
Wednesday, February 3, 2021

#IWSG: Friendships

 Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the February 3 posting of the IWSG are Louise - Fundy Blue , Jennifer Lane, Mary Aalgaard, Patsy Collins at Womagwriter, and Nancy Gideon!

February 3 question - Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere?

Oh my, yes. The wonderful writers here in the IWSG, for example. You all have been so supportive. I love reading about your accomplishments. I enjoy having you on my blog to celebrate your new release. You, in turn, have welcomed me to your blogs. After reading your monthly posts, I feel as if I've gotten to know you, that we're friends.

I'm part of another group, Weekend Writing Warriors (WeWriWa), where writers share snippets from a work in progress or a new release or (in my case) an older release. Again, very supportive people.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to go? While I was never a cheerleader in high school, I'm frequently cheering other writers on. Down in the dumps? We can boost you up. Flying high on an accomplishment, we're here to celebrate with you. 

My goal for January was to write one paragraph a day. Baby steps. I missed 2 days but wrote over 6,000 words. I'm going to keep it up. I'm not dealing well with pressure right now, so just opening the file will be a big deal. Writing one paragraph or 3 is a bonus.

I hope you have a great month.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. Hi Lady,
    Hang in there. Even though you missed two days, the main thing is that you picked up and get going two days later and you have 6,000 words.
    At the moment, I am stressing too. Getting this first release together is more than I thought. But when I look at your releases (I've read two of your books) it gives me courage to continue on. You are an inspiration for me.
    Take care.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Pat, you are so sweet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouraging words. I'm honored that you consider me an inspiration. I understand your stressing. Take deep breath and keep going. Looking forward to reading your book.

  2. I feel like I've gotten to know all my blogger friends through reading their blog posts too. I think you've got a great goal to write a little bit every (or most) days. I've been picking up my manuscript most days since November for 30 minutes to and hour, and I'm making real progress.

    1. Natalie, it's great you're making progress. Yay!

  3. That's the greatest thing we can do for each other - be cheerleaders.

    1. Thanks, Alex. It's much easier to promote others than ourselves.

  4. I'm sure you will catch up the two days you missed. I too am trying to get disciplined :)

    1. Discipline. Not easy. Staying focused isn't either. But without those 2, we don't get anything done.

  5. So many wonderful friends made over the years through the blogging community.

    You are ahead of me in the writing department. I haven't written a thing in a year. Keep it up!

    1. Bish, last year was the worst for me, too. I kept procrastinating, didn't want to work on a project. Too hard. With the new year, I had to do something different and resurrected a story I wanted to write. Stress from covid and health issues keep us from writing. I hope you get your mojo back.

  6. It also helps to have those friends who constantly provoke you to write more because they need something great and entertaining to read! Write faster! (Congrats on getting those words in, my friend!)

    1. Yeah, some "friends" are pains in the butt. LOL I need those kicks in the behind to get/keep writing. Thanks for cohosting this month.

  7. Way to stick to it. Baby steps are a great way to begin. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  8. Cheerleaders are always welcome, aren't they? A perfect metaphor for writers who help us through this process of writing and publishing books.

    1. Thanks, Lee. We need those on the sidelines telling us we can do it.

  9. Blogging has introduced so many great communities and people into my life. :)

    1. Me, too, Chrys. Our posts here reveal so much about ourselves. This group has introduced me to so many supportive people.

  10. Writing friends are good for motivating and understanding us.

  11. Being a cheerleader is sometimes the best way to motivate yourself. I find I do better with my own creative projects when I'm helping someone else with theirs.

  12. Yes and I thank you for being one of my friends from the internet! I mentioned you in my author comments for being a beta reader for me. I changed so much in the novel you read because of the comments I had from you and others. Thanks so much Diane!

  13. 6,000 words is awesome, Diane! I so get not handling pressure right now. I've dissolved into several sobbing meltdowns over such silly things as a flat tire in the past couple of weeks. I would not handle being President Biden well. The Oval Office would be flooded with tears and there would be broken things everywhere. I hope your stress melts away into calm and productivity. I hope that you stay safe and healthy!

  14. I think I want to join Weekend Writing Warriors. As soon as I resume writing regularly, I might do it.

  15. Your post is so refreshing and inspiring. I never visit as many blogs as I should, but I'm glad I stopped by yours! You go get those paragraphs :)

  16. I always encourage people to keep on keeping on. We can't compare ourselves to others. It's advice I should take myself. Do as I say, not as I do!

  17. Great post -- the part about cheerleading brought a smile to my face :-)

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day The Great Pretender

  18. I've become a real advocate for writing a sentence or a paragraph or whatever you can! It may gradually pull you into your writing and make it your happy place again :)

  19. Ongoing blog hops are probably the best way to connect and establish ongoing relationships. They work well for building blog communities of like minded writers and thinkers. Once I started participating in those events I began to build up a regular group of readers and bloggers that I enjoyed reading.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out


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