
Saturday, January 14, 2023

WeWriWa - Wedding Wrecker: A Clock Watcher?

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release. Thank you all for your comments on last week's post plus your good wishes for my husband and me.

I'm sharing snippets from the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. After a deputy arrested Alex's groom, Nick Palzetti, at the altar, the police chief, Dan Hoesen, is still interviews Alex. The lawyer, Hans Bogardus, tries to keep her from giving away too much information and/or shooting off her mouth. The latter is a hard task.


“Did Nick leave the apartment again?" the chief asked. "Before you went to church?”

“Yes.” I groaned. “His mother came over to help me dress. When she found him there, she shooed him back to her house. And before you ask, that was about eight this morning.”

“Eight? Before or after eight?”

“If I knew you were going to ask me exact times, I would’ve looked at a clock when he left.”

And a little more:

“He left before eight-ten because that’s when Dottie arrived, and he was gone by then.” After a severe scolding from his mother for bringing bad luck by seeing me. Maybe there was something to that. Bad luck had certainly found us.

“And the next time you saw him?”

“At the church, when I was waiting to walk down the aisle.” I remembered how happy I was at that moment. Happiness dashed within minutes.

Dan consulted his notes, not that there were a lot of them. I tried to read what he’d written upside down, but his writing was too cramped.

“To reiterate,” he said, “You know for sure Palzetti was in your apartment from eleven forty-five until shortly after midnight. He returned at three—” He glanced up at me. “—oh-five, left again before eight-ten this morning. Is that correct?”

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay healthy and have a great week.


  1. Poor Alex! I'm dizzy for her after all these questions. What a terrible situation.

    1. You would think the chief would cut her some slack.

  2. So he's got time she can't account for at least. That's not great. I feel anxious on Alex's behalf.

  3. He seems to have dashed in and out a couple of times. Is that normal for him? Maybe he was nervous about the ceremony?

  4. It doesn't look good--all that coming and going--and no way to be certain about the times. It's looking blacker by the moment. Can't wait to read more!

  5. I love the way you build a mystery! Enjoyed the excerpt, trying to figure out all the angles, which is fun. Sorry to be late in commenting!

  6. Poor Alex. Her stress level must be through the roof! I love this story and can hardly wait to read the book. :-)


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