
Saturday, February 15, 2020

#WeWriWa ~ THE SPY: Genna Must Infiltrate The Mob #sfr

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Thanks to all who visited last week. I was late getting around to everyone. Seems last Sunday I broke my foot. Don't know how, but it hurt like crazy.

I'm sharing snippets from The Spy: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 4th book in my series featuring strong women on the frontier of space. 

Because this is a work in progress, suggestions are greatly appreciated. Genna is at headquarters meeting with the Commissioner of the Clandestine Sector of Coalition of Planets Intelligence. The Commissioner told Genna that two handlers have died trying to bring in the spy whose cover is blown. Genna's mission is to find the agent and bring him to HQ.

“I pay attention to trainees with potential,” Vorinda’s lips curved slightly, “I’ve watched your progress, Genna, you give me hope for the next generation.”
By the Matriarch, how did she respond to his compliment?
She didn’t need to as Vorinda went on, “Your mission, once you arrive on Galeriana, is to play up your distrust of the Coalition—your anger over the way Servary treated you. You want to get even with him and more importantly the Coalition that allowed him to fire you without cause.” He forestalled her protest with a dismissive hand, “No one there knows the real situation—unless you mentioned it,” He raised his eyebrow.
“No, sir, I left Mag Prime like a whipped caninus with its tail between its legs.”
“Good, good. You can start at that tavern in Astron Colony.”
“I’m unsure how that will . . .”
“To rescue our agent, you will infiltrate Hallart’s organization.”

Tentative blurb:

Rookie agent must rescue veteran before his cover is blown.

Genna Nogaro, new to the Coalition of Planets’ Intelligence Commission, is assigned to bring in an undercover operative in Hallart’s organization. More experienced agents died before getting him out. Were they killed by the intergalactic gangster or has the operative gone rogue?

Quintall d’Sernin, con man extraordinaire, infiltrated the mob and moved up to be the gangster’s right-hand man. Hallart has his tentacles throughout the Coalition—business, industry, and government. Quin’s finally worked himself into a valued position. All he needs is the key to mob structure in order for Coalition forces to take down the entire organization.

Genna will pose as a new recruit to distract Hallart long enough for Quin to find the key. If they work together, they can accomplish more. But Quin and Genna’s lives are jeopardized by a mole in the Intelligence Commission. Will their true roles be revealed before they accomplish their goal?


  1. That's definitely a huge mission and could turn bad in so many ways.

  2. They're really throwing her into the deep end. I hope they at least brief her thoroughly.

  3. Oh boy! Here it starts! I bet it's going to be a wild ride. I love your heroines!

  4. Count me in, Diane. You have a charming way to tell your story.

  5. What a mission! I hope she's not in over her head (although I suspect it will be a close thing!). Great snippet!

    1. She's in over her head, all right. Thanks, Jenna.

  6. Okay - she has her orders - make trouble!

  7. Simple enough - just infiltrate then rescue an agent - how much trouble could someone get into?

    1. You'd be surprised, Daryl. lol Thanks for tweeting.

  8. He seems pretty willing to throw another agent into the fire. Hope the plan is better this time!

  9. Nice set up for either a Hail Mary play or purposeful disaster. I'm wondering if he really wants her to be successful.

  10. She has a huge challenge ahead of her all right but it sounds like her cover story will hold water so that's a plus. Can't wait to read more! Enjoyed the snippet as the plot unfolds...well, what we think we can see of it so far LOL. I know you've got twists and turns ahead!

    1. Oh, I hope so, Veronica. I'm mean there are twists, I just hope they're a surprise.

  11. Sounds like she has her work cut out for her. Can't wait to see what happens!

  12. Hope the foot is healing, Diane - I'm late myself this week, having come down with a heavy cold, but enjoyed your snippet as always, she's certainly being thrown in at the deep end!

  13. Oh boy, sounds like things are going to amp up.

  14. Nothing like being thrown into the deep end. At least she has a starting point rather than going in completely clueless.


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