
Saturday, April 18, 2020

#WeWriWa ~ THE SPY: Quin's Not Such a Bad Guy #sfr

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

I'm sharing snippets from The Spy: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 4th book in my series featuring strong women on the frontier of space. 

Because this is a work in progress, suggestions are greatly appreciated. Genna is in Commission Vorinda's office. He's given her a document to read that reports what Quin d'Sernin has done to earn a rescue--Genna's mission. I hope this gives you a better perspective on the agent in peril.

Quintall d’Sernin deserved a medal for the work he’d done to maintain peace in the Central District—he’d thwarted three presidential assassination attempts, his information led to the capture of five gangster wannabes, Hallart’s competition. Genna bet that endeared him to the gangster. Because of Quintall’s actions, his sister and the president of the Coalition’s son escaped the bombardment and destruction of Hallart’s hidden base.
She knew firsthand about the last—she and Laning Servary had been on a mission to rescue Trevarr Jovano, but they’d gotten to the destroyed compound too late. Celara and Trevarr would have been buried alive if not for d’Sernin’s actions.
Okay, he risked his life and his mission to save his sister. She was family—big deal. Then, Genna thought more, she had to quit being so impulsive. By rescuing Trevarr and Celara, Quin could have blown his cover, or at least made Hallart question his loyalty.

Hubs and I have sheltered-in-place since mid-March. Like so many during the corona virus pandemic, we have "cabin fever." But to protect ourselves, we do want we need to do and, so far, we're okay. I hope you're staying safe, too.


  1. Charmaine Gordon: Diana, I'm thrilled reading your work. Lots of excitement Best always to you.

  2. He sounds like he's been involved in many life-threatening missions. And now she's about to be involved in one to rescue him. Stay safe and healthy!!

  3. Nice resume! But she's wise to be cautious.

  4. He's certainly proven himself worthy of being rescued, but it also makes you wonder how someone so seemingly invincible has found himself in peril. Great work!

    1. Thanks, Julie. Maybe he's taken too many chances???

  5. Certainly does show more about the agent's determination and accomplishments. I got a little lost in the second paragraph - all the names threw me. But of course if we were reading along in the novel, I'm sure it all flows...tricky to get the whole story in snippets! The third paragraph confused me too. So she's contemptuous that he risked his life to save his sister? And then what is she being impulsive about herself? and then she's criticizing him for saving his sister? Wouldn't she admire him for bringing it off and not blowing his cover in the process? Maybe I need more tea today though LOL so take me with a grain of salt. HUGS!

    1. No, I think you hit on something there, Veronica. I'll rework that. She jumps to conclusions too quickly. Returning your hug. Stay safe.

  6. So the rescuer needs rescuing. Must be big trouble indeed!

  7. Ahh, but Quin also revealed a weakness, family.

  8. He seems like a solid dude, he cares so much about his family but that is also his weakness.

  9. We understand so much more about him now.

  10. Sounds like a hero. Definitely doesn’t live a boring life!

    Keep smiling,

  11. She does seem to be a little too judgmental. Glad she caught that in herself. I wonder if she has family and what she'd do if in a similar situation. Great snippet for getting a deeper perspective!

  12. After doing so much for other influential people I wonder if they can be called upon to return the favour. Then again, if the gangsters are involved it might be more trouble than they're worth.

    Also Hubby and I are also sheltering in place, it's been about a month now. It's a difficult time but we're doing our part to keep our community safe. Be strong, we'll get through this together :)

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Oh it is...that sneaky little bit of admiration is starting to slip in. Fun ahead! :-)

    I'm still working. Wearing a mask all day at work. Allowing 6 feet minimum. They've removed most of the lunch tables, leaving four spaced far apart. Each table has one chair turned toward the outside wall. We have a checklist when we enter the building. Sanitize hands. Take temperature. Fill out checklist and initial. Not fun times. I guess it's tough the whole way around. We just need to get through it...just stay alive. :-)


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