
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

IWSG: Quit Writing?


Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the July 7 posting of the IWSG are Pat Garcia, Victoria Marie Lees, Chemist Ken, and Louise – Fundy Blue!

This month's (optional) question: What would make you quit writing?

When I saw the question, I wondered if it had been written just for me. I tell myself and others, with regard to writing one of several unfinished novels, that I'm on hiatus. Some of you may remember the Lil Abner character, Joe Bifspik, the guy under a cloud.


That's me. Over two months ago, my oven went out. I called for repair, of course, but thanks to the computer chip shortage, the needed part was on order. Last week, the dishwasher joined the oven and quit working. In the meantime, I broke my wrist, which is now healed, thank goodness. Also during this time, Hubs was in the hospital, then in rehab, home, in the hospital, and, as I write this, he's waiting transport to rehab. Did you know an excess of calcium is dangerous? It can make you so weak you fall. Again and again. Our doc said this (hospital, rehab, home, hospital . . .) could be our new normal. 

Writing? What's that?

I apologize for last month when I visited so very few of you. I'll try to do better this month. Maybe while waiting as the repair guy fixes my oven and dishwasher. I'll bet I could take my computer to rehab while visiting my sleeping husband. (Another thing excess calcium does is make the person fatigued.) Meanwhile, the docs are still trying to figure out what is causing all this calcium in his blood. They can treat the results, but until they know what's causing it, it will keep coming back. 

That's my tale of woe for this month. If all that doesn't make me quit writing, I'm not sure what would. At times, I feel like a fraud for being in a "writers" group, since my writing is non-existent, except for our monthly blog. And, sometimes, the Weekend Writing Warriors. Oh, and a monthly post at Paranormal Romantics. Hey, I am writing, if only a little.

I hope you have a great writing month. Maybe that cloud over my head will go somewhere else by next month.

By the way, two of my books are in Smashwords' Summer Sale, each is the beginning book in a series and each is available for 99 cents.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. Hi,
    You are having a rough time at the moment. So many things happening at the same time but you will get through this. And yes, you are still a writer. No matter what because your writing comes from your heart. I have read two of your books and enjoyed them tremendously. So, hold on.

    I will check out your books on Smashwords because I am writing a series too.

    Take care. I'm thinking of you.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Pat, you always give such great advice and support.

  2. Excess calcium? I didn't know that. Wow, I'd cut all dairy and anything fortified with it. Funny, it's crammed down our throats when we are younger that calcium is good for you and get lots of it.
    Hope you get your appliances fixed and that doesn't become your husband's new normal.

    1. Thanks, Alex. The ironic thing is we cut dairy, supplements, anything with calcium and it’s still high.

  3. Hi Diane, love the cover of The Case of the Bygone Brother :)

  4. Sounds like a lot of hard work and uncertainty at the moment. Wishing you luck and quick repair - of both appliances and husband.

  5. You know the old saying, "When it rains, it pours." I hope your series of "unfortunate" incidents is over.

    1. Thanks, Lee. I feel like I'm in a downpour that won't quit. LOL

  6. I think we all go through those times of life when we have to step away from writing because of other things in life that are taking up our time. Don't feel guilty about not writing until things slow down. And I can totally relate to your appliance woes. I'm getting a new dishwasher and stove on Tuesday because mine don't work and went for about two weeks with no fridgerator when mine broke a few months ago. Can't wait to have a working kitchen again.

    1. Oh, no. I'm afraid of my refrigerator going out, since all the appliances came at the same time. Hope you get your kitchen back to normal.

  7. (((HUGS))) Di! To my thinking, if you're feeling guilty about not doing words, you're still a writer! And, with pushy friends who love to read those words, we're not going to let you off the hook! Careful (((HUGS))) to the mister from me! Stay the course and tap those keys!

  8. Take care of yourself, Diane. I am sending virtual hugs and hope things get better for you. <3

  9. They'll figure it out, and then all will be well again. Your job is to hang in there until then. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  10. Sorry for the plague of illnesses. But keep plugging away, you are a writer, for sure!

  11. I'm sorry things have been so rough lately! Definitely ok to take a break from writing.

  12. I just bought a new house a couple of months ago and was fairly freaking out at the 3- to 6-month wait I was hearing about for delivery of appliances. Luckily the lady at the store sat down at the computer and helped me pick models they had a good supply of. I had to go a little higher on price than I'd planned, but it was worth it.

    Sorry to hear about your and hubby's ailments. I hope your luck and health improve.

    1. Thanks, Melissa. Those darn computer chips are causing the problem with appliances and the circuit boards that make them work.

  13. My goodness. You have so many things happening, you could write a dozen books based on them alone. And taking time off from writing during all this does not make you a fraud, or a non-writer. I'm sure stories are still percolating in your head, even as you work your way back to writing again.

    I'll have to read up on that calcium stuff.

    1. Thanks, Ken. Too many things have been happening. Look up hypercalcemia.

  14. I'm sorry to hear all that you are dealing with, Diane! I do hope your husband improves and gets this calcium issue figured out. No way you are a fraud; a hiatus does not make you a fraud. I call "it operating at a survival level with no time for writing At This Time!" I'm just emerging from one such hiatus. Sending you a big hug and lots of encouragement!

  15. oh my gosh, you've been going through so much. There's no wonder writing has been put aside for the time being. Things can only get better!

    1. I hope so, Lynda. I know it will get better. Hopefully, sooner than later.

  16. Hugs, love and light to both of you! <3

  17. Everyone needs a writing break — the storm cloud shall pass! And there might be some rainbows when the sun shines again. seriously, things will get better! glad you shared so we can wish you well

    Tara Tyler Talks

  18. Oy. The fact that you got a post in this month at all makes it clear how important writing is to you...regardless of how much or how little.

    1. Thanks, Liza. I love this group. So encouraging and supportive.

  19. Hugs to you Patricia. A rough year is right.

  20. I hope they find a treatment for your husband soon. It's no fun being in a hospital all the time. I just got out of one after recovering from surgery for several days.

    As long as you're writing as much as you can with as much effort as you can you have nothing to feel bad about; you're a writer. Hang in there.

  21. I'm so sorry for all those challenges you face, both medical and technical. Hopefully, your life will get back on track soon. As for your writing hiatus, we all need one once in a while to deal with real life.

  22. Diane, you and your husband are in my prayers. Always! Breathe. Do what you can. You are the best!

  23. My hubs health started to fail mid-2019. Covid was the least of my problems in 2020. I did little writing during that time - focus and energy completely dedicated elsewhere. So yes, this is a season of setting priorities. The only people who aren't tasked with that are those who don't have meaningful relationships. I'm grateful I had mine, and I'm sure you are, as well. Blessings! 💙

  24. Writing a little is always good.
    I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.

  25. So sorry to hear about your electronic woes as well as your injury and your husbands illness. I go through spells when I write very little. If I post my IWSG entry that's an accomplishment. I started setting myself a goal to write 1k a month, which some would laugh at, but it's been working for me. Enjoy your hiatus. Sometimes you just need to rest. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  26. That sounds like an awful time you're going through, and I can see how writing would be near the bottom of the list, but I don't think it ever drops off. I hope things improve and I'm sure the writing you're doing helps deal with the emotions.

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