
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

#IWSG: Staying at Home

Happy Insecure Writers Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

I'm pleased to join this month's awesome co-hosts: JH Moncrieff, Anna @ Emaginette, Karen @ Reprobate Typewriter, Erika Beebe, and Lisa Buie-Collard!

The IWSG’s focus is on our writers. Each month, from all over the globe, we are a united group sharing our insecurities, our troubles, and our pain. So, in this time when our world is in crisis with the covid-19 pandemic, our optional question this month is: how are things in your world?

Lonely. It would be lonelier, if I didn't have my husband. It's the rest of the family I miss. Since we're in that 65+ group with underlying health issues, at the very beginning, our kids decided to not visit or bring the grandkids around. Which we appreciate. We're making do with FaceTime. The twins shout "Hi, Nana!"; "Hi, Papa!" as they crawl on top of the kitchen counter to get closer to DIL's iPad. Then, they put their faces right next to the screen, and I get to see what they had for dinner. LOL Their almost-5-yr-old sister hides under a blanket or the table. Who knows why! The older grandkids tell us what they're studying at "school" and show off the chocolate chip cookies they just made. 

As much fun as all that is, it's not the same as being with them in person. That's what I miss. The hugs and kisses. And crawling into my lap along with "read me a story!" 

This whole thing has been a learning curve. I learned how to order groceries online for pick up. (That is really slick!) And I learned how to do a TeleVisit with my doctor. I found old movies (The Court Jester and Second Hand Lions, etc.) Mostly I've learned we are all in this together and complaining does no good. It could be worse. I (or family members) could be nurses/healthcare workers. We've self-isolated from the beginning. I was already confined to the recliner because of my broken foot. 

What I haven't done is work on my WIP. Since I've been stalled for so long, I don't feel too guilty writing something new. At least, I'm writing, even if it's very little. My mind keeps going off on tangents, and I can't concentrate. I remember feeling this way after 9-11.

I'm trying not to obsess over the pandemic. I'm doing what our governor mandated--staying home. I also try not to watch too much TV coverage. I'm proud of our governor (Michigan) who closed schools immediately, then closed restaurants and gathering places, followed by the stay-at-home order. She was well ahead of most states and the country as a whole trying to contain the pandemic. I'm scared that the orders may be rescinded too soon, and the virus returns stronger. I'm grateful Hubs and I are retired, and we aren't in the situation of so many whose jobs are either gone or on hold. 

So, I'm doing my part not to spread the virus and trying to stay optimistic that "this too shall pass." I pray that all of you and your families are safe.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. The Court Jester is fantastic company during an isolated afternoon.

    1. The vessel with the pestle... When I saw it was on, I had to watch. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. It may be hard but keep it up.
    We closed schools and restaurants almost three weeks ago but stay at home just recently came. Hopefully it's enough to keep our state above water.

  3. I don't recommend binge watching the news. It's mostly 'content.' I get updates from a legit source and move on. As a writer it's better for my head space. Stay well! Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. Thanks, CV. You are so right. I ration the news I watch. I know they have to fill the lime allotted, but it just raises my anxiety. Stay safe.

  4. I miss hugs the most. I'm glad you are able to see your grand kids and hope your foot heals. Thank you for being a co-host.

    1. Thanks, Liza. I'll never take hugs for granted again. Stay safe.

  5. I understand your dilemma. If it wasn't for Facetime and pictures being sent to my phone, I wouldn't see my grandbabies. I do miss their hugs and kisses. The world has turned upside down. I'm praying for this virus to weaken and go away. Stay healthy and you're doing the right thing by staying home, as everyone can learn a lesson from you.

    1. Thanks, Cathrina. I hope your prayers and mine are answered soon. Stay safe.

  6. Hi,
    I think one of the major problems is that people are watching too much coverage over what's happening and it sends them in a panic mode.

    It is good to hear that you and your hubby are okay and that your children love you so much that they stay away so that they can have you around for a long while. That is commendable.

    Take care and continue to stay safe and thanks for co-hosting.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks, Pat. You are always so upbeat. Panicking, freaking out doesn't help anyone. Stay safe.

  7. It sounds like you and your hubby have it under control. I think my husband and I are doing the best we can. It's difficult at times and easy at other times. Much like life. Take care, Diane, and stay safe. Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thank you so much, Joylene. Doing the best we can is all we can do. Stay safe.

  8. "This too shall pass". I'm hanging onto that one. When grandguy gets picked up Thurs, it'll be just the three of us so I anticipate isolation on our three separate floors or Hunger Games. LOL! Thanks for co-hosting this month!

    1. Hey, Nancy. Glad you're okay. Hunger Games??? LOL Hang in there. We'll see each other when this is all over. Stay safe.

  9. Aww your grandkids sound cute. The televisit is something I need to figure out for my youngest and his allergy doc. Haven't done so yet. I have gotten into the "fun" of binge watching shows. Currently my teen and I are working our way through Leverage.

    1. Leverage is great. We watched it when it was out originally and now rewatching. If the doc's office calls ahead of time and walks you through setting up a televisit on your phone, it's not that hard. Of course, after all that, they had problems with the server and had to do FaceTime. LOL Stay safe.

  10. Oh, that must be so hard not to be able to see the grandkids in person :(

    It's been interesting to see how variable state responses have been to the virus. Florida has only been putting restrictions in place mostly on a county-by-county basis.

    I know what you mean about not being able to concentrate on your WIP. I'm struggling with that as well.

    1. It is hard not to see them. Then I thank God we have the resources to "see" them and talk to them. I hope you're able to concentrate soon. Stay safe.

  11. Thanks for your post and for serving as cohost this month. I send my best wishes to you and your husband during these difficult times.

  12. I'm glad you are doing well. Missing my sons makes me melancholy too. I've got to get up on skype or face time. I closed off my computer camera and now have to figure out how to use it properly. I'm a dunce at those things, but I'll figure it out sooner or later!

    1. LOL, Yolanda. Apparently, I'm the guinea pig in our house. Hubs had a televisit tomorrow so he watched what I did. I hope you get to see your sons soon, if only via technology. Stay safe.

  13. I too take seriously that 'protect our oldsters' mandate. Facetime is wonderful, isn't it? My sister and I use FB Messenger because she doesn't have the iPhone. We will get through this.

    1. Thanks, Jacqui. I love technology. We can keep our distances yet still see each other. One of my sisters doesn't have a smart phone. We actually use our phones to call. Imagine that. LOL Or we email. I agree that we'll get thru this. Stay safe.

  14. So glad you're able to FaceTime with you grand babies. I'm sure it helps. We've FaceTimed with my mom a few times. She's in a nursing home and the CNAs have been super helpful setting up our calls. She doesn't know how to use the phone all the time (30 years MS & 2 yrs dementia). It's been hard on my dad, who still lives in their house. We're all going to hang in there together, though. Take care, and thank you for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks, S.A. Those grandbabies only live 5 miles away. It might as well be 500. But better to be safe. It must be very hard not to be able to see your mom. Dementia is horrible. Mom had Alzheimers. I'm just glad she's not here to experience this. Take care of yourself.

  15. It's weird being in that over 65 group... I too have learned how to do a televisit with my doctor...

    I think (I HOPE) what we are learning from all of this is that we, as a people and country are very touchy, feely, huggy. In taking it for granted we didn't realize how much we'd miss it, or how important it is to us. Now we do. Let us never forget.

    Stay safe, stay well.

    1. Thanks, Bish. You're right. I won't take hugs and visits for granted ever again. Stay safe.

  16. Face-time and Zoom are huge blessings right now. I really appreciate being able to see friends and family, even if I do miss hugging them.
    My writing focus has changed during this time. I am working on two projects:
    1. Journaling out all the emotions. Then, finding quotes, Bible verses, and prayers to write into the journal, too.
    2. Writing a super fluffy, fun novelette in flash fiction sized chunks.
    For some reason, this is all my brain can handle right now. My other WIPs are sitting on the sidelines for now.
    Hope you stay safe and keep writing!

    1. Thanks, Tyrean. I haven't tried Zoom yet. That's probably the next step. I've tried journaling but never follow through. Maybe I need to start. Stay safe.

  17. Aww, it must be so hard to stay away from grandkids! I kind of keep looking at this whole thing as some kind of an experiment or game. I do NOT look forward to the day it settles into my brain as reality.

    1. It is, Nicki. They only live 5 miles away and we saw them at least once a week. But we'll get through this. Reality hit me right away. Hubs thought it was a big news hype. He seemed to listen to our daughter, though. Stay safe.

  18. We've been using Skype for years to keep in touch with the grandparents in Europe. So much better than just the telephone when I was younger, but it's still not the same, is it? Hang in there!

    1. Thanks. I used Skype before we had smart phones. So glad you can keep in touch with your family. I hope they're safe. Stay safe.

  19. I've discovered online grocery pick up over a month ago and I will never go back! Glad you are doing okay.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. Hubs enjoys shopping, so I didn't try ordering online. He was so surprised when the shopper put the groceries in the car. I'll definitely do it again. Stay safe.

  20. Glad you are staying in isolation at this time, that's the best thing to do. Stay safe.

  21. I miss seeing everyone in person. I had a trip planned to go to Boston over Easter. I've only seen my daughter in person twice in the last year. We Facetime too but like you said not the same. I love Second Hand Lions.

    1. I'm so sorry you can't see your daughter. That would be awful. Yet, thank goodness for technology. Lions made me laugh, something that we're not doing enough of right now.

  22. Glad you and your husband are doing okay.

    How about reading to your grandkids via video? It's not the same, I know, but maybe they'd enjoy hearing a story from you that way?

    Thank you for co-hosting!

  23. I'm glad to hear your State acted so quickly. That's a great thing--so many didn't.

    It sounds to me like you're doing the best you can. I can't write right now at all. It can be difficult with something so terrible going on around us. So please don't beat yourself up if you're not as productive as hoped.

    Hugs to you.

    1. Returning the hugs, J.H. I hope we can find a way to write something, anything. The blogs help. Thanks for co-hosting this month. I always enjoy it.

  24. Yes, being alone during this lengthy quarantine is difficult. Hope you're at least talking on the phone or messaging each other. That helps.

    1. We're talking, texting, checking up on each other (rather, they're checking up on us). So grateful for all the concern. Being alone during this time must be devastating. Stay safe.

  25. Thanks for hosting this month! I hope you stay happy and healthy. I'm glad your family was using precautions!

  26. We sheltered in place in Illinois quickly, as well. Lots of texting and telephone calls (I know, so archaic!). We're also retired, so don't have the burden of lost employment. But my sister and daughter are both nurses and front and center, so I have a lot of concern for them and all of their counterparts.

    I haven't been working on my revision, but a lot of poetry is finding it's way to the paper. So odd, but strangely satisfying. Stay safe!!

    1. So glad you're taking precautions. LOL about talking on the phone. My prayers go out to your sister and daughter. They are the real superheroes. I hope they stay safe and you do, too.

  27. As hard as it is, you are doing everything right. Keep at it. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  28. Missing family is the worst for so many. Hopefully, these trying times will pass. Soon-ish, maybe.

  29. What wonderful ages to "watch" those little grandkids. They grow up so fast. Sounds like you are being "good." Keep it up. Yes, this will pass. I wonder, will you order groceries online after it's all gone? New worlds open up when it's a necessity to change.
    JQ Rose

    1. Those boys are just learning to talk (where we can understand them). So much fun, even if it's via technology. I would definitely order online again and after this is over. Hubs likes to shop (strange man) so maybe we'll compromise.

  30. My mom is getting really bored being by herself in the senior living complex. Everyone is staying in their rooms, and I didn't visit her last week. This week, she's decided to have me visit. That's how desperate she is for company.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month!

    1. Thanks, Ken. I would probably go mad staying in one room all the time. Will they let you visit? Here, they won't. People stand outside windows and talk via phones. How hard that must be. Stay safe.

  31. Long-distance grandkids are amazing, too. I'm so glad that the internet and phones exist so everyone can stay connected through all this. Happy IWSG Day.

    1. You're right, Karen. We're lucky our kids live close. DIL's parents don't, so they do FaceTime a lot. We are so fortunate to visit via technology. Stay safe.

  32. Your grandchildren sound delightful, Diane! The five-year-old reminds me of my sister Donnie. She was always dragging her "blankie" around, and she frequently hid under it if she was feeling timid or shy. Donnie grew up to be a fierce corporate lawyer ~ LOL. I'm grateful to be retired, too. I have fewer worries than a lot of people, because I've had a lifetime to save and a wealth of experience to know I can make it through tough times. May your loved ones stay safe and healthy!

    1. Thanks so much, Louise. Is your sister's real name Donna? Mine is, too. You're right about a lifetime to save so we're okay now. I hate reading our financial statements and tell myself it's all on paper now. We can weather this. Stay safe.

  33. It really isn't the same as snuggles, but I'm also grateful the kids can Facetime with my mom. Stay safe and healthy!

    1. Thanks, S.E. Not the same but better than nothing. Stay safe.

  34. It sounds like you're adjusting pretty well. I like your focus on "This, too, shall pass." It will, and hopefully nothing like it will come again any time soon. Both of those movies you mentioned are great for spending an afternoon or evening, particularly the Court Jester. Love that movie. Thank you for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks, Lori. I have to stay positive. Crying, ranting, complaining won't help. Old movies bring such fun and make me forget reality for a little while. Stay safe.

  35. I'm glad you're doing okay, though I understand about how video is lovely, but not the same as live and in person. Hopefully the precautions will shorten our separations! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. Thanks, Samantha. We can only do the best we can. I hope the separations are worth all we're going through.

  36. Once this is past, and you are all well and safe, you can heartily say "Well, I did my part and it worked." Tough now, but later you will reap the rewards in hugs and kisses :)

    1. You gave me a big smile, Dolorah. Thanks. Stay safe.

  37. It is best for over 60's like us to stay home and connect with friends and family remotely. I loved reading about how you are spending your days. Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG. Stay safe.

    1. Thanks, Kalpana. Yep, we're in that group that must take care of ourselves and self-isolate. First time doing nothing is the right thing to do. :) Hope you stay safe, too.

  38. My mother feels the same as you. It's smart, but yes, definitely lonely. I'm happy you are well and hopefully well is what you and your husband will stay. Your governor sounds like a thoughtful person for all :)

    1. Smart but lonely. Yep. FaceTime, Skype, Zoom are miracles that help us stay in touch. Sometimes, we even use the telephone. LOL Stay safe.

  39. Glad things are going okay in your corner of the world. I hope they don't send the kids back to school anytime soon either. I'd rather stay home too long than not long enough. I do feel bad for the senior high school students. This is such a tough time to be stuck at home.

    1. Thanks, Tamara. Our governor just said no school until the fall. That probably strikes terror in the hearts of many parents. I feel for the h.s. seniors, too. So sad. Stay safe.

  40. I'm in the health-risk category, too, so I've been gradually minimizing my time outdoors. It is a little lonely. I live with my younger sister, and our friends are literally a walk away, but we can't go see them. Buh. At least we talk in a group chat.

    1. Thanks, Debra. I think the loneliness is probably the worst--short of being sick. Not being able to visit with friends and family is difficult. But, we must take care of ourselves and each other. Stay safe.

  41. Hi Diane!
    I appreciate your candor. While I am used to, and perfectly happy in frequent solitude, this business of having no choice in the matter is disconcerting. There’s suddenly a whole new spin on the word “Non-essential” and I don’t like feeling like that particular definition. I do, however, love being reacquainted with nature and having the time to savor it.
    Family face-time sounds like such fun! A bit of normalcy with a techno twist 😉
    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks, Diedre. A lack of choice is tough. I guess we do have a choice--obey the procedures or not and risk getting or spreading this disease. We'll learn something important from this crisis. Stay safe.

  42. FaceTime has been a great blessing, but you're right: It's not the same as a real hug from the ones we love. At least it will pass in time. Keep staying safe!

    1. Thanks, Lynda. We'll get through this. And that will make the hugs even more precious. Stay safe, too.

  43. I'm sorry about your foot but I suppose if there was ever a better time to be down with a broken bone, it would be now.
    Online grocery shopping is great even though 1/2 my order is out of stock and honestly I'm enjoying the tela doctor and trauma therapy sessions in my pj's.
    Stay safe and healthy!

    1. Thanks, Doreen. Yep, a great time to be laid up. Everything's better in our pj's. LOL

  44. Because of my hubby's compromised immune system while he's been going through numerous cancer treatments, we've been kinda self-isolating long before it became the new norm. That means we haven't seen our kids and grandkids in the flesh for a loooooong time, so I know how you feel. Hang in there. Like you said, this, too, shall pass.

  45. Susan, my heart goes out to you & your hubby as you manage self-isolation. All we can do is wait this out, take precautions and hope. Missing those kiddos is harder than I expected. I have seen them from a distance as their mom hangs things on our door knob before getting back in the car where the kids & I wave at each other.

  46. Yes, ordering groceries for pickup has really helped me during this time, too. We're all lucky that these things were in place before all this happened.

    Stay safe!

  47. Thanks for co-hosting this month and for stopping by my blog.
    I can't imagine what you are feeling as a mother and grandmother. We are blessed to have technology but hugs and kisses are better.
    Glad you are doing, at least, a little writing.
    Stay safe.

  48. Thanks for co-hosting this month! Your grandkids sound adorable. I have my hsuband and my two kids next to me. Plus, as I'm an introvert I've been going with the flow with the stay at home order. Like you, I'm worried about the stay at home order being lifted too soon. Currently I'm working from home but my job is in DC. And to get there I share rides with strangers, Uber and use the metro.
    Glad you started taking precautions early. Stay safe.


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