
Saturday, April 23, 2022

#WeWriWa ~ SWITCHED: Beam Me Home, Scotty

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release. Thank you to everyone who stopped by last week. 

I'm sharing snippets from my science fiction romance, Switched. This was my first published book, so it has a special place in my heart. It's on sale for 99 cents until April 30th.

 Set up: Jessie Wyndom has been beamed aboard an alien spaceship, which she doesn't believe. I've skipped ahead and now Jessie and the Captain are in his quarters. The computer insists in identifying Jessie as Lieutenant Qilana, a crew member.

This snippet has been edited from the original.


“Captain?” Communications Officer Cabbeferron announced, “I have a time-delayed communiqué from Lieutenant Qilana. I am transferring it to your vid unit.”

“On screen.” Marcus turned to the vid unit built into the wall above his desk. He glanced at Jessica whose eyes widened as she stared at the replication of her image on the vid screen.

“Captain, I have transported to Earth to find my biological parents and to meet my twin, Jessica Wyndom. She and I are victims of the Gemini Experiment.” Qilana spoke in typical Serenian tone, devoid of emotion. 


And a little more, if you're interested:  

“Thirty years ago, a scientist from Serenia transported fetuses from Earth into volunteer host mothers from our home planet. Doctor Cenamola, being compassionate, only removed one of a set of twins, leaving one child for the Earth mother.”

 Jessie shook her head. What a convoluted bunch of hooey. She wasn’t going to believe this…this story they were concocting. Yet, so many things seemed real. These people acted like they thought it was all real. Could it be… No, this is not happening. This is a dream. All because I fell asleep during a Star Trek movie.

Great mask, sweetie. My brother has a lot to answer for. I’m royally ticked that he let a stranger into my house." Jessie took a deep breath. "Okay, folks. I’ve been a good sport, but I’ve had  enough of this game.” She raised her hands and head. “Beam me home, Scotty, there’s no intelligent life here. You guys have fun at someone else’s expense.”

“Jessica, please listen to me,” the woman on the screen said. “I must meet the family I never knew. While I didn’t mean to transport you aboard the ship, you can learn about my world as I learn about yours, my sister. We will meet as soon as—”

The screen went blank.


Kidnapped by aliens? By mistake?

Wise-cracking mechanic Jessie Wyndom gets the surprise of her life when she's accidentally transported aboard an Alliance of Planets starship. Then, she learns an identical twin who was raised on an alien planet has taken her place on Earth. They are victims of a scientific experiment that separated Terran twins before birth. Jessie doesn't believe it. This is all a gag perpetrated by her brother and his nerdy friends.

Years of discipline enables Captain Marcus Viator to maintain the austere, emotionless persona prized on his planet, Serenia. Until he meets the bold, impertinent Jessie. She must go back to Earth before she disrupts his well-organized life. When he tries to return his unwilling visitor, he discovers the ship has left Earth's orbit--supposedly at his command. When more sabotage crops up, Marcus and Jessie must work together to protect the crew and themselves. As their attraction grows, treachery and violence force them into decisions that could separate them forever.

Switched is available for 99 cents at: 
 Amazon ~ Amazon UK ~ B&N ~ Kobo ~ iTunes ~ Smashwords

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week.


  1. Uh oh! What happened to her sister? I wonder if she'll be more anxious about her sister or to get home. Great snippet!

    1. Since this is the 1st she's heard of a sister, I'd think it would be getting home. Thanks, Jess.

  2. She fell asleep during a Star Trek movie?!?! Unbelievable.

    1. I know. Unbelievable! LOL She must have been really tired. Thanks, Daryl.

  3. As blank as she is at the moment. What a thing to find out - not only an unknown twin but one raised by another civilization. One of my favorite SciFi reads!!

  4. Oohhh, SO intriguing! I'm really enjoying the snippets...I sympathize with the heroine wanting to just go home but I feel a teeny bit of panic creeping in around the edges. Great snippet!

  5. To believe or not to believe? I'm not sure which way I'd be leaning.

  6. I think I'd think it an alcohol induced halucination or an elaborate hoax by a nerdy brother. But I suspect it's all true! Great premise! Can't wait for more! Tweeted.


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