
Saturday, January 11, 2020

#WeWriWa ~ The Spy: Genna Has a Mission #sfr

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Thanks to everyone who visited last week. Your support and comments always give me new ideas. I'm sharing snippets from The Spy: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 4th book in my series featuring strong women on the frontier of space. 

Because this is a work in progress, suggestions are greatly appreciated. Genna is at headquarters meeting with the Commissioner of the Clandestine Sector of Coalition of Planets Intelligence. The Commissioner speaks first.

“How do you know all this—you haven’t been out on the Rim for two years.”
“I have friends out there, friends in Security Forces, and I keep tabs on what’s happening there, in the event I ever go back.”
The commissioner tapped his upper lip, “I have a mission for you, in Malcor Sector.”
Relief rushed through her—she did have a job.
He stroked his chin, “Didn’t you serve under Commander Servary on Vesteron Colony?”
She tightened her jaw—the mention of his name brought an ache to her heart, then seeing him today when he didn’t recognize her had transformed that ache into anguish. Controlling her features, she forced herself not to reveal her feelings.
Oblivious, Vorinda went on, “Servary cleaned up the mess his predecessor left behind when he retired—too bad he isn’t still with Security. Weren’t you and he . . . close at one time?”
Helpless to prevent the heat that crept up her neck and into her cheeks, she said, “Yes, sir.”

Tentative blurb:

Rookie agent must rescue veteran before his cover is blown.

Genna Nogaro, new to the Coalition of Planets’ Intelligence Commission, is assigned to bring in an undercover operative in Hallart’s organization. More experienced agents died before getting him out. Were they killed by the intergalactic gangster or has the operative gone rogue?

Quintall d’Sernin, con man extraordinaire, infiltrated the mob and moved up to be the gangster’s right-hand man. Hallart has his tentacles throughout the Coalition—business, industry, and government. Quin’s finally worked himself into a valued position. All he needs is the key to mob structure in order for Coalition forces to take down the entire organization.

Genna will pose as a new recruit to distract Hallart long enough for Quin to find the key. If they work together, they can accomplish more. But Quin and Genna’s lives are jeopardized by a mole in the Intelligence Commission. Will their true roles be revealed before they accomplish their goal?


  1. Ah, the plot thickens. This isn't just a job. It's personal.

  2. How rude of the boss to bring up something so personal! I wonder if he thinks it may have bearing on her mission somehow? Still, their relationship should be none of his business! Great snippet!

    1. He's more oblivious. Has his mind on something important and isn't thinking.

  3. Oh, I like how this is developing!

  4. He's definitely being very personal with her. I wonder why.

  5. She is in trouble if he asks too many questions. Terrific snippet.

    1. He's probing a little too deep. Thanks, Charmaine.

  6. Uh oh, I have a bad feeling about this! Very realistic reaction on her part, I thought. Can't wait to see what happens next - enjoyed the snippet!

  7. I'm curious to know more. I'm wondering what his point is in bringing up her past relationship or a least hinting she had one.

    1. Maybe he's trying to figure out how she's going to fit in.

  8. Intriguing snippet, I agree about it seeming to be rather intrusive of her boss to enquire about her previous relationship - unless he thinks it may have some bearing on the mission of course.

  9. This is an intriguing snippit. I'm interested to learn more about her prior relationship.

  10. Busted. How humiliating for her. But I'm sure she's about to rise above it.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. The way he went beyond being inquisitive --to intrusive makes me wonder just what he's up to!

    Good snippet, Diane. I am intrigued. Looking forward to reading this one!


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