
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Guest: NANCY LEE BADGER Rescuing Christmas

A big thank-you to Diane for hosting me, again. This time, I am proud to share the release of my 27th book. Yes, I am a multi-published and award-winning author, but this is my first attempt at penning a sweet romance. (that means that there might be some sexual tension between characters, but not much more than a kiss or two on the pages.)

I set my story in Vermont and filled it with sights, sounds, great characters, small town comforts, and a fire department fundraiser in danger of cancellation due to a lack of snow. I combined my love of New England, where I raised my family, and my years as an EMT, Firefighter, and 911 Dispatcher. I believe my history helped me come up with the ideas that bring this story to life. Sometimes, writing what you know is a way to kickstart a plot. No, I did not base the heroine on me, nor did I know a city bigwig that morphed into my hero. They simply evolved! Elinor and Bradley are strangers, but how they meet and what comes next is fun and exciting!

Book Blurb
A Manhattan businessman in a Vermont ditch meets a muddy female firefighter. No snow since November might ruin the town’s annual fire department fundraiser. Can Elinor and Bradley stop their squabbling long enough to Rescue Christmas?

Excerpt from Rescuing Christmas
A lone figure stood on the roof where fire spewed toward the sky. 
“Dear Lord!” Bradley had spotted Elinor. She stood encased in smoke, just below the roof’s peak.
A firefighter raced by him, heading in the other direction. “Sean! Elinor is in trouble. Help her!”
Ignoring Bradley’s plea, Sean disappeared beyond the fire truck. Was he coming back?
Bradley was running before he knew he had moved. He grabbed a helmet and a pair of fire-retardant gloves off the back of the firetruck. Racing to the side of the house where flames licked from an upstairs window, he called up to her. “Elinor! Are you all right?”
She didn’t answer and appeared to be bending over, choking on the smoke. He had to save her, but how? Cinders spewed from the open window, and he tripped over something laying in the grass. “A ladder! Hold on. I’m coming!”
He slapped the helmet on his head, then pulled on the gloves. Seizing the heavy aluminum ladder, he struggled with its weight, but managed to prop it against the house. It barely reached the roofline where he had last seen Elinor.
“Elinor! Walk to the ladder!”
Could she hear him? The smoke was choking him, but he would not leave without her. Elinor must not have spotted it, so he slipped his glasses in his coat pocket and raced up the ladder. The helmet slipped sideways and the gloves were cumbersome, but Elinor’s safety was paramount.
Reaching the top, heavy smoke drifted into his eyes and throat and his cough must have caught her attention. The flames from a hole in the roof had been replaced with smoke, so she jumped over the hole and grabbed the top of the tall ladder.
“What are you doing up here?” she asked.

Buy Links

*coming soon in print! ISBN 978-1697443608

Nancy Lee Badger grew up in Huntington on New York’s Long Island. After attending Plymouth State, in New Hampshire, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree and met and married her college sweetheart. They raised two handsome sons in Rumney, New Hampshire, where Nancy volunteered as an EMT and firefighter while working full-time. When the children had left the nest, and shoveling snow became a chore, she retired from her satisfying job as a 911 Emergency Medical Dispatcher and moved to North Carolina, where she writes full-time. She and family volunteer every fall at the NH Highland Games.

Nancy is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, and the Triangle Association of Freelancers. She loves to travel with her husband and is never far from her laptop. She finds story ideas in the most unusual places. Connect with her here:
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  1. Thank you for hosting me so I could share this new book with your readers!

  2. Congrats, Nancy, and just in time for Christmas. I love that the firefighter is the woman!

  3. I loved this story from start to finish. I always wanted to live in a small town and have the experience of knowing everyone. Congratulations.


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