
Monday, July 1, 2019

Guest: Ellen Jacobson & her #NewRelease POISONED BY THE PIER #mystery

I'm happy to welcome Ellen Jacobson back to the blog. I met her through Insecure Writers Support Group and was thrilled when her first Mollie McGhie book, Murder at the Marina, came out. When she asked for readers to review this book, I waved my hand wildly. Check out my review at the bottom of this post. Now, here's Ellen Jacobson.

People often ask me if I’m anything like the main character in my cozy mystery series, Mollie McGhie. Well, we both like cats, chocolate, and Star Wars, but there are also many differences—including her ability to fix things on her sailboat. I’m great at breaking things. Fixing them, not so much.

Like Mollie, I live on a sailboat with my husband. Boats can be expensive. Do you know what BOAT stands for? Break out another thousand (dollars). And it’s true. Something is always broken, something always needs replacing, and there’s always something new you need to buy.

To save on costs, Mollie and her hubby, Scooter, are fixing up their boat themselves. Despite not wanting the boat in the first place, it turns out that Mollie actually has a knack for repairing equipment, like a broken marine fridge.

I loved writing the passage below because it shows that women can be just as good at men at repairs and maintenance. Nobody bats an eye that Mollie is the one fixing their fridge, rather than Scooter. Of course, she many not always know what the right terminology is (she calls refrigerant “magic gas”), but she gets the job done.

What about you? Are you good at fixing things? Curious about what Mollie gets up to when she isn’t working on her boat? Pick up a copy of the latest Mollie McGhie Cozy Sailing Mystery, Poisoned by the Pier, and find out. Spoiler Alert: She investigates murders and eats way too much chocolate.

Poisoned by the Pier Now Available! 

Poisoned by the Pier, the third book in the Mollie McGhie Cozy Sailing Mystery series, is now available in ebook, paperback, and large print.

Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Google Play

When Mollie's husband signs the two of them up for an extreme diet, she's not amused. When someone ends up poisoned by a cake, things get even worse.

While she tries to identify the killer, Coconut Cove’s annual boating festival is in full swing. In between getting ready for her first sailing race and cheating on her diet, Mollie and her cat, Mrs. Moto, uncover clues, interview suspects, and do their best to avoid rutabagas.

Can Mollie nab the killer before someone else is poisoned?

If you like quirky characters, adorable cats, and plenty of chocolate, you'll love this cozy mystery. Pick up a copy of Poisoned by the Pier and laugh out loud from the first page to the last.

New to the Series? 

If you're new to the series, you might want to start with Murder at the Marina. Now is the perfect opportunity as the ebook is on sale for 99c/99p for a limited time.

Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Google Play

About the Author 

Ellen Jacobson lives on a sailboat with her husband and an imaginary cat named Simon. When she isn't working on boat projects or seeking out deserted islands, she writes cozy mysteries and sci-fi/fantasy stories.

Connect with Ellen on her Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | BookBub | Blog

You can also sign up for her newsletter for updates about new releases, current projects, sales and promotions, and other fun stuff.


Diane's review:

What a fun book! Just like the two previous books starring Mollie McGhie, you can expect humor and a dead body. Mollie has a bad habit of finding the body. But first, Mollie's husband has come up with another brilliant (according to him), lame-brained (according to Mollie) idea. This time it's a diet featuring rutabagas. My folks made me eat rutabagas as a kid. No way would I ever eat them willingly. Finding clues connected to the rutabaga diet lead Mollie on a merry chase after the killer. Though the reader will probably figure out who the killer is before Mollie, you might not figure out the motive as easily. Ellen's books are always entertaining. Hope she writes more.


  1. Thanks so much for featuring me today! Personally, I could live without rutabagas too :)

    1. LOL My pleasure to have you back, Ellen. Wishing you much success on your latest release.

  2. Mollie is probably better than I am at fixing things. I can change a toilet's guts though!

    1. Changing a toilet's gut is impressive! I've fixed our marine toilet before. Gross, but a necessary job.

  3. Cats and chocolate and mystery—sounds like a fun series. Have to admit I’m not much of a fixer,though. I’d rather pay somebody to do it.😉 Best wishes with the new release.

  4. Hi! I'm much better at breaking things, too! Your series sounds great. I love mysteries.

  5. Mollie sounds like someone I'd like to know - because I can't fix anything, and neither can my hubby! I love to read cozy mysteries, so I'm heading over to Amazon now. Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Have this book in my Kindle. Anxious to read it. I love Ellen's sense of humor and storytelling talent. Great interview, ladies.

  7. Your excerpt had me ROFLOL!
    Good luck and God's blessings

  8. In our house, hubby is the go-to Mr Fix It - although the techy stuff falls to me :)
    LOVED this book! Full of fun and surprises :)

  9. I loved that excerpt! Ha! Living with a 10 year old boy... Yeah. I can hear that conversation happening!

    Best wishes!

  10. Having just fixed the dishwasher, I guess I have some fix-it abilities! Great excerpt!


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