
Saturday, July 20, 2019

#WeWriWa: THE PILOT ~ Trevarr Can't Resist a Challenge #sfr

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Thanks to everyone who visited last week. I'm sharing snippets from The Pilot: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 1st book in a series featuring strong women on the frontier of space. Celara's ship was hailed by one claiming to be Coalition Security. This week, we're switching to the other ship.

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. It's also edited a little from the original.

“Come on, Trev, you’re not going into that asteroid field, are you?”
Trevarr Jovano leaned forward in the pilot’s chair, alert for debris. He and his friend, Laning Servary, had been on a shake-down cruise for Laning’s new ship. When Trevarr had offered him the position of Chief Security Officer of Malcon Sector, he’d thrown in a newer, faster ship as incentive. He’d taken the controls from his friend a short time before sighting what he thought was a disabled cargo transport. With the way that vessel was fleeing, Trevarr was certain the pilot had something to hide.
He gave his friend a calculated smile, “He dares me to follow.”
Laning chuckled, “You never could resist a challenge.”
Trevarr did not ease off the accelerator of the Volpian cruiser. He just grinned.

        There's no place like home and he stole hers. 

Life on the frontier of space is hard enough so when pirates stole Celara d'Enfaden's cargo, she vowed not to be tricked again. 

Determined to make an example out of indie pilots who disobey orders, Coalition Administrator Trevarr Jovano impounds Celara’s starship and cargo. If he backs down, he’ll lose respect. If she can’t deliver her cargo, she’ll default on her loan and lose her only home—her ship. 

More important than her ship, though, is her brother. To rescue him from a galactic gangster, she’ll even work with Jovano who is bent on avenging his wife’s murder.

 Amazon ~ AmazonUK ~ B&N ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ Smashword


  1. Always exciting, Diane. I'm excited as I read your snippets.

    1. I'm so glad, Charmaine. Thanks for telling me.

  2. Great snippet! They're both assuming incorrect information about who is in the other ship.

    1. Yep. A comedy of errors, if it wasn't so dangerous.

  3. Uh oh, clearly they have to take this 'dare' - love the way you're setting up the situation and showing us both sides...terrific snippet!

  4. I see there are devil pilots on both ships. they'll collide in more than one way!

  5. Uh, oh. They might be a little too much alike! Fun snippet.

  6. Yay! I love those last two lines of dialogue. It always makes me want to read more!

  7. I wonder if these two pilots actually know one another. If they don't, boy, is this going to be a meeting of the minds! Great snippet!

  8. Wow! Looks like we have cowboys on both ends of this chase. lol Nice character building, Diane. :-)

  9. Two young guys, gunning the accelerator of their hot rod . . .

  10. Great banter! Can't wait for the chase. :)

  11. Replies
    1. LOL Actually, he's rather staid--until he got together with Laning.

  12. Thanks for these book introductions, Diane 🌹


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