
Thursday, August 30, 2018

GUEST: A.R. Braun & #NewRelease STORM OF THE GODS

Please welcome Amy Braun, a fellow Weekend Writing Warrior (#WeWriWa). I've been reading snippets from Amy's new book for several weeks. The story is captivating. And now it's here!

Here's Amy to tell us about her new release.

Storm of the Gods is a story that’s been with me for years, and one I was nervous about writing. How was I going to accurately combine Greek lore, magic, brothers, an engaging world, action, monsters, and lay the base ground for an entire series?

The simple answer: Trial and error.

To date, this is the story I’ve wanted to write more than anything else. I’ve always had a huge love for Greek myths and the monsters within them, and while it took a few tests and some creative thinking, I eventually got the story I wanted.

Writing it was a huge process, as I made a couple mistakes since I went with a new distribution company, paid for more promotional materials, and had my first ever fantasy map created. I stressed and stressed and constantly changed my mind about things, but in the end I got the story I wanted. It wasn’t accepted  by literary agents, and it’s gotten some mixed reviews as of late. But it’s still the story I wanted to create and that I love wit all my heart.

Here was this dream I’d always had, from a world and characters who consistently popped into my mind and inspired me with random snippets and twists and adventures that I will always carry with me, even after the series is wrapped up in a couple years.

It’s my goal to one day become a full time, professional author who will hopefully snag an NYT ranking one day. And for as much as I wanted it to be, Storm of the Gods, is not that book. I didn’t hear much from literary agents and there are mixed reviews out there, as there are with any book. But the most important I learned from the experience was that I could achieve my goals. I wrote a story that I will always adore with characters who have woven themselves into my heart. It’s the story I wanted to tell and share, and now that it’s out in the world, I have another chance to improve and grow and take this new adventure to greater heights, and live out the full extent of Derek and Liam’s story as I play it out in my head.

As the boys will have, I foresee bumps and trials in the future. But I’m ready to face them, because there’s nothing more fulfilling than making your own dream come true.


Thirty years ago, the gods of Greek legend returned to the world. Their return restored their powers, which had been spent in a cataclysmic battle with the Titans. With the ancient deities imprisoned in Tartarus, the Olympians now reside in Néo Vasíleio, formerly known as California.
Twenty-four-year-old Derek Aerios is a war scion, a descendent of Ares, the God of War. He and his brother, eighteen-year-old Liam, capture mythological creatures and rogue scions as part of Ares’s elite military force. As he struggles to cope with his violent powers and the scars of a traumatic childhood, Derek tries to keep the two vows he has made: protect his brother, and never kill a human again.
But when Ares forces him to hunt and kill four rogue scions under Athena’s control—by threatening Liam’s life—Derek chooses to go after the scions in order to save his brother and keep his promise to himself.
Yet the closer Derek gets to the scions, the more he realizes that his orders are part of a deeper conspiracy that put him at odds with his mission and his conscience. Athena may not be the enemy, a traitor could be in their midst, and the Titans could be closer to freedom than ever before. 

Buy it here:

About the Author

Amy is a Canadian urban fantasy and horror author. Her work revolves around monsters, magic, mythology, and mayhem. She started writing in her early teens, and never stopped. She loves building unique worlds filled with fun characters and intense action. 

When she isn’t writing, she’s reading, watching movies, taking photos, gaming, struggling with chocoholism and ice cream addiction, and diving headfirst into danger in Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. Amy can be found online on Facebook ( Twitter (@amybraunauthor) and Instagram (@amybraunauthor)
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  1. So glad you tackled your "nerves" and wrote this book! Good for you! Congrats on your release!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting me, Diane!

    1. My pleasure, Amy. I enjoyed reading about this book. It's on my TBR pile.

  3. Congrats!! I've had a Greek God/Goddess series percolating in my mind for a while. Maybe some day I'll write it. Good for you on getting yours done. The book sounds great and the cover is fantastic!!

  4. Loved the post! The story sounds wonderful.

  5. Congratulations on the release of this new book! I like Greek mythology and this storyline sounds interesting!

  6. Congratulations. Looking forward to reading it.

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