
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

GUEST: Constance Bretes JADE'S REDEMPTION #Sale #99cents

My guest today is a long-time friend. We met when she lived in Michigan, and we belonged to the same RWA chapter. I'm so pleased that her writing career has taken off the way it has. She's here to share some really good news. Her book, Jade's Redemption is on sale for only 99 cents. Wow. What a bargain. Here's Connie to tell us more.

Thank you so much, Diane, for having me on your blog today. When I write my stories, I tend to write something in them that has happened to me in real life. In Jade’s Redemption, there was no exception.  The incident in the botanical garden was a true incident that happened to me when I visited Tizur Gardens in Jefferson City, Montana. It was not so funny at the time it happened, but when we got back to the motel. My husband and I had a good laugh about it, and then when I told my story to my co-worker, it got around the office, and even my sister took no pity on me and laughed her a$$ off.

What was the incident you ask? Well, you have to read the book to find out about it. But it was my favorite scene to write because I still laugh about it, to this day.

I came up with the title for this book after realizing that what I wrote was about a young woman who made a terrible mistake, and her journey back from the abyss she threw herself into as a result of that mistake. In the end, she had redeemed herself.

For the month of August, 2018. This book is on sale at all retail outlets for 99 cents.

Jade’s Redemption

He's an overworked police chief, and she's a disgraced cop. Can he rescue her from her own depths of hell without losing his heart to her in the process?

Someone is kidnapping newborn infants and selling them to the highest bidder. Police Chief Patrick Carter has his hands full investigating the case. To complicate matters, he's short on staff.

Jade Harlowe has secrets, ones that she vowed no one would ever know. She used to be a police officer, but when a tragedy occurred—one that everyone held her responsible for—she resigned and moved to another state to start over, accepting a job as a dispatcher for the police, fire, and ambulance departments.

When Patrick discovers Jade's past police experience he offers her a job on the force. He needs help working the kidnapping cases, and Jade previously solved a similar case, so she could be a valuable asset. But will they be able to fight the attraction that's sizzling between them? Something that could be very distracting if they can't control it.

The clock is ticking. They have to find those babies and prevent more from being taken. But a very nosy news reporter may compromise everything if she digs deep enough to uncover Jade's past.

Neither Patrick nor Jade thought they had room for each other in their lives, but working so closely together makes it impossible to deny the chemistry. Can Patrick break through the wall Jade has built up around her, or will her past finally catch up with her and she loses everything once again?


When Jade arrived at the police station that morning, she saw that Patrick’s vehicle was already there. Why was he in the office so early?

She scanned her ID to get into the communication call room. She acknowledged the two dispatchers still on duty, then grabbed her mug and went to the break room. After pouring herself a cup of coffee, she headed back. On her way, she greeted two officers and walked by Patrick’s opened office door.

“Jade, in my office. I need to talk to you,” Patrick said.

“Okay.” She didn’t report to him, so why did he want to see her? She entered his office.

“Close the door,” he commanded, his voice terse.

She closed the door and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

“There was another kidnapping last night. Here’s the file on both kidnappings and files from other known cases to cross-reference. I need you to investigate the cases and try to get these babies back and prevent another one from being taken. I want you to go out into the street, ask questions, get in people’s faces, and help solve this crime.”

“Um, not an officer, Patrick.”

“You are now. If you’ll stand, I’ll swear you in.” He opened the desk drawer to get the book out.

“You can’t make me an officer, just like that.”

“Yes, I can. I know you were an officer in Oklahoma City, and I know your credentials are up-to-date. You are certified and ready to be an officer. All I need to do is swear you in.”

“You checked up on me?” Jade asked, her voice faltering.

“No, at first, I called the Oklahoma City Police to find out about the kidnapping case you mentioned. In the course of my discussion with the chief, I asked if he knew you, which he said he did.”

“Then you know what happened there.”

“No, they couldn’t tell me due to your non-disclosure stipulation.”

“Then you shouldn’t hire me.”

“I’m giving you an opportunity here. This is your chance to prove yourself. You are given full range to investigate the cases. You’ll report back to me every day as part of your training. I will guide you to where and how to solve this crime and many others. Now, are you up to it and ready to start?”

“But…Patrick…um…Chief. This is so sudden. I...” She was speechless, she didn’t want to do an investigation into a possible kidnapping. She didn’t want to handle cases that involved children. How could she get out of this? Did she really want to get out of this?

“Say yes so we can get started.”

“You sure about this?” She wasn’t, but she couldn’t tell him no. This was the kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you didn’t turn down. It felt strange though; he never talked this fast, and he wanted her decision now.

“Yes, I’m sure. So, what do you say?”

“Chief, I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“Why not?”

What could she tell him? “I’ve been away from police work a long time, and I’ve never been a detective. I was only in training to be one.”

“Your previous employer said that you were showing signs of being a good detective. Jade, I need a detective. I need fresh eyes, someone quick to analyze the situation and get to the bottom of this. I’m offering you a chance to prove you are the right person to do the job. Anyone else would jump at the opportunity. Why are you hesitating?”

“I…um...” She couldn’t tell him she didn’t want to work baby or children cases. You couldn’t be selective when you were a detective. You took all jobs, no matter how difficult or painful it was.

“Have you talked to the fire chief? Does he know?”

“Yes. I talked to him this morning. He’s going to hire someone to replace you.”

“What about the police commissioners?”

“I’ll deal with them.”

She stared at Patrick and swallowed a big lump in the back of her throat. A detective? Her heart hammered hard in her chest. Could she do it? If he knew her past, why would he even consider her for the job? Talk about a bombshell dropping. Couldn’t she have time to consider it?

But a little glimmer of hope sparked in her heart. So there was a chance for her to redeem herself? She’d be stupid to turn down the opportunity. “Okay. I’ll do the best I can.”

“Good.” Patrick stood up, pulled out a Bible, and said, “Place your hand on this and repeat after me.”

After she was sworn in, they sat back down and Patrick went over the second kidnapping with her and handed her the files.

“I want you to work with Clyde on this, as he’s been doing the legwork. Between this case, the first case, and a murder case, he’s been pulling double duty trying to handle everything. But before you go out anywhere, you check in with me and let me know what you and Clyde are doing.”

She wished she could say she’d do the murder case. “It looks like this second baby was taken the same way. The two cases are likely related. Did you have any evidence that we can use?”

“So far, no. CSI went to the second scene this morning to gather any trace evidence there, but we won’t know anything for a couple of days. When you investigated the case in Oklahoma City, how did you crack it?”

“I posed as a woman wanting to adopt a baby.”

“How did you know who to connect with?”

“It was a long shot. I started with the kidnapped baby’s mother, then it went to a person who knew a person who knew a person. Then I created an identity of a woman desperate to adopt. I made sure I stayed visible and willing to try anything to get a baby.”

“I see.”

Jade rose, walked to the door, and put her hand on the doorknob, but before opening it, she turned to him. “Are you sure you want me to do this?”

Patrick leaned back in his chair and stared at her as if he was reflecting on something. 

“Yes, I’m sure. There are a lot of things we need to discuss. But right now I need you to get on board with Clyde, quickly, and start working this case while it’s still hot.”

“Okay. Where do you want me to work?”

“The next room down the hall is the detectives’ squad room.” He gestured with his thumb. “Grab whatever desk and computer you want. Stop by the lock-up room and get Mike to assign you a gun.”

The case was the opportunity of a lifetime for her. It gave her the chance to prove to herself, to Patrick, and the whole world, that she could do the job. Would solving this help make up for the child whose life was taken because of what she did?

She took a deep breath, opened the door, and headed to the lock-up room. She had walked into the station today as a nine-one-one dispatcher, and was now walking out as a detective.

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Constance Bretes Bio

I started writing contemporary romance and contemporary romance suspense fifteen years ago, and after multiple rejections, got my first contract for Delayed Justice, released in 2014.

I have just recently moved to Moulton, Alabama, with my three feline furballs who own me and my husband. My hobbies include basket weaving, and jewelry making as well as writing.

I currently have seven books published, and a number of other ones in various stages of edits. I have two new releases coming at the end of the year. The Christmas Ballet, and Elkhorn In The Moonlight. Both will be released through Beachwalk Press, Inc.

I can be reached through the following media.

Be sure to visit my webpage, navigate to the News & Things, and enter the monthly rafflecopter at the bottom of the page. Join my newsletter mailing list also at that site, and you will get my newsletter, once a month and only occasionally, anytime the rest of the month, if I suddenly have something that has come up after the newsletter was sent out.


  1. Fun! And what a great deal. Who doesn't love a 99 cent book?

    1. Thanks Crystal. Yes, 99 cents is a great price for a book!

  2. Hi Connie! It's great to see you here, and what an interesting excerpt. Glad your writing is going well. How do you like Alabama?

    1. Hi Lucy! I'm liking it here a lot. As long as the central air doesn't give out....

  3. Thank you so much, Diane, for having me on your blog today. The one thing I really miss, is all the gals at MMRWA.

  4. Your story about what happened at the botanical gardens is a great teaser. So happy you got far away from all that snow you experienced last winter. Here's wishing you a bunch of book sales!

  5. great excerpt!
    good luck and God's blessings

  6. Great excerpt. Must be a great book! Wishing you mega sales.


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