
Monday, October 22, 2012

Busy Week

Great week, last week. The Detroit Tigers are in the World Series. Yay!

This is going to be a fun week. Instead of my usual Monday Morning Musing, I'm going to give you the links where I'll be.

Along with other authors this week, I'll be at Nancy Gideon's Haunted Open House.

Come on over for fun, games, trivia, gifts. Authors stopping by with great excerpts of their latest and greatest. <g> And some of us will be in costume. Tell me what you think of my Alex Trebek imitation from Mid-Michigan RWA's Retreat From Harsh Reality's "Author Jeopardy."

Plus, giveaways.

Did you see GIFTS? I'll be giving away a Smashwords coupon for a FREE digital download (for any e-reader) of Switched, Too to a lucky commenter.   All you have to do is leave a comment and your email address.

On Thursday, come on back here to Meet Tracy Brogan who will chat about her debut novel and what's up for this talented author.

And, also on Thursday, if you aren't too tired of bopping all over the 'Net, stop over at Laurie's Paranormal Thoughts & Reviews, where I'll give away a Smashwords coupon for a FREE download of either Switched or Switched, Too to a lucky commenter who comments on the artists on my Ipod (actually, a generic MP3 player--I'm cheap).

I'll leave messages each day on my Facebook page 

Busy, busy. Fun. Fun. Fun.

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