
Thursday, July 19, 2018

GUEST: Nancy Lee Badger and her new release Heaven-Sent Warrior

Please welcome my guest, Nancy Lee Badger. Let's get to know her better.

Nancy, please tell us about yourself.

I am a mature woman who loves to write. With the release of Heaven-sent Warrior, a
paranormal romance set in North Carolina, I have had 24 books published. I retired from my job as a 9-1-1 emergency medical dispatcher to write fulltime and dragged my husband from the snowy mountains of New Hampshire to the warmer North Carolina climate.

How long does it take you to write a book?

Once hubby leaves for work, I am usually already going through my email, responding to Mom’s ‘I’m still alive’ morning text (she’s 87), checking the calendar, then getting to my writing. Because of this week’s new book release, I have to work on promotions for Heaven-sent Warrior while writing the next book, Heaven-sent Highlander. It is almost complete and will soon head to the editor, which is a relief.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

When not traveling, I love to read. Reading is therapeutic and I try to only do it at night, as a reward for getting my writing done.

How long does it take you to write a book?

It used to take a long time, mainly because I kept ‘fixing’ the first chapter before going on to the next. I tried to figure out how to write faster. I took workshops, attended meetings with local writer groups, and read books on writing. I discovered that if I write an outline-with a beginning a middle and an end, the characters start coming to life, and the book gets written faster. I have had books grind to a halt because I had no idea where it was going. That doesn’t happen anymore, giving me the freedom to let the words flow. Writing a first draft-if that is all I did- takes about 3 months. Then I go back and fill in ‘holes’ then print it out and read it again. I probably complete three drafts before sending it to my first editor (my Mom). A complete manuscript ready for my Soul Mate editor takes about 5 months.

How many hours a day to you spend writing?

If you ask my family, I spend too many hours writing. If I did not care about waking my
husband, I would get up with the sun. I once stayed up all night, but he wasn’t too happy…seems he cannot sleep soundly if I am not in the bed with him. Sigh…

How do you balance a life outside of writing with deadlines and writing muses?

I am pretty organized. I worked 20+ years at a hardware store doing several different jobs from ordering, receiving, shipping, sign-making, ad creation, and left to become a 9-1-1 Emergency Medical Dispatcher for the state of New Hampshire. I found that particular job because I was an EMT and volunteer firefighter in my small town. Juggling two kids, a job, and a house built around 1863 required an organized life. The kids are grown, but I am currently president of my local chapter of Romance Writers of America, and that keeps me pretty busy.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I am glad you asked! My years as an EMT and volunteer firefighter show up in With Every
Breath, but my 20+ years volunteering at the NH Highland Games has given me tons of ideas. I wrote six time-travel books set at present-day fictional Highland games and 16 th century Scotland. I have many dragon shifter stories set in Scotland. Surrounded by 30,000+ kilted visitors, marching bands, athletes, Scottish food, vendors selling everything Scottish, the ideas flowed. My new series is set in North Carolina, my adopted state. It is centered around the NC Museum of Art including its outdoor garden and reflecting pool guarded by bronze statues by the French sculptor, Auguste Rodin. The idea for warriors sleeping inside statues, to awaken when needed, popped into my head and my series, Warriors in Bronze, was born. Heaven-sent Warrior is a paranormal romance with a little humor and a deadly twist.

Book Blurb from Heaven-sent Warrior

Henrí Chevalier's last memory, before stumbling naked into a museum’s moonlit garden, was Auguste Rodin and his dusty Paris studio in 1886. To escape his broken heart, Henrí volunteered to sleep inside a statue until needed. Expecting to die, he discovers he must learn to use the unexpected powers Heaven has given him. Without them he will fail his mission against otherworldly creatures, such as demons and faeries.

Kenzie Mackintosh, a dedicated art museum's curator, spies a naked man hiding among bronze statues. A quick glance ignites desire within her, but she is too tied-up in work to act on it. Unaware of her fae heritage, their relationship heats up as he disrupts her job. While Henrí tries to process modern buildings, cars, and a broken elevator, a demon attacks and forces Henrí and Kenzie to enlist the aid of her powerful fae relatives. When the demon possesses the body of her ex-lover and threatens to kill him, then use her to take over the world, Henrí and Kenzie must learn to trust each other, even if Kenzie’s death might be the only answer to the world’s salvation.

Kenzie opened her mouth while instinct demanded she rein in her body’s response to sitting beside Henrí Chevalier. Heat pulsed where his thigh rubbed against hers. When the food’s flavor exploded on her tongue, she whimpered. Every taste bud went on high alert as she chewed, swallowed, then licked her lips.

“Delicious. I was starving.” Kenzie grabbed the other fork and dug in.

Henrí sat back and sipped his wine. “You do appear a wee bit malnourished. This is no
wonder. I have seen you flit about.”

“You’ve watched me? When? Where?” She was glad she’d finished chewing her food,
because her mouth dropped open in shock.

“Going about your duties. And . . .”

The pause that accompanied his sly smile stopped time. She swallowed, waiting for him to
finish his thought. When had he first seen her? When he rescued her from falling in the reflecting pool?

“No. I first laid eyes upon you last night, ma chérie. If I frightened you, please accept my
apology.” Henrí turned back to the plate and scooped up a forkful of potato salad.

“Last night?” Kenzie coughed, fighting to breathe, as she recalled that he was the naked man she glimpsed. His slight nod blasted her with intense pleasure. She had lost sleep over his nudity because his image had filled last night’s dreams. Today, she’d kissed him. 

What next?

Henrí’s smile flickered, but he didn’t say a word.

“Why were you . . . naked?”

“No clothes.”

Find all Buy Links here:

Stop by my blog for a chance to WIN my Giveaway
I call it HEAVEN-SENT WARRIOR … Clay, Candy & Love Notes

One last question, Nancy. Where can readers find you?

Connect with Nancy:
BookBub Page

Thanks for sharing your new release, Nancy. It's been a pleasure having you here.


  1. I enjoyed reading this interview, and thanks for the excerpt. And oh, what an intriguing blurb! Best of luck with Heaven-Sent Warrior!

  2. A big thanks to Diane for hosting me.

  3. Nice interview. I hope your Warriors in Bronze series is a huge success. The excerpt from Heaven-Sent Warrior was so good.

  4. Interesting interview. I love the whole idea of warriors sleeping inside statues coming awake to help those in need. Good luck with the series! And congrats to Diane for her new book Numbers Never Lie!


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