
Sunday, November 8, 2020

#30 Days of Gratitude - Day 13: Books

If I said all I want about books, you would be reading this post until tomorrow. LOL So, I'll make it much shorter. Books are essential to my life. They entertain, educate, and help me escape from life's nastiness, like the pandemic and the division in our country. I'd rather read than watch TV.

Several years ago, my eye doctor told me I had cataracts. I dreaded what I knew was coming--eye surgery. No way! What if I lost my sight? I wouldn't be able to read. I knew I could listen to audio books, which I've done on long commutes. But my fear of losing my sight overwhelmed me. Eventually, cataracts dulled my sight enough that I had to face the inevitable. 

I am so grateful for the surgeon who returned my sight and made it better. Since I had severe astigmatism, I had an optional type of lens that took away most of the astigmatism. I could see well without glasses for the first time since I was 3 years old. For small print and the computer, I still need glasses. I can handle that. I have my sight. I can read.

Whether you love to hold a physical book or read on an electronic reader (like me), books enrich our lives. We give thanks for the people who write those wonderful books.

Here's info about the #30 Days of Gratitude.

Join in the fun! Here's the Form: 30 Days of Gratitude 2020 Blog Hop

Stop by Tara Tyler's blog to see who else is participating.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Alex. I hope my example will help others who fear the surgery the way I did.

  2. Your sight is definitely something to be grateful for. Glad the surgery went well.


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