
Saturday, January 2, 2021

WeWriWa - The Fabulous Fiancé: Don't Go There

 Welcome to the Weekend Writing Warriors 

Happy New Year, all. After a 5-month hiatus, I'm back and starting the new year right. One of my goals is to rejoin WeWriWa. I've missed you guys and your stories. My apologies for leaving you hanging back in July. My life was in turmoil. Consequently, The Spy is in limbo. 

I'm sharing a snippet from the 2nd Alex O'Hara mystery novel, The Case of the Fabulous Fiancé. Alex is a P.I. in the small Lake Michigan resort town. She's not as financially desperate as she was in the first novel, thanks to the Feds who rewarded her for capturing an assassin.


She’s at it again. Alex O’Hara just can’t say no to a new investigation. What do a 45-year-old boyfriend, a deadbeat dad, and a teenage runaway have in common? All new cases. With no receptionist, phone and internet problems, and her own boyfriend in the wind, Alex has no idea how she’ll manage. But the question for the past three months is why did Nick disappear. Is this the end of O’Hara & Palzetti? 


“Lexie, hold up.”

I looked around to see who was calling me by my childhood name—as if I didn’t recognize her voice. A watery sun shone through the trees of Riverside Park. I’d been on autopilot on my morning run since leaving downtown Far Haven. When I looked over my shoulder, I tripped on a tree root. Klutzy Alex O’Hara strikes again.

Windmilling my arms, I righted myself before doing a face plant in the snow. Dottie Matthews, in bright red sweats and a gray vest with fluorescent green stripes, staggered up to me.

“Hey, girl.” Dottie leaned over, hands on her knees, and panted. “Were you ignoring me?”

I jogged in place. “No. Just thinking.”

“About Nick? Have you heard from him yet?”

“Don’t go there, Dottie.”

My best friend since kindergarten knew all my secrets regarding Nick “The Rat” Palzetti. She knew more than she should about his return last October and my falling in love with him. With interrogation techniques honed on three preschoolers, she also knew about his disappearance over two months ago.

And a little more:

“Any news from Chief Hoesen?” she asked.

“I told you before. No. Now stop asking.”

“You have to give me more than that.”

“No, I don’t.”

She didn’t need to know he’d check hospitals and morgues in a fifty-mile radius from Far Haven. And on his own time. Our chief of police could be discreet when he wanted to.

“C’mon . . . what did your . . . investigation . . . turn up?” Her words came out in clumps. She was getting winded. “I can’t believe . . .he left you on Christmas Eve—”

“I know exactly when he left, Dorothy.”

“—and on your—”

“If you keep talking, I’m going to leave you in the dust.”

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Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week!



  1. Sounds like there's some animosity between them. Nice snippet! Great to see you back!

  2. Welcome back!!! I have missed you too! :-)

    Their friendship chemistry comes through loud and clear in this snippet.

    I hope you get back to The Spy soon. :-)

    It really is good to see you back here. Hugs...

    1. Thanks, Teresa. Alex & Dottie go back a long way--to kindergarten.

  3. Hey, welcome back, Diane. Your detective sounds it's her sidekick who's the clumsy one.

    1. Thanks, Ed. The two of them are a pair on snow/ice. Like me. LOL

  4. I knew mentioning you in my post today would bring you out of the woodwork and back to the keyboard!! Love Alex! Now, get writing!

  5. Good description and dialogue though it sounds like the friend is more than eager to throw salt into a wounded heart.

    1. Good point, Gem. She's trying to be supportive and comes across as nosy. LOL

  6. Frenemies. Where would we be without them in our stories? Like you, I've stepped back into posting at WeWriWa after a hiatus and am glad I'm back.

  7. I was puffing along with her.

    1. Thanks for tweeting, Daryl. I wouldn't keep up with either of them.

  8. Welcome back and happy new year. You've set a great scene.

  9. Alex seems like so much fun. Enjoyed the snippet.

  10. Welcome back! Can't help but wonder why her friend chased her down to interrogate her. Mayhaps she has a clue to offer up?

    1. To keep within the framework of WeWriWa, I had to leave out some sentences. Alex is out for a run, Dottie sees her, and tries to catch up. Being the nosy friend she is, she wants to know about Nick.

  11. Welcome back and best wishes for a smoother 2021! Enjoyed the snippet - I immediately want to know this person. I like her attitude and way of thinking! Excellent excerpt...

  12. Sometimes the people who know us best also know how to push our buttons the best too. Welcome back!

    1. Thanks. That is so true. Dottie just wants to know what's going on. LOL

  13. Glad to have you back, Diane! Old best friends can be the ones to drive you crazy because they know you too well. Sounds like the case with Alex and Dottie. Great snippet!

    1. Thanks, Jenna. Sometimes Dottie's impulsive mouth works before her mind does.

  14. So glad to see you posting again. Great snippet, definitely want to know more.

  15. Something tells me Dottie isn't going to give up. :-) Enjoyed the excerpt!


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