
Thursday, March 28, 2019

GUEST: J.H. Moncrieff #NewRelease FOREST OF GHOSTS

I'm please to welcome first-time visitor J.H. Moncrieff. I know J.H. from the Insecure Writers Support Group, the monthly blog hop where writers need and give support to each other. A great group of writers. Here's J.H. to tell us about her story.

I’ve walked in Bram Stoker’s shoes.

Not literally, of course, but I can guess how he must have felt when he first cast eyes upon Romania.

Visiting Romania is like venturing into another world. Never before have I experienced a place that looks so much like a fairytale. With its gingerbread architecture, rolling hills, and extravagant roses, it’s easy to picture the Brothers Grimm sitting at one of the outdoor cafés, scribbling away.

Cobblestone streets. Roma women in dresses and kerchiefs selling baskets of raspberries. Rounds of white cheese cured in Christmas trees, of all things, and sold wrapped in the sweet-smelling bark. 

Castles in the clouds, their redbrick towers stretching into the sky. Tiny little houses designed for those who feel the need to pray on the go. Even the rubbish bins are picturesque.

I defy any writer to visit Romania and not feel inspired. It’s a place steeped in myth and legend, where some villagers believe in werewolves and vampires, and are afraid of cats. Where peacocks are kept on farms and estates to ward off evil. Where partly built villages stand abandoned, and no one knows why. But there are stories…oh yes, there are always stories.

While setting the latest book in my GhostWriters series in Romania was the choice of my readers, I’d always known I’d write about my experiences there one day. As I’m sure Stoker would have agreed, the country compels you.

J.H. Moncrieff’s new release, Forest of Ghosts, was inspired by her real-life experiences in Romania, including Hoia Baciu, the world’s most haunted forest.

Jackson Stone is sick of ghosts. With his love life in shambles, he heads to Romania for a horror writers’ retreat, hoping it will be a break from the supernatural and breathing space from his relationship with medium Kate Carlsson.

But as his fellow writers begin disappearing or losing their minds, he realizes he needs Kate’s help. 

When Jackson loses his own memory, Kate’s love is the only thing that can bring him back. But she’s falling for the man responsible for the evil in Romania. A man who claims to be her soul mate. Will this master of wraiths forever break Kate’s bond with Jackson?

About the Author

J.H. loves to hear from readers. To get free ebooks and a new spooky story every week, check out her Hidden Library.

J.H. Moncrieff's City of Ghosts won the 2018 Kindle Book Review Award for best Horror/Suspense.

Reviewers have described her work as early Gillian Flynn with a little Ray Bradbury and Stephen King thrown in for good measure.

She won Harlequin's search for “the next Gillian Flynn” in 2016. Her first published novella, The Bear Who Wouldn’t Leave, was featured in Samhain’s Childhood Fears collection and stayed on its horror bestsellers list for over a year.

When not writing, she loves exploring the world's most haunted places, advocating for animal rights, and summoning her inner ninja in muay thai class.

To get free ebooks and a new spooky story every week, go to

Connect with J.H.: Website | Twitter | Facebook


  1. Peacocks probably keep a lot of people away!
    Congratulations, JH.

    1. Thanks, Alex, and thanks for letting me haunt your blog, Diane. It's much appreciated!

    2. You're very welcome. Please come back again.

  2. I'm halfway through Forest of Ghosts. It's great. I love the setting, and the ghost story has just the right amount of scary.


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