
Saturday, January 8, 2022

#WeWriWa ~ Wedding Wrecker: Making It Official


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release. Thanks to everyone who stopped by last week. I really appreciate your support.

I'm snippets from the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. This follows immediately after last week's snippet (from the beginning of Chapter 1.)


“Ladies, we need to leave.” Maria pointed to her wristwatch, as she’d done for the past three minutes when she wasn’t tweaking my veil, gown, or train.

Yes, my dress had a train. Since Ellen owned one of the finest dress shops in Grand Rapids, she had found the perfect gown. Never mind I told her no train. I would step on it and ruin everything. But when I saw the strapless heart-shaped bodice and sleek form-fitting satin gown, I knew she was right. Of course, that was before I saw the train.

“No need to worry,” she’d said then showed me how to loop the train, so it stayed out of the way. 

And a little more

Especially while dancing. I so looked forward to dancing with Nick. After all, I couldn’t waste those dance lessons. At my bachelorette party last night, the girls took me to a dance studio. The instructor—holy moley, what a hunk—taught me how to salsa and tango. I couldn’t wait to show off to my husband.

To everyone else, he was my soon-to-be new husband. Unbeknownst to everyone except Dottie and Maria, Nick and I had “married in a fever” on Christmas Eve. We were crazy. Crazy in love. We hadn’t waited for the folks to return from their once-in-lifetime Australian cruise. Something I deeply regretted. Afterward.

Now, we were making it official, with all our friends and family to witness.

“You are perfect.” Ellen gave me a hug that didn’t disturb my hair or veil.

“Ditto,” Dottie added as she pressed her cheek to mine.

“You guys are the best.” My eyes burned, and I wanted to bawl.

“Don’t you dare cry,” Dottie ordered while pressing my grandmother’s lacy handkerchief into my hand.

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week.


  1. Awe, that scene is so sweet, yet bittersweet. In my mind's eye, Alex is gorgeous!

    I will never forget how she described herself once, earlier in this series. Something along the lines of good for picking potatoes in the old country. That was my German grandma, a six foot tall blonde farm-girl--who picked potatoes. :-)

    1. Thanks, Teresa. I'm delighted you remembered that description.

  2. I love that even though Alex believes she knows what she wants, she trusts those around her to make the day perfect! Great snippet!

  3. About time!! LOVE this scene (even though "married in a fever" now has Johnnie Cash's "Jackson" playing in my head. Is this a HEA or the beginning of another adventure (the two not being mutually exclusive, of course!).

    1. "Jackson" kept going through my head when I wrote book 2. LOL From the title, you can assume there will be adventure.

  4. Ooh! They've already married in secret! Great description on her gown.

  5. So far, so sweet! Love all the details...and highly intriguing that they're actually already married. Terrific snippet!

  6. LOL - definitely wouldn't want to waste the lessons with the hot salsa teacher. And Tango - sex on a hardwood floor. It's a line from a movie.

    1. Love that movie line. Alex is all set for that!

  7. Beautiful set-up ... for everything to go dramatically wrong? Just a guess :)

  8. Such a lovely excerpt. Enjoyed it very much.

  9. Something tells me that "married in a fever" business is going to make something go up in smoke. (I feel badly for her even before anything happens) But I'm glad she's getting a good experience before the ceremony at least. Great snippet!


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