
Saturday, November 3, 2018

#WeWriWa: Eager to Get on the Road

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

I'm sharing a snippet from my romantic suspense, ONE RED SHOE. This snippet continues from last week when her brother, Jimmy, tries to keep her from leaving for NYC.

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. It's also edited some from the original.

“I hoped you’d get this foolishness out of your system.” Jimmy blew out a breath and thrust a small item at her, “Since you’re determined to go, this is a top-of-the-line cell phone. It has GPS tracking so if you have car trouble and call for help, they’ll know exactly where you are.”
Daria ignored the first part of his rant, she’d heard it before but was surprised at his thoughtfulness with the phone. She gave him a hug then the others. Standing back, she looked at the four of them, and tears threatened. She blinked rapidly. For goodness sake, it wasn’t like she was leaving forever--a week away from home, that’s all. She got into her car, eager to get started.


It Happened One Night meets Knight and Day.

Daria Mason’s life is too predictable. Nothing ever happens in her small Iowa town where everybody knows everybody else. But when she travels to New York City looking for a little excitement, she never expects to bring home a wounded spy.

From the moment agent Sam Jozwiak steals intel vital to US security from a Russian Mafia kingpin, Murphy’s Law takes over. No matter how he covers his tracks, the kingpin’s assassins find him. What’s worse than getting shot in the butt? Accepting help from an Iowa tourist.

Sam and Daria flee cross country with the assassins right behind them. Sharing danger and excitement—and a few kisses—with Sam soon has Daria convinced he’s the man for her. He thinks she’ll be better off once he’s out of her life for good. With their lives on the line, can she convince him they belong together?

ONE RED SHOE is now available:

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. 


  1. Yes, a week shouldn't be that big of a deal. Though sweet her brothers are showing concern in their own way. :)

    1. It shouldn't be. But it's her first time going off on her own.

  2. Families-often a pain and then...sweetness.

  3. The GPS is very practical! I hope the book is doing well, enjoyed the excerpt as always...

  4. She's not used to her kids being thoughtful and motherly!

  5. Now I'm wondering if she'll really only be gone a week.

    1. Good one, Christina. Her spring break only lasts a week, so she'd better be back. :)

  6. I'm agreeing with Christina. It seems like something else will happen!

  7. Hopefully she doesn't need to use the GPS on her phone but somehow I suspect she will. We writers can be devilish.

    1. As always, thanks for the tweet, Daryl. You might be right about the GPS.

  8. Sorry for showing up so late. These people are a wee bit overprotective, perhaps? Plenty of internal conflict could arise from that, with her not wanting to hear "I told you so."

  9. I just picked up a copy of One Red Shoe - looking forward to reading it :-)

    I can't listen to music either when I'm writing. I find it too distracting. But I can have the TV on in the background and that doesn't bother me.


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