
Saturday, April 1, 2023

#WeWriWa - The Case of the Wedding Wrecker: Enough Pity Partying

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release. I'm sharing snippets from the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. Last time, Alex finally gets home from the jail when her friends descend on her. After holding it all in for hours, she falls apart.


My two besties sat on either side of me and rubbed my bare shoulders.

“Hey, it’s going to work out,” Ellie said.

“There, there now,” Dottie crooned like I was one of her kids with a scraped knee. No hugs or kisses were going to make me feel better. Though she tried.

“I miss my mom.” I sobbed my heart out. Mom should have been here. She should’ve been the one to twitch my veil, hug me, and commiserate over that stupid deputy interrupting the wedding. Instead, cancer stole her from me.

And a little more:  

“I know, I know,” Dottie crooned again.

Ellie ran to the bathroom and got a wet washcloth. She handed it to me to wipe my tears. I gasped at the cold.

“Enough pity partying.” That was Ellen. Straight to the point. “What did Chief Hoesen say?”

While I appreciated their help, I couldn’t bear any more questions.

“Please don’t ask. I don’t know what happened. I do know Nick is innocent.”

“Of course, he’s innocent,” Dottie proclaimed. “Anyone who thinks different is a moron. Like Deputy Dawg. That man is several bricks shy of a load.”

“He’s more like a brick,” Ellen concurred. “How dare he march into church and arrest Nick?”


Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and healthy and have a great week.


  1. I hope for the deputy's health, he's got a really good reason. Great scene. Looking forward to more

  2. Great excerpt! I hope it turns out well for your MC!

  3. Sometimes even the best of friends can be annoying as they try to help. I think you captured that perfectly in the scene, very realistic. Enjoyed the excerpt!

    1. You got that right. Annoying best friends who mean well. Thanks, Veronica.

  4. How sad - wedding day and mom wasn't there and for such a sad reason. Tweeted.

  5. God love her friends, but Lord, I'd want to order them to get out! So sad her mom wasn't there to be with her. Still, excellent scene! Tweeted.

  6. Still hoping there is more untold, and her heart isn't broken from something Nick did do.

  7. You keep teasing us ... in a good way. So future husband got arrested on their wedding day, talk about bad timing. and no mum. Nobody can replace the hug from a mum. great snippet.

  8. So many heartbreaks for what should have been a fantastic day. Great snippet.


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