
Friday, November 15, 2019

Favorite Holiday Memory Blog Hop: ELAINE KAYE #NewRelease

It's so much fun to participate in Elaine Kaye's Favorite Holiday Memory Blog Hop. Elaine has been here before, and so has her daughter Chrys Fey. Welcome back, Elaine.

Blog Hop Question: What is your favorite holiday memory?

My favorite memory is the Christmas I was ten. Leading up to the actual day, I was convinced we were getting a puppy. Christmas Eve, as my sibs and I were supposed to be sleeping, I heard that puppy whining. I was so excited I don't think I slept. When we were finally allowed to get up to open our gifts, I raced around the tree searching for the box with the puppy in it. My brothers were tearing into their gifts, my sister opened hers with more finesse. 

I finally opened my gift. It was not a puppy. Instead, I got a Kodak Brownie Hawkeye camera. 

credit: Wikipedia

Needless to say, I was disappointed. I'm sure my mom must have seen my reaction and that makes me sad. Looking back, that camera was an amazing gift. It started me on my life-long love of photography. I've had many cameras since, but that Hawkeye was the beginning. Better than a puppy. (Not really. ðŸ˜Š )

Now let's learn about Elaine Kaye's new book.

New Picture Book Release from Elaine Kaye:

BLURB: On Christmas Eve, Gregory and Sammy get a special visitor—Santa Claus! Santa brings them on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure around the world and to the North Pole. Bundle up and come along for the ride!

General Age Range - Kids 4-8 (Story Picture Book)

Book Links:


Get Pea Soup Disaster now!
Kindle / Nook / Kobo

About the Author: Elaine Kaye is the author of A Gregory Green Adventure series. She created Gregory Green after her son, who loved her homemade pea soup.

Kaye has worked as a library assistant and teacher's assistant in elementary schools. She currently lives in Florida, but has called Michigan; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Okinawa, Japan home.

Hop around to the other blogs participating:


  1. It is a fabulous gift, but yes, when you're expecting a puppy, nothing else will do.

  2. That camera is awesome! just imagined a puppy whining? Aw.

  3. A camera can never live up to a puppy.

    Thank you for participating in the blog hop!

    1. Not when you're ten. Best wishes on this new book.

  4. I must have. Strange what the mind does.

  5. Seeing your picture of the Brownie brought back memories of my first camera--a Brownie!!! Took black and white pictures and those big bulbs. Oh, the memories. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I remember those big flashbulbs. Boy, were they hot after they went off.

  6. i had numerous disappointments as a child at christmas. there were six of us, but i remember the christmas tree with tons of presents piled under it. i only had one child so i spoiled him rotten with tons of presents. the ones i remember most is the stars wars collectibles. i was the first one there and when i would hear that everyone was running around like a chicken with their head cut off i would laugh because i already had mine. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. LOL One year we gave our son the Millennium Falcon. At the time, I thought it was way too expensive. Amazing how deep Santa's pockets are.

  7. A puppy would have been great, especially when you're a ten-year-old. Also a lot of trouble like feeding and bathing and such, so the camera was the perfect gift. And see, it was just what you needed.

    1. You are so right, Beverly. With seven kids, Mom sure didn't need a puppy, too.

  8. How disappointing for you! When you're a kid, it's hard to appreciate what you have when you're expecting something else. I remember having a Kodak Instamatic, with the flash cubes. I still have a lot of the pictures I took with it, too!

    1. My next camera was an instamatic. I think I still have that one.

  9. Ah I get it but that camera was awesome.

    1. It was. I took pictures with it all through high school.

  10. I'm sure your mom understood even then that the camera would start you on your journey.
    Great post
    Good luck and God's blessings

    1. I think she did, too. It became a custom then that each of us got a camera when we turned 10.

  11. Oh, what a beautiful camera. So, sorry you didn't get your puppy.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I had to wait another 20 years before I got my puppy. That camera, though, was well used before it was replaced.

  12. Childhood disappointments are probably part of what makes us grow. But it's hard for the parents to know their kid isn't excited about a gift.

  13. Oh, what a great post. I remember my first camera with the flash bulbs that many times never went off. I was so excited when I received a Kodak Instamatic where the picture processed and popped out. Thanks for sharing the memories.

  14. I had a Brownie camera when I was a kid. I took my best-ever picture with that camera when I was ten years old. The light was shining a certain way on a closed blue flower in the forest. It was literally a once-in-a-lifetime shot.

  15. That's a great memory. It's funny how sometimes we don't appreciate something at the moment we get it, but later realize how much it really meant.

  16. i enjoyed the post! You must've been dreaming about a puppy ;)

  17. Great gift (though a puppy would have been awesome!).

  18. What a sweet memory. Even though it was disappointing at the time, it was a special gift after all. Your story sounds adorable. Congrats and best wishes!


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