
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

#IWSG: When the Going Gets Tough

 Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the June 1 posting of the IWSG are SE White, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguire, Joylene Nowell Butler, and Jacqui Murray!

June 1 (optional) question - When the going gets tough writing the story, how do you keep yourself writing to the end? If you have not started the writing yet, why do you think that is and what do you think could help you find your groove and start?

Is this an apropos question! The going hasn't been going for the past two years. Closer to three now. I can blame covid, I can blame Hubs and his illnesses. I can blame--well, anything except my own inertia and procrastination. Okay, let's call it what it really is, laziness. I hate admitting that, but that's what it is. Too lazy to open the d@mn file.

You've heard this story before. Every month??? How did I write and publish 12 novels and 2 novellas? The creative spirit was there. The desire to write, to explore, to finish. My muse whispered amazing inspiration. I was on that rare high that I didn't appreciate enough.

I've been in this place before. I remember how I got out of that slump. I wrote something wild and crazy for myself. So, you may ask, why haven't I tried that this time? I have. I wrote a short story. I write my monthly column for Paranormal Romantics. I don't miss IWSG Day. I love the two stories that are in progress. And I do write. I go along in fits and spurts. I get excited and write hundreds of words. Then, nothing.

 I'm anxious to read what the rest of you write about how you deal with this problem.

 Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. I struggled and didn't write anything for years after my husband died. Things sometimes happen that make it hard to write. Then during COVID, I started asking myself to just work on my manuscript for 30 minutes four to five days a week. I start by revising what I wrote the day before. It helped me get back into writing. Maybe it would help you. And it's not like you aren't writing anymore. You are.

    1. Thanks, Natalie. When I do open the file, I do what you do--read what I wrote before to get back into the story. That does help.

  2. I don't think it is laziness at all. There are distractions in your life that have come before writing. That is human and acceptable. When the need for writing takes over, you will know you have beat back those hard things. Aside from that, I second Natalie. I sit down at my computer five days a week before I go to work. I spend under an hour, but I force myself to work on my current project. You'd be amazed how far you get by doing what feels like so little. Once you start, you'll develop a habit. I've been writing before work for ten years now. It's as much a part of my routine as coffee!

    1. Thanks for the advice, Liza. I need to get back into the habit of writing first thing in the morning. After coffee, of course. LOL

  3. Hi,
    You have accomplished a lot so far and you have a lot on your plate. Stop beating yourself up. Be gentle with You! Do something good for yourself, like going to a Spa, treating yourself to a wellness day and relax. And don't forget to be thankful for all that you have done so far. That's amazing. Shalom aleichem

    1. Oh, Pat. You are so sweet. Your words really resonate. Being thankful for what I've accomplished so far. Yes. Thank you for pointing that out.

  4. I certainly blame laziness for the six years between my last two stories!

    1. LOL, Alex. Look what a wonderful story evolved.

  5. Keep on as you are. You can't force creativity. Open the file. Keep showing up to write even if it's only for a few hundred words. You never know when the damn will break and the words will start flowing again.

    1. Thanks. I appreciate that advice. Maybe I just need to open the file in the morning and leave it open all day.

  6. I hear you! I'm in the same place. It's just so dang hard to cross over to my work desk and fire up my WIP because I have sooooo much time on my hands. And I choose to spend it on Netflix or FB or sunning with the cats. When alllllll of your time is your own it's hard to compartmentalize it for specific things when you can . . . get back to that later. Then you realize it's been a week and you haven't gotten back to it. It is habit and it's finding the path of least resistence. I hope you find it some because I REALLY want to read that book!!

    1. You really nailed it, Nancy. When we had to squeeze writing in around a work-that-pays schedule, we're determined. When all the time is our own...yeah, well, it's easy to put it off. You and I will get there. You kick my butt and I'll kick yours. LOL

  7. Good post, Diane. I don't know what I'd do with my time if not for writing. But, a husband's illness--well that would take care of it. I hope he's doing well?

  8. Hi Diane, I hope your hubby is doing well. There are times when life sends road blocks for my writing, somehow I manage to move past it by taking out the smallest chunk of time in a day to write, else I will go crazy.

    1. Thanks, Rachna. Things are much better now and hopefully will continue that way.

  9. My full-time job that I curse often when it keeps me from writing might actually be good for my desire to write. I keep saying I wish I were retired so I could write full time, but maybe it wouldn't be as good for my productivity as I think.

    Give yourself permission to set it aside for a time. Maybe you'll miss it and want to write again.

    1. Thanks, Melissa. It's amazing how easy it is to let time slip away once you're retired. Too easy. BTW, congrats on your new release.

  10. You might not be writing all the time but those spurts do count.

    1. Thanks, Diane. You're right. Every little bit helps.

  11. Sounds like you have lots of things going on and you still did something which is more than I did recently. I'll know you'll get back to it.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I sure appreciate the support from you and everyone who's stopped by.

  12. I don't think it's laziness. Your personal life was sucking up everything you needed to be creative. You'll get it back. Pamper yourself. Do things to boost the kid in you and 100 words will soon be 1000s.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Just finished another Thursday babysitting the 4-yr-old twins. I watch kids' tv with them and feel like a kid myself. LOL

  13. You know, I could sign under your post, except the 12 novels bit. But everything else fits my situation. Almost. I need to get to the 12 novels somehow. :))

    1. Olga, I'm so sorry to hear we're in the same spot. Not fun. With determination, I'm sure we'll both get back on track.

  14. I'm going to say give yourself some slack here. Your list of accomplishments bespeaks the opposite of laziness. When my husband was sick, I simply did not have the energy to write even when I got a few free minutes. And after he died, there was a whole new world to navigate. Sometimes we just have these fallow seasons. I've finally reached the point where I have been able to pull out my manuscript and start writing again. A new season will come!

  15. You sound exactly like me! We're busy working on stuff, yet we don't feel like it's enough! So far this year what has helped me is having some real deadlines, either because I want to submit something to a group of friends, or there's a brief submission window at a small publisher... Come join us at for monthly exercises, too, those are always good for motivation!

    1. Thanks for the invitation, Deniz. I'm going to check it out. Deadlines are good, very helpful.

  16. i hear ya! i’ve had several setbacks over the past couple of years and it’s tremendously difficult to claw my way back into the writing groove—almost like i’m forcing myself to write at the level i was at
    it’s time to start over and write something for myself, great advice!
    thanks for supporting me through it all!
    Tara Tyler Talks

    1. "Claw my way back." That is a great way to describe how it feels. Thanks for your support, too.

  17. Nice post. I've been a writer all my life, and there are always "down" times when your mind and creativity need to take a break, rest, or gather renewed energy by doing other things. We need to take that time to be healthy. I don't call it block, I call it needed diversion.

    1. Oh, I like that--needed diversion. Unfortunately, I'm letting the diversion take over.

  18. I don't think you're lazy at all. You're still hanging in there and writing those small chunks. You've got a lot going on besides writing, you just have to find the balance that works.

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry for the late reply. I too have started to write for myself. Somethings are just for me and the joy of writing, but I'd still like to publish another long project someday. Though, I'm in no rush.

    1. It's never too late. LOL Ah, the joy of writing. I forget that sometimes. I hope you continue to enjoy it.


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