
Saturday, November 30, 2019

#WeWriWa ~ THE SPY: Get In, Get Out, Get Home

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Thanks to everyone who visited last week. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

I'm sharing snippets from The Spy: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 4th book in my series featuring strong women on the frontier of space. Because this is a work in progress, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I'm continuing where I left off last week with Genna in a taxi with an inquisitive driver.

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. 

“Your first time in Eleganza?” the driver persisted in trying to engage her in conversation.
“Vacation or business?”
Chatty guy. If she said business, that would keep the conversation going, then he’d asked what kind of business, and that would require more lies.
“The Reps are in session, you know—no tours.”
“Hmm,” Genna hadn’t known, not that it mattered since she wasn’t planning a tour of anything—Get in, get out, get home—except she had no home. Before leaving on her vacation with Ian, she’d boxed up all her belongings at training camp, awaiting her instructions as to where they should be shipped—which she should find out at headquarters. With any luck, she’d be on her ship—Ian’s ship—and off Bricaldia in an hour, maybe two.

Tentative blurb:

Rookie agent must rescue veteran before his cover is blown.

Genna Nogaro, new to the Coalition of Planets’ Intelligence Commission, is assigned to bring in an undercover operative in Hallart’s organization. More experienced agents died before getting him out. Were they killed by the intergalactic gangster or has the operative gone rogue?

Quintall d’Sernin, con man extraordinaire, infiltrated the mob and moved up to be the gangster’s right-hand man. Hallart has his tentacles throughout the Coalition—business, industry, and government. Quin’s finally worked himself into a valued position. All he needs is the key to mob structure in order for Coalition forces to take down the entire organization.

Genna will pose as a new recruit to distract Hallart long enough for Quin to find the key. If they work together, they can accomplish more. But Quin and Genna’s lives are jeopardized by a mole in the Intelligence Commission. Will their true roles be revealed before they accomplish their goal?


  1. That driver just won't give up. Even with her one word answers, he doesn't get the hint. :-)

  2. I wonder if the driver isn't also some sort of secret agent.

  3. Why do I have the feeling she won't have luck, at least not good luck?! Really enjoying the story and the pacing, which is excellent. Great snippet!

  4. Best laid plans. I get the feeling she won't be off in two hours. Great snippet!

    1. Hah! Just when she thinks she's got it all figured out.

  5. Yeah...he's way more persistent than your average driver... I don't trust him. :-)

  6. I get the feeling her plan isn't going to be a smooth as she believes.

  7. Hmm, why do I think she's being just a tad over optimistic> :)

  8. With that level of persistence, I wonder if the driver is going to pop up elsewhere. And just what is going to disrupt her plans? Because I doubt things are going to go well.


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