
Saturday, April 24, 2021

#WeWriWa: - The Case of the Fabulous Fiancé: The Rude Jogger

 Welcome to the Weekend Writing Warriors. Thanks to everyone who stopped by last week. Hope you all had a good week. This weekend, I'm attending the Mid-Michigan RWA chapter's annual Retreat from Harsh Reality. Because of covid, we're meeting via Zoom. Thank goodness for technology.

Here, I'm sharing another snippet from the 2nd Alex O'Hara mystery novel, The Case of the Fabulous Fiancé. Alex is a P.I. in the small Lake Michigan resort town near Grand Rapids. I skipped ahead a little. 

Some changes were made to the original.


The next afternoon I was so tired of working on a fraud case, I told Pete I was going for a run. I did a few stretches in the parking lot before starting off at an easy jog. The sun tried to shine around the multitude of clouds as it started to set.

As I jogged along Main Street, I passed the bookstore. I waved to Gloria in the window arranging books. Like me, she’d taken over her parents’ business. We weren’t the only second or third generation in Far Haven to do so—some had left then returned. Not me. No wandering feet for me, unlike Nick the Rat who’d shaken West Michigan dune dust off his boat shoes and headed east right after college.

 And for the rest of the scene:

Here’s the thing. Until a year ago, our fathers—The Pops—had owned the agency. Maria Palzetti decided that Michigan winters were too hard on her husband’s bones. She also convinced Tony and Pop that being private investigators was for the young—namely, me. Before lighting out for Scottsdale and perpetual heat, they sold the business to me. Ever since high school, I’d worked in the business. While I filed and answered phones, Football Hero Nick played the field, on and off the gridiron. Not that I cared, mind you.

When I graduated from high school, I graduated to doing legwork for Frank and Tony. Pop insisted I call him ‘Frank’ at work. The legwork was more challenging than searching courthouse records or the internet for them. The Pops had no problem outfitting the office with the latest technology, as long as someone else used it. That someone else was me, not Nick.

He went to U of M on a football scholarship and majored in girls. I lived at home and got my degree in criminal justice at Grand Valley U, all the while working at the agency. I’m not complaining. I loved the business—especially when Frank and Tony increased my responsibilities. They showed me the ropes, gave me invaluable advice and felt confident enough in my abilities as an investigator to turn the business over to me.

While thinking about the business and Nick, I’d run on auto-pilot. When I paid attention, I realized I’d already reached the Point, my usual turn-around spot. As I turned to go back, I caught a surprised look on the jogger behind me. With the way I’d been pounding the beach, I hadn’t heard him come up.

He made like a turtle, ducking his head farther down inside his black hoodie, and barreled past. No ‘How you doing?’ or even a ‘Hi.’ How rude.

I jogged backwards to see where he was going, only to find that he, too, had turned around. Again he looked startled before he turned and headed toward the Point.

After passing the B&B owned by the biggest blabbermouth in the county, I stopped. When I bent down on one knee to tighten my shoelace, I caught sight of the strange jogger.

Was he a jogger who happened to run the same way I did? Or was he following me?



She’s at it again. Alex O’Hara just can’t say no to a new investigation. What do a 45-year-old boyfriend, a deadbeat dad, and a teenage runaway have in common? All new cases. With no receptionist, phone and internet problems, and her own boyfriend in the wind, Alex has no idea how she’ll manage. But the question for the past three months is why did Nick disappear. Is this the end of O’Hara & Palzetti? 

Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ B&N ~ Smashwords

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week!



  1. Great insight into Alex, while also building some tension and mystery!

  2. You've got me wondering who Nick the Rat is, because I'm sure this isn't the last I'll hear of him.

  3. This snippet makes me wonder if she is better off without Nick. Great mystery at the end. Who is the jogger?

  4. Mysterious jogger - friend or stalker???

  5. Love the backstory here, and I'm intrigued by this mystery jogger. Great snippet!

  6. Love this story. She is a fantastic character. :-)

  7. She certainly does think a lot about Nick the Rat...hmmm. Curious about the jogger - seems like they might be following her...loved the snippet!

  8. I'm not sure I trust the jogger but is he watching her for good or not?

  9. That's not a very good stalker. I hope she can handle whatever his intentions are!

  10. Love your comments. Still typing 1-handed. One more week in the cast. I hope.

  11. I think she's being followed--by an amateur obviously. Great back story on Alex!


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