
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

IWSG: My Word for 2023

Happy New Year and welcome to the first meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group in 2023. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the January 4 posting of the IWSG are Jemima Pett, Debs Carey, Kim Lajevardi, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, and T. Powell Coltrin!

First, apologies for November and December. I fell down on the job. On November 1st (IWSG Day), my husband went into the hospital for 8 days with RSV, V-tach (very rapid heartbeat), and acute bronchitis. Meanwhile I was sick with (my guess) RSV, since our grandsons shared it with us. Thank goodness for our adult children who took their dad to the ER, visited him every day, and kept me informed. I owe a special apology to Alex because I was supposed to be cohost in November. I'm sorry I let you down. In December, I just plain forgot. Shame on me.

Enough chest beating and mea culpas, on to 2023. It has to be better than last year.

January 4 question - Do you have a word of the year?

Every January, I plan what I want to accomplish for the year in my writing career. Aren't we supposed to make a biz plan? A 10-year, 5-year, 1-year plan? Not this year. While a good business practice, a plan doesn't allow for "life's" intrusions. Sometimes, you can't control the things that happen around you. I have to keep repeating the Serenity Prayer and learn to accept the things over which I have no control. 

Acceptance is my word for 2023.

What's yours? I can't wait to visit to see what word you choose.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.



  1. Great word, Di! We spend so much energy feeling sorry for ourselves or blaming ourselves that we lose momentum and focus. Accept and another A word, Adapt to work around the things that get in the way. Just don't give up!! Here's to a healthier and more productive 2023!!

  2. Maybe the answer is to write a flexible business plan that leaves room for life's speedbumps. I wish you and your hubby better health in 2023.

  3. What a great word for 2023. Sorry that your husband and you were sick in November. Don't beat yourself up for what you couldn't accomplish when dealing with your own and your husband's health challenges. I hope you both have a healthy 2022.

  4. I like your 2023 word, Diane. Acceptance. I wish you and your hubby a good health in 2023. Happy New Year.

  5. I love your word! So apt considering everything you've been through. Acceptance is all about letting go, which has been a motto of mine for a while. It sure has given me peace and less stress. Hopefully, it'll do the same for you, too. Hugs.

  6. Great word! I don't think you fell down at all. You were still working really hard at healing and helping your family heal. That's hard work. Blessings and best wishes for 2023!

  7. I didn't pick a word for the year, but I think I'll share yours. There are too many life 'bumps' to get all my plans done.

    1. Be my guest, Susan. I had a hard time choosing one word. But my best intentions often get sidelined. Accepting that has to be better than grousing about what didn't happen.

  8. I think that's my favourite word I've read all day (except for chocolate!). Life is so often chaotic and unpredictable. I don't make long-term plans for that very reason. I just do the next thing. I hope you and your husband are fully recovered!

  9. Oh my, what a lot to deal with right at the holidays. I'm glad you are both better and on the mend. Acceptance is such an important word for all of us to lean into. It's not just about accepting things as they happened, it's about accepting people and ideas. I could wax all philosophical here, but I won't. Here's a healthy New Year!

    1. Yes, accepting people and ideas is very important, too. Probably harder than accepting circumstances.

  10. Glad you are both all right now! No worries about any IWSG stuff. Family always comes first.

    1. I knew you would understand. Your support, like that of those in this group, is profound and so appreciated.

  11. That's a great word choice!
    I've never had a 'word of the year'. But I believe in perseverance. So maybe that will be my ongoing word for years to come.
    All the best for 2023!

    1. I've never had a word of the year before. Never even heard of choosing one. But this exercise was fun.

  12. I was told once, that the best plans change with the tides. Goals, I'm thinking long-term here, can take you across an ocean.

    Hope this year is good to you. :-)

    1. Thanks, Anna. I like that idea that plans change with the tides. So true.

  13. No plan survives contact with "the enemy" right? You're moving in the right direction by having a plan, though. Pivoting is better than floundering.

  14. Goodness, that was a lot of health issues all at once. All you could do was accept the circumstances and move on. Good word for this year.

    1. Thanks, Diane. Hopefully, we'll sail through 2023.

  15. Thank you for the update on you and your hubby. Sounds like are now healthy and ready for a new year. Acceptance is definitely a difficult action to take. Have a fabulous 2023!!

    1. Thanks, Janet. Aren't you glad you're in FL instead of MI? The snow was pretty bad. Happy New Year.

  16. Glad you and your husband are doing better! 'Acceptance' is a good word for 2023. I think mine is always 'persevere' because I'm so stubborn and no matter what, I keep going! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. Perseverance is a great word. Being stubborn helps. LOL

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry for the late reply.
    Sounds like you had a rough end to 2022 like me, maybe more so. I do hope you and your husband are on the mend. I'm with you, I'm trying not to get too into plans for the year. If I achieve some things great, if not, life probably got in the way.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Never too late to reply. I like your attitude. Life does get in the way of the best plans. All we can do is our best.


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