
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Meet Connie Bretes

I am so excited to welcome debut author Connie Bretes. Connie is a fellow member of the Mid-Michigan RWA chapter. I met Connie last year at our Retreat From Harsh Reality. Though she was nervous about meeting so many strangers, her sweet husband insisted she come. I'm so glad he did.

Welcome, Connie. Tell us about yourself.

I was born and raised in Michigan. I graduated from Pontiac Catholic HS in 1974 and went to work shortly thereafter for the State of Michigan. I have been employed by the State of Michigan for over 35 years. I have a BA in Business Administration and an MBA in Leadership Studies from Baker College.  I have written so many papers for college, ‘how to’ procedural manuals, and casework manuals, I decided I wanted to do something fun and enjoyable, so I started to write romance stories about seven years ago and haven’t regretted it. 
I met my happy ever after partner in 1994 when I answered his ad in a Christian singles magazine and we've been together ever since. In January, 1995, I asked him to marry me and we were married in April of 1995. We have no children, but we do have a houseful of cats, indoor and outdoor kind.

I also like to travel out west.  Hubby and I have property out in Montana where we hope to build a log home on in the near future! You will find some of my romance locations are in Big Sky Montana. In fact, my new release, Delayed Justice, is situated in Montana. 

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I wrote a manuscript and my husband read it.  He liked it and encouraged me to continue to write and to submit my work. When he said he liked it, I think I decided then that I wanted to be a writer.

How long does it take you to write a book?

It generally takes me up to three months to get the first draft done. Then all the editing starts. I usually go through the ms and edit two times or more before I send to others to review, and then I’ve added one more step to it by having a copy/editor review, then it’s off to the publisher.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

My work schedule is pretty organized. I work Monday to Thursday 10 hours a day, so the only thing that gets done during that time is jotting down ideas and dialogs. Friday to Sunday, I spend up to 12-14 hours writing if I can. However, I do have to make exceptions to life in general, visitors, family, etc.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I spend a lot of time watching nighttime television.  The reason I do this is because it’s another source of research for me for other books.  I have a pad and pen handy next to the remote control in my living room.  My favorite channels are Discovery, Discovery Science, Investigative Discovery, and Nat. Geo. What do I get out of them?  I learn about crime and how police solve crime by watching shows on Investigative Discovery, and I learned about Paleontology and dinosaurs and that helped me out with the book called “The Last Dig” that is at the publisher now. I am always a seeker of information, I even watch the History Channel, and the Military Channel, I just love those channels and learning about things.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

My book, Delayed Justice will be available February 17, 2014. I got one book at the publisher now waiting to hear if they will accept it, and I have nine books at various stages of editing. My favorite is Jarillo Sunrise, which is currently with my critique partner for review.

What is the best part of writing for you?

Getting it down, I may revise it a hundred times, but I am always happy when I get the first draft down.

Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline, or...?

I start with research. I go on-line, go to the library, and watch television. Then I write an outline of what I would like the heroine/hero to accomplish in the story.

If you could give the younger version of yourself advice what would it be?

Start writing sooner.

You gave us a hint about our debut book by mentioning it takes place in Montana. Please tell us more.

Blurb: Can two former lovers set aside their differences and work together to bring a criminal to justice? 

Five years ago, Sami Parker's life was changed forever when she was injured in a bombing incident which left another young woman dead—a woman who happened to be the fiancĂ©e of Sheriff Makeeta Robertson, Sami's former lover. Initially, Sami was a suspect in the crime, but the sheriff was forced to release her due to a lack of evidence. The town, convinced that she got away with murder, turned against her.

At last an arrest has been made and the sheriff needs Sami's help to get a conviction, but can she trust him? Although wary and cautious, she wants to see this man brought to justice and wants to clear her own name once and for all. But the awakening feelings she has for Makeeta bring yet another problem. Then there's the secret she's kept for the last five years—one she may not be able to keep any longer, and one that may change the outcome of the trial.

To read an excerpt, click here:

One last question. Where can readers find you?

I can be reached through my website, which is
Facebook under the name of Constance Bretes, twitter under the name of Connie Bretes, and my email address is:

Connie, it's been great having you here today. Best wishes on your debut book.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me Diane!

  2. YAY, Connie! I get this little thrill of excitement for you every time I see that book cover. Congratulations on your debut. And I'll have Jarillo Sunrise back to you soon, I promise. Working on it today at work. Ssshh... :)

    1. Thanks Kristen - I get excited too when I see the book cover - love the bod! lol

  3. Sounds like a great read, Connie. I wish I could attend your launch party, but I'll still be down here in Florida. May the party be a great success, and this be the first of many wonderful romantic mysteries.

    1. Thanks Maris, Hope Florida warmed up for you, I heard it was even cold down there!

  4. Ha, Kristen, I get a little thrill too. Wonder why! ;) Congrats on the release, Connie! I'm so glad your husband encouraged you to write and to join our group. And, oh, I envy you that first draft in three months!

    1. Hi Alyssa, I'm so glad that hubby did too. If it's any consolation - I'm invisible when I'm busy writing my first draft - even hubby can't 'find' me. LOL

  5. I love romantic suspense. Wishing you continued success with your writing!

    1. Hi Lucy - I love suspense romance too, nothing like a little mystery to add to the romance!

  6. An interesting post that I enjoyed reading.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  7. Sounds like a wonderful read, Connie. Best of luck with this and those many other manuscripts you have.

    1. Thanks Margo, it's so hard waiting to hear back from the publisher about whether they like the next book or not. I've been sitting on pins and needles about the book I recently submitted and having a blast with the one just published.

  8. Wonderful to hear more about you Connie. I'm also glad I got to meet you at the Retreat last year. And I'm looking forward to seeing you again!

    1. Thanks Melissa, looking forward to the retreat and visiting with you again!

  9. Connie, I enjoyed meeting you at Retreat last year. I know I'm going to enjoy reading your debut book, too. Wishing you success with the launch party. Savor the excitement that comes with the beginning of a new writing career. Cheers!

    1. Thanks Loralee, It's been an exciting year in 2013 and I hope 2014 will be even better! It was great meeting you too and I look forward to seeing you again this year!


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