
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It's the first Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for the Insecure Writer's Support Group.  Started by the intrepid Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh, the purpose of this group is to share doubts, concerns, and to encourage. At the bottom of this post is a link to other authors' blogs.

Winter Doldrums

Photo by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

I used to like winter. I used to like snow. Crisp, cold days. Sun glistening on snow-covered trees. Pristine whiteness covering up the brown of dead grass and pruned perennials. That’s before I moved to West Michigan.

It’s only the beginning of February and I’ve had enough winter. We’ve had over one hundred inches of snow. And another storm is hitting today. Our mailbox down at the curb is almost covered. The snow banks are so high it’s difficult to see around corners for on-coming traffic. And more is coming today. Along with the Polar Vortex, an Artic current keeps swinging down our way.

Unlike Atlanta and other places in the South, our cities are prepared for this type of weather with heavy snow removal equipment. Our snow blower is getting a real workout on our driveway. More of a workout than I’ve been getting. Thus is my problem. Being cooped up indoors doesn’t bother me like it does others. I can stay inside very nicely—just give me my laptop, Kindle, and television. I can write, read, watch movies. All sedentary activities.

Going outdoors is painful. The cold hurts my joints. Slippery sidewalks and parking lots can mean a fall and possibly broken bones. I see why so many people head for Florida or Arizona. I’m giving serious consideration to spending next winter with my son in Phoenix. (Just joking, sweetie.) I know I can go to a gym or walk at the mall. Just doing it is the problem. It’s too comfortable to stay inside. Comfortable but not healthy.

I guess I need a boot in the rear to get away from my electronics and exercise.

What motivates you to move in the winter?

Many thanks to today's awesome hosts: Sheena-kay Graham, Julie Musil, Jamie Ayres, and Mike Swift.   Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. I lived in upstate NY in the snow belt before moving to Florida, and whew! 15 to 20 foot snow banks, constant wind and regular freezing rain... I's amazing how easy it is to drive anywhere around here. =) I don't miss the cold, but I do miss the snow. There's something so magical about the blanketing white. Anyhow, I'm great with adverse weather, as long as my house is big enough to fit my elliptical.

    1. You're getting some unusual weather in FL this year, Crystal. Your description of upstate NY is similar to what we're getting--without the constant freezing rain. Yuck.

  2. Since I'm staring out the window as we get pelted by 3-6 inches of snow...Yeah. I'm done with winter too. Add a school age child that has had 8 snow days so far this year, and I'm going stir crazy! As for motivation in the winter...every time I can't button my pants, I hit the elliptical. I'm too cheap to buy new pants. :)

    1. LOL, Alyssa. We've had the grandkiddies a couple of times to give my daughter a break from stir-crazy.

  3. I don't mind the snow. Like you, I can find things to do in the house to keep me occupied. I just don't like going out to drive in it, like I did this morning. It was awful. Do you think in the dead heat of the summer we'll be wishing it was snowing??? LOL

    1. You're absolutely right, Connie. Come summer I'll be complaining about the heat. :)

  4. Good for you, Karen, with maintaining the weight loss. Albuquerque is beautiful. We drive through it on our way to Phoenix.

  5. Doesn't take much where I live... in Georgia! But my daughter lives in Ohio and she's really tired of winter as well. Being a southern gal by birth, she's happy for her heating blanket and thermostat! However, by the time summer gets here I'll be pining for the cold days of winter. With basically nine months of heat and three of cold, well, I want to go somewhere with more of a balance, say, like, North Carolina in the mountains!!!

    1. From news reports, you got really hit hard, Lisa. Balance sounds real good. So do mountains in the summer.

  6. What motivates me to move in Michigan? A paycheck along with my health insurance! If I didn't have to go to work 9-to-5, I'd stay inside all winter and just write, except to venture to the store when the pavement's dry. Thank goodness for One Click so I'd never run out of things to read. Sigh. In a perfect world . . .

    1. Too true, Nancy. That paying job is a necessity unless you're as old as I am. :)

  7. Born in Wisconsin, winter was just a way of life for me. Then I moved to Chicago, later Minneapolis, and learned what wind chill really means! Now (sorry, folks) I live in Honolulu, enough said.

  8. Well, I live in NY so I'm currently enjoying the winter…please not the sarcasm there lol So right now I'm motivated to move with coffee and hot chocolate, and that's if...

    1. LOL Coffee and hot chocolate can make me move, too.

  9. Oh I hate winter! I love in UT, and it hasn't been so bad this season, but sometimes I wish I didn't have to to out at all.

  10. Ditto! It is WAY too comfy to stay home when it's yucky outside. Stay inside and eat sweets while I write, read or catch up on Netflix.

    I hope you find some motivation!

  11. Some really vivid descriptions here, which remind me of when I lived north of Montreal in the Laurentians. Seem to remember twenty foot snowdrifts when the thaw finally arrived, freezing rain every week, and frozen breath... but that might be teenage memories emerging. Anyway was in my teens/twenties then so snow meant skiing and more skiing. Wouldn't suit me now but then I'm here in the UK with incessant rain, which at 60 yrs old makes my body ache. At least I can say I'm retired now so writing is my pleasure any day of the year.

    1. Every time it snows, my husband says it's great skiing weather. He hasn't skied in 30+ years. Enjoy retirement, Roland.

  12. I don't think I could manage northern winters. We've had enough cold weather down here in Louisiana this year but nothing like what you've experienced. Ya'll come on down!

    1. Thanks, Jessie. You have had a cold winter, too.

  13. I agree. I am done with Winter. The snow is constant and aggravating.

    For me, shoveling snow seems to be the only exercise I am getting.

    I wish you luck in keeping your mailbox above the snow line.

    Leanne Ross ( & @LeanneRossRF )

    1. Thanks for leaving a comment, Leanne. Good luck visiting the blogs this month.

  14. I'm exhausted from the winter snow. I shovel and I hate driving in it. Today was bad and of course, they didn't close school. So off I go and then walking between buildings with slippery walkways. They forgot to shovel this morning!

    I could hang out in front of the fireplace all winter long. This year, hubby and I bought a cute electric heater for the bedroom that we love. It's like sitting by a cast iron stove.

    1. Too bad about them not closing your school. Be careful on those slippery sidewalks. Your heater sounds like a great idea.

  15. That's a lot of snow.
    I go to the gym on a regular basis, but that's still going out. Maybe a treadmill at home?

    1. Thanks, Alex. If I bought a treadmill, I'd have to use it, right? :)

  16. Oh my goodness, I can't imagine living where the never-ending winter is taking place. I live in southern California. It got down to 60 today and I bundled up with a scarf. Yes, I'm pathetic like that.

    Hang in there. March isn't too far away :)

    1. LOL Thanks, Julie. My son knows better than to tell me the temp in Phoenix, but when I hear splashing in the pool, I know.

  17. I live in Nebraska and I HATE the snow. It is my plan to move west in the next five years to get away from this weather. I can't remember ever loving it :-)

    I do get some enjoyment out of going to my hot yoga classes in the winter though. They feel so much better than in the summer when I'm already over-hot all the time. I also take the winter to clean out closets and repaint things so that when spring comes I'm ready to get out and enjoy it.

    Happy February IWSG!!

    1. Sounds like you've found ways to get through the winter. Good luck with your plan to move west.


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