
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

#IWSG: Book Covers

elcome to the Insecure Writer's Support Group. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the February 1 posting of the IWSG are Jacqui Murray, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Gwen Gardner!

February 1 question - If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers or purchase them? If you publish trad, how much input do you have about what goes on your cover?

I've been both indie and trad. My first experience with a traditional publisher's cover was great. It helped that the artist had read the story. With the second publisher, the first cover was awful and presented to me only 4 days before publication. With the support of friends, I asked for a change. What I got was not what I'd envisioned but acceptable.

As an indie author, I've been very lucky to hire terrific cover artists. I love their ideas and their willingness to work with me. Right now, I'm between artists. If anyone would like to recommend someone either here or privately ( I'd love to hear.

I hope January was good for you. Until last week, mine was great. Then, my computer had a major problem--one my terrific neighbor and computer guru couldn't fix. From past experience with the same problem, I knew the Geek Squad couldn't fix it either. Now, I'm using my husband's old computer until I can retrieve what's on mine. <deep sigh> 

But before that, I was on a roll with working on my WIP. Yes, I was writing again. I guess my word for 2023, acceptance, is working. I'm doing what I can and accepting what happens. Your supportive comments and those from another group (Weekend Writing Warriors) encouraged me so much I got back into the story, writing between 500 to almost 2k words a day. Then, my computer died. That put the kabosh on writing. Temporarily. I'm not giving up. I'm accepting that my computer needs replacing and, until then, doing what I can.

I hope you have a great month.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. Proton, not google Solution ? Esther O'Neill IWSG

  2. Computer issues are such a bother. Hope yours are solved soon.

  3. Woo Hoo! Great to see you back at the keyboard (no matter whose it is). Computer issues strike terror into every writer. I've had two major mishaps that taught me to backup to the Cloud so my work is always available.

    1. Yep, backing up to the Cloud is a great idea. I had mine set to automatically save to the Cloud. Good thing.

  4. Sorry you have to replace your computer.
    Carrie Butler does great covers.

  5. I hope you get your computer issues resolved soon! I've lost stuff in the past and now it's all backed up on thumb drives, an external hard drive, or the cloud.

    1. Thanks, Bish. I need to set up a schedule to back up my work on an external hard drive.

  6. You didn't see the cover until four days before release? That's awful. Our authors see their covers at least 8 month before release. We need those covers so we can start sending out review copies shortly afterward.

    1. I know. I was freaking out when I didn't have a cover. Couldn't do any promos. But, that's over and done with. Thanks for coming by.

  7. There's nothing worse than losing your work to a computer glitch. Hope you had a backup that's easy to access. Hooray for continuing to write in spite of it all.

  8. Bad, bad, bad Computer. That upsets my entire lookout on life. Frustration and helplessness takes over. Good for you accepting the situation and moving on with a substitute for now. Wish you were closer to Fremont. Great computer guy. He's saved me a couple of times.

    1. Usually, my neighbor can help. He mentioned a workaround that I'm going to try. Backup, backup, backup!

  9. Sometimes, the repair rhymes with 'new computer'. I hate that.

    1. Me, too. I was thinking about replacing my computer later in the year. So much for that.

  10. Glad to hear things were going pretty well. You'll get there again when you get your new pc. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  11. Computer problems are the worst! I hope you get it sorted soon.

    I'm Gwen, co-hosting the IWSG this month -

  12. Thanks, Gwen. And thanks for cohosting this month. It's fun, isn't it?

  13. Computer issues can be so frustrating. I hope that yours are resolved soon, Diane. I had to buy a new Mac last year. Fingers crossed that this one will last. Do what you can and move forward!

  14. Poor your. I hate computer problems. I hope you'll get your computer situation straightened out soon. As for book covers, I could try to make a book cover for you, and I'd do it for free. I'm still too new at cover creation to charge.

    1. What a thoughtful offer, Olga. I'll be in touch.

  15. It's hard when you don't get a cover you like or one that doesn't fit your story or genre. It's good you were able to get it changed though. What's worse is when your computer stops working as intended. Yikes.

    1. Thank for the sympathy, Lynda. It's always something.

  16. Sorry to hear about your computer woes.

    Carrie Butler is a very talented designer.

  17. I hope you can get your computer woes solved ASAP!

    1. Thanks, Patricia. The computer wasn't salvageable. But I was able to get almost everything off it. Not fun.

  18. Thanks so much, Toi. After several things broke (including the computer), I had to take several deep breaths before I could accept what I couldn't change.

  19. Ugh - computer break downs are such a pain!! I hope you can get the files off of it. Glad the words were flowing for you and I bet your subconscious is working on the story right now!

    1. My mind seems to be working all the time, even when I want to go to sleep. LOL I got my files. Yay! Thank goodness for a good neighbor.


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