
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

#30 Days of Gratitude - Day 29: Guilty Pleasures


I love to read in bed. Hubs doesn't mind. LOL He just pulls the covers over his head, even though I turn out the light. Often, I'll be so engaged by a story that I read into the wee hours.

Unlike my mom, mother-in-law, and most women, I'm not that fond of chocolate. Heresy, I know. Now, mix chocolate with ice cream . . . mmm.

Movies. Either at home or in the theater (not now, of course), I love movies. Like books, movies transport me to another place or time, even another world. Give me an action-adventure flick or a romantic comedy and I'm thrilled.

I'm thankful I can enjoy all my guilty pleasures.

What are yours?


Here's info about the #30 Days of Gratitude.

It's not too late to join in. Here's the Form: 30 Days of Gratitude 2020 Blog Hop

Stop by Tara Tyler's blog to see who else is participating.


  1. I don't even eat chocolate. But give me those Pumpkin Mallowcreams around Halloween and I go nuts.

  2. LOL My weakness around Halloween is Reese p-nut butter cups. I like peanut butter & chocolate better than chocolate & ice cream.


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