
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

#30 Days of Gratitude - Day Two: Sunny Days

"Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away..." I always loved the intro theme for Sesame Street. 

Nothing depresses me more than gray skies. Winter in Michigan
, especially November and February, is filled with gray skies. I didn't realize how accustomed I was to the gray until we moved to Missouri. I wrote my mom, "It's January and the sun is shining! All the time!" 

When the sun is out, I have all kinds of energy. I'm eager to get things done. I want to write.

For several years, we would visit our son in the winter when he lived in Arizona. What a difference in my mental health. All that sunshine! As much as we love that he and his family now live a short distance away, I do miss going to AZ or anywhere south. With covid, we didn't travel south this year. Again, I noticed the difference in my energy and creative level. Zilch.

 Living near around the Great Lakes is wonderful in the summer, spring, and fall. But winter is not good. 

Vitamin D supplements help a little. 
Our daughter gave me a "happy" lamp, one that's supposed to replicate the benefits of sunshine, especially for those who have SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I guess I'm ready for the gray days ahead.

I've learned to appreciate and be grateful for the sunny days.

Do sunny days affect you? What about the gray ones?

Here's info about the #30 Days of Gratitude.

Join in the fun! Here's the Form: 30 Days of Gratitude 2020 Blog Hop

Stop by Tara Tyler's blog to see who else is participating.

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