can live up to her father's expectations.

  2. Sounded like a great opportunity until her father mentioned fiancé. I hope it's someone she can tolerate.

  3. Clearly, her father doesn't trust her and thinks she needs a man to help her. *eye roll* so much for hope and confidence in her abilities.

  4. Great dialogue. Very technical. I saw you do guest blog posts. Let me know if you'd ever be interested in doing an interview either you on my blog or me on yours.

    1. I do host guests and love to visit. contact me at dmburton72 at gmail dot com

  5. I sincerely hope Jileena surprises him by pulling off her mission.

  6. Poor girl - she gets her hopes up and then there's a wrinkle. Well done on your part! Great snippet...

    1. Some days, she just can't win. Thanks so much, Veronica.

  7. Haha I wonder what the reply will be!

  8. Of course there’s a catch! I hope for her sake the fiancé is someone she knows- and likes!

  9. Ah, the carrot and then the stick. Hope the fiancee isn't too obnoxious.

  10. LOVE that last line. Hope then . . . badaboom! The kicker. Well, done, Di.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. That's Daddy--gives with one hand, takes away with the other.

  11. Oy! A potential good time dashed by one simple sentence. lol. Sounds wonderful!!

  12. As soon as you mentioned the fiance, I got a general impression of how this tale might develop. ;-)


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