
Saturday, August 11, 2018

#WeWriWa - ROMANCE REKINDLED: Grandma's in Jail

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Considering the heat wave hitting most of the U.S., I thought you might like to read something cool--temperature-wise. If you find it "cool" figuratively, I'll be happy. This snippet is from my Christmas story, ROMANCE REKINDLED, which is on sale this weekend for 99 cents.

To orient you to this snippet: Abby, the main character, got a middle-of-the-night phone call from the police. Bethany is her teenage daughter. 

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines.
Abby wrestled with the wind as she tried to open the back door—Bethany helped and together they got it open then closed and latched tight. The same wind cut through her winter coat as she slogged through a snowdrift. Dang, I should have worn socks. And boots. Snow and wind froze her feet before she could get into her van parked behind the store. Though it was convenient to live above her shop, on nights like this, she would love to have an attached garage. Snow blowing in from the south had drifted against her vehicle. By the time she got inside, her wet pant legs clung to her calves. She gritted her teeth against the icy-cold that filled her clogs.
Bethany jumped into the passenger’s side, stomping her boots to knock off the snow. “Now, you can tell me why Gram is in jail.”


Abby Ten Eyck likes her life the way it is. She runs a successful business, has a well-adjusted teenage daughter, and has managed to keep men at bay since her divorce fifteen years ago. Just before Christmas, she’s hit with change. Her mother decides to sell the family home. Then she’s arrested, with an unknown man. Could this new man in her mother’s life create more upheaval? Or could his handsome son be just what Abby needs to revive her dormant feelings?

Sam Watson embraces transition from frenetic Wall Street to a small Michigan resort town. His health is worth moving close to his dad who seems over the moon in love. But it’s the daughter of his father’s girlfriend who fascinates him. Abby Ten Eyck reminds him of his driven self. He must help her slow down before she burns out. Like he did.

ROMANCE REKINDLED is available for 99 cents this weekend at:

Amazon  ~  Amazon UK  ~  iBooks  ~  Kobo  ~  Smashwords  ~ Nook


  1. An attached garage-Don't we all. As it is I'm on the tenth floor looking down-not-so pleasant-leavin' the house not so pleasant.

    1. I'm spoiled. It's no fun scraping snow and ice off the windshield.

  2. Oh, I remember weather like that. Though is seems so far away from what we have now.

    1. I know, Jess. Weren't we just complaining about the winter that never ended?

  3. Oh, ick! Thanks for the reminder . . . only 4 months until snow brush season. Love it, Di. Creates the Brrrrr effect and POW, the last line!

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I know. We'll be wishing for the heat then.

  4. I remember this story! Thanks for the reviving blast of winter in August...great snippet.

  5. You described the agony and fun in winter.

    1. LOL, Charmaine. I guess we have to take the bad to get the good.

  6. This is just great. As if getting a phone call in the middle of the night telling you your mother is in jail, you get to go out into a snow storm to bail her out!

  7. I think she has enough trouble with the weather without grandma being in the jail.

    1. Why else would she go out in the middle of a blizzard?

  8. Brrr! And the start of an interesting conversation?

  9. Haha, can't wait to see why she is in jail. Fun snippet.

  10. I could just feelthat icy blast - and I love the last line!

    1. I enjoyed rereading this, esp. with the heat we've been having. I figured it was good to add a teaser at the end.

  11. I'm just waiting to hear that reason!

  12. *shiver* I'm not ready to think about winter yet! Outside of that, this is a great snippet. I'm anxious to know how Gram wound up in jail, too!

    1. I'm looking forward to Fall. Winter can wait, but it's a good change from the heat.

  13. Excellent details. This snippet left me shivering! Wrestling with the weather is always an adventure.

    1. Thanks, Caitlin. It's been so warm and muggy I felt cold while sharing this.

  14. I want to know the reason Gran is in jail too. :)

  15. I grew up in Northern Saskatchewan. I KNOW how snow can pile up and you have to dig your car out. Sucks, big time. And, like everyone else, why is Gran in jail???

  16. THAT is a cliffhanger! Why is grandma in jail?? :-)


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