
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Meet Darcy Flynn

It’s Thursday and my guest is author Darcy Flynn.

Welcome, Darcy. Please tell us about yourself.

Sure. My name is Darcy Flynn and I live with my husband and son on a horse farm in Franklin, Tennessee. It’s about twenty miles south of Nashville. I raise beautiful rare breed chickens and enjoy their fresh eggs every day.

I enjoy all types of romances, but the sweet ones hold a special place in my heart. They’re my first love. I particularly like the ones where they start out hating each other. Sparing with their verbal foils until the ‘melt in your arms bliss’ kiss. <g>

Those books were my first, too. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always written poems, music lyrics and short magazine articles, but it wasn’t until my son went to College that I started writing romantic fiction. After he left for school, I was de-cluttering and discovered a box of vintage Harlequin and Silhouette romances in my attic. I read them again and every time I’d read one, I’d think, I could write one of these. So I seized the day and began writing.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I love to dance, garden and go antiquing with girl friends. I also raise rare breed chickens on my farm.

What is the most important thing you do for your career?

Write books. <g>

Good choice. LOL How many hours a day to you spend writing?

Between 2 and 4. I turn everything off and write—it’s very concentrated work for me. I don’t do well with interruptions or background noise.

If you could give the younger version of yourself advice what would it be?

Life is short. Don’t be afraid to follow your dreams. God put those dreams in your heart, not to frustrate you, but to give you something to live for.

Great advice. What do you hope readers take with them after reading your work?

Since my books are fast, fun reads with happy endings, I want to leave my readers satisfied and smiling and hopefully for days.

What two authors we would find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?

Georgette Heyer and Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

Tell us about your latest book.

Sure, I’m working on a sweet contemporary romance about a financially struggling Bed and Breakfast owner, fighting to save her livelihood against her childhood nemesis, who’s five star resort is putting her out of business. It takes place in west Texas and it’s my first cowboy romance. I’m having a ton of fun writing it! 

Here's the blurb for Darcy's first book Keeper Of My Heart

Katie McCullough doesn’t know it, but Max Sawyer, the over confident, irritatingly handsome hotel developer who outbid her for the lighthouse property, is none other, than her mystery lighthouse sailor. The one man who captured her heart five years earlier, the one man who has since been the plumb line for every other unsuspecting male who has crossed her path. Unfortunately for Max, he doesn’t measure up either.

Still reeling from losing the property she’d planned to call home, sparks fly when Katie assumes Max is turning her beloved lighthouse compound into one of his ‘Serenity Spa Resorts.” Outraged, Katie sets out on a mission to dismantle the property…and his plans.

Except Max’s plans have absolutely nothing to do with hotels and everything to do with winning Katie’s heart.

An excerpt from Keeper of My Heart:

     Bits of oyster shell spewed out from under the tires of Katie’s Jeep as it screeched to a halt. Without knocking, she stomped into the keeper’s house to find Max working on an open windowsill on the bottom floor.
     “So you’re in the hotel business.” Katie threw the sheaf of papers down on the table near where he was working.
     “Yes and good afternoon to you, too.” Max stopped for a brief moment then continued to sand the windowsill. “I see you’ve been doing some research.” His firm lips twitched.
     “If you think you are going to turn this,” she said, waving her arms through the air, “into one of your…Serenity Spa Inns, then you are dreaming Mister.”
     “Is that so?” Max straightened and his eyes locked with hers.
     “You bet. I’ll never let that happen.”
     His tawny eyes gave her a once over. “And you think you’re big enough to stop me?”
     “Yes,” she spat out, “Don’t think I can’t. I’ll rally the entire town if I have to. This is not what the council agreed to when they accepted your bid.”
     Max’s brown eyes turned glacial. “Careful Angel. That sounds like a threat. If it is, you’ll come off the worse for it.”
     Katie inhaled sharply. “You may have been master of all you commanded but you won’t master me.”
     Max stopped working and turned toward her. Even in her anger, Katie noticed his shirt, unbuttoned and clinging to his muscular form with the sweat of his labor, his forearms glistening with perspiration mingled with tiny particles of wood shavings.  
     “Maybe we should put that to the test?” he drawled.
     “There’s no maybe about it.” Inhaling sharply, Katie gathered up her papers and stormed out of the house.

Keeper of My Heart is available at Amazon:

Here’s a little more about Darcy Flynn.

Darcy was born into the rich culture of New Orleans, La., a city filled with colorful historical intrigue and broad creative energy. Darcy’s natural bent to the arts coupled with her love for one of the most romantic cities in the world has been the inspiration and anchor of her artistic, multi-dimension endeavors. Darcy was always compelled by the need to express herself and like her mother’s famous gumbo, her previous expressions included a little bit of everything—art, music, acting, and dance.

Although published in music, art, and the Christian non-fiction market under another identity, it was the empty nest that turned Darcy to writing romantic fiction. A lover of lighthouses, Darcy’s first novel, Keeper Of My Heart, unfolds in a small Maryland fishing village on the Chesapeake Bay.

Darcy, a former Mrs. Tennessee, continues to be surrounded by all things creative in Music City and when not in writing in her London flat, lives on a beautiful horse farm in historic Franklin, Tennessee, with her husband, son, two English Setters, and a calico cat.  Darcy enjoys stargazing, raising rare breed chickens, and gardening.

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  1. Darcy, I'm so glad you stopped by today.

    1. Thanks for having me, Diane! Your blog is beautiful! I love the night sky, the moon and the stars. You make me want to drag out my telescope!

  2. Hi Darcy! (waving at my friend & fellow RWA chaptermate)

    I'm starting to see a theme in your stories...a lighthouse inn and now a bed & breakfast. You're writing hospitality fiction! I want to stay at both. :~)

    I just bought Keeper of my Heart for my Nook and am looking forward to curling up on the couch and reading!

    Monica McCabe

    1. LOL, Monica! I've always wanted to own a B&B. Maybe that secret dream is no longer a secret!
      Thanks for buying my book! :) Hope you enjoy Max and Katie's story! It's a fun read. See you soon!

  3. Great interview, ladies! Darcy, I've always wanted to have chickens, but we can't with the city bylaws. Maybe if we move back to the country...

    All the best!

    1. Hi Jessica,
      Chickens are great! I eat fresh organic eggs every day. The yolks are orange, not that insipid pale yellow of store bought! LOL
      Are you sure about the bylaws in your city? Some cities allow you to have a couple of hens. As long as you're not raising them. :) Might be worth checking out!
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. So nice to meet you, Darcy and what a great interview Diane! I'm with you, I love those sweet romances when the sparks fly and they can't stand each other. We know ultimately they'll be the perfect pair! And as a chicken lover myself, I know how much satisfaction there is watching those lovely birds peck and scratch and slow the fast-pace life to a nice shuffle.
    Keeper of my Heart sounds great! Best wishes to you.

  5. Great interview. Keeper of My Heart is one of my favorite novels. I can hardly wait to read your cowboy romance. I'm sure it's going to be a terrific.

  6. Thanks for your kind words, Teresa. So glad you also enjoy the sweet, spark flying romances! Nice to meet you, too. :)
    You sound like you either have or have had chickens. Your description of them is so right on!
    Thank you for stopping by, today! Have a good one! :)


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