
Saturday, March 21, 2020

#WeWriWa ~ THE SPY: Master of Disguises #sfr

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

My apologies for last weekend. I lost track of days. Seriously. I didn't realize it was Sunday until late in the afternoon. With all the closures here, our lives are disrupted--as I'm sure yours are. Thanks for understanding.

I'm sharing snippets from The Spy: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 4th book in my series featuring strong women on the frontier of space. 

Because this is a work in progress, suggestions are greatly appreciated. Genna is in Commission Vorinda's office. While Genna was thinking about d'Sernin and his sister, the new handler droned on.

“. . . master of disguises,” The handler interrupted Genna’s thoughts, “He can be anyone—you could pass him on the street and never recognize him.”
“Are you speaking of d’Sernin or Hallart?” Vorinda asked.
She should have paid more attention, but the handler liked to hear himself speak, plus he was sucking up to Vorinda and made the mistake of assuming the commissioner didn’t notice.
“Both--d'Sernin employs disguises,” During his lengthy discourse, the handler barely glanced at her. Initially, he’d dismissed her as being unimportant; instead, he concentrated on Vorinda. “But it’s rumored Hallart is a transformer. The gangster can change shape, be anyone or anything he wants--like the Coalition President.”

Tentative blurb:

Rookie agent must rescue veteran before his cover is blown.

Genna Nogaro, new to the Coalition of Planets’ Intelligence Commission, is assigned to bring in an undercover operative in Hallart’s organization. More experienced agents died before getting him out. Were they killed by the intergalactic gangster or has the operative gone rogue?

Quintall d’Sernin, con man extraordinaire, infiltrated the mob and moved up to be the gangster’s right-hand man. Hallart has his tentacles throughout the Coalition—business, industry, and government. Quin’s finally worked himself into a valued position. All he needs is the key to mob structure in order for Coalition forces to take down the entire organization.

Genna will pose as a new recruit to distract Hallart long enough for Quin to find the key. If they work together, they can accomplish more. But Quin and Genna’s lives are jeopardized by a mole in the Intelligence Commission. Will their true roles be revealed before they accomplish their goal?

Please stay safe during this pandemic.


  1. Uh oh! A transformer??? How the heck do you figure out who he is before it's too late?? Is she having second thoughts yet? Maybe even third or fourth thoughts??

    This is a fantastic twist in this story! Oh...the possibilities...

  2. A shapeshifter presents an interesting challenge. He could be anybody, even the fellow who likes to hear himself talk!

  3. I like the little touch of having the handler pay more attention to Vorinda than her. Quite believable, and a nice bit of characterization.

  4. This mission seems to be getting more and more impossible sounding.

    1. Maybe she should quit??? Nah. She's so eager to prove herself.

  5. As always, I have a bad feeling there is trouble.

  6. Replies
    1. If one were to see him in his original form. Usually, he's quite handsome.

  7. Ooh, scary thought, that this person can transform to look like anyone...nice plot twist there! Enjoyed the snippet...

    1. Thanks, Veronica. Right, you never know who you're really talking to.

  8. A master of disguises and a transformer? Shouldn't be a problem at all...

  9. I'd give anything to be a transformer, especially when all the beauty shops are closed! This is such an intriguing premise with endless possibilities. Wishing you all the best on this exciting WIP, Diane! Take care.


    1. Thanks, Julie. I needed a haircut before COVID started. By the time we're done, I'll look horrible. lol

  10. If he can transform into anyone, this will make it difficult to find him. Intriguing plot.

  11. If he's a transformer he could be anyone. She's got her work cut out for her.

  12. Boy, her job just got even more difficult if the guy's a transformer. he could literally be anyone! Great device!

  13. Ooooh! Her job just got tougher. Nice complication, Di!!

  14. Interesting snippet.

    Keep smiling,


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