
Saturday, January 1, 2022

#WeWriWa: The Wedding Wrecker


Happy New Year!

As you can see, I'm back. Returning to this blog hop is the first of my goals for 2022. I'm happy to put 2021 in the past and move forward. After many hospital and rehab visits, my husband is physically and mentally much improved. What the docs originally diagnosed as dementia turned out to be too much calcium, which causes confusion and weakness (repeated falling). Thanks to good meds, he's back to his old self. So happy to have my husband back. 

I'm starting the new year with a new (for you) book. It's the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. I'm determined to finish and release this book in the spring. Hold me to that, okay? 😀 


“There.” Nick’s mom, Maria, gave my veil one more twitch. “You look lovely.”

I looked in the full-length mirror attached to the back of my bedroom door. Who was that woman? No, not just a woman, a princess. I blinked and, sure enough, the image blinked, too. Now, I’m never one to brag, but damn I did look lovely.

“No more messing with the veil, please.” Dottie clutched her hands into fists. For a moment, I thought she was going to slap Maria’s hands. 

For a little more:

Between Dottie and Ellen, my two besties, my hair looked like a picture in a hair style magazine, brushed until it shined then caught up in cascading auburn curls. Yes, auburn. Anything that looked as good as this couldn’t be called plain, old red. Dottie had done wonders with a curling iron. Ellen had used a light hand with cosmetics. Somehow, she made my eyes bluer, my lashes longer and fuller, and my fair skin glow. She even toned down my sunburn from yesterday out on the lake in Nick's sailboat. Those two worked some kind of magic on me.

Dottie stood back. “You are beautiful.” Were those tears in her eyes?

Ellen grinned. “Nick won’t know what hit him when you walk down the aisle.” 

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week and a great beginning to 2022!


  1. Awe...their wedding! Woohoo! It's about time those two get hitched!

    I love the description. I'm looking forward to this story--so I'll give you gentle nudges when needed!

    That is such good news about your hubby. Who would have thought that calcium could do such harm!

    1. Thanks, Teresa. Yep, finally the wedding. I'll need those nudges.

  2. Wow, I didn't realize too much calcium could do that. Glad that he's doing much better!

    Great to have you back, Diane! This is a wonderful snippet, with everything so happy. But since this is a mystery, I'm very curious as to what's going to happen next.

    1. We didn't know about too much calcium, either. Big surprise. Very relieved it wasn't dementia. Thanks for the welcome back.

  3. So glad to see you back on the hop--and with such good news about your husband! That's cause to celebrate. :) Loved the snippet too. Great description and characterization of how these changes are affecting her. Unfortunately, I'm afraid something is going to interrupt this happy moment. I can't wait to find out! Tweeted.

    1. Thanks, Jenna. I've missed you guys. Glad you like the snippet.

  4. Welcome back and wow, what great news about your husband! I'm so glad it turned out to be something other than the original diagnosis. Enjoyed the snippet, such beautiful descriptions!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. If you like the descriptions in this snippet, wait until next week. lol

  5. Great snippet! And such great news about your husband! I never knew that about calcium - I take it most days because I don't do dairy products. Good to know!

    1. Thanks, Danii. We're all told to take calcium supplements because we don't get enough sun here in Michigan. Had no idea that too much can be dangerous.

  6. I'm so glad your husband is better. I liked the excerpt. That's the way every bride would feel on her wedding day.

    1. Thanks, Elaine. I tapped into how I felt on my wedding day.

  7. So beyond thrilled that you've returned to this fab couple and WELCOME to WeWriWa!! Just the place for encouragement and accountability. We've both got some writing to do, girl!

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