
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Meet Kathy L. Wheeler

I am so pleased to welcome author Kathy L. Wheeler to my  blog today. She is a member of that fabulous support group I often mention, Authors Helping Authors. Besides being writers, Kathy and I have two other mutual loves. An Affair to Remember and Phantom of the Opera on stage. Kathy was here last month on Saturday Sampler. Now we get to know more about her.

Welcome, Kathy. Please tell us about yourself. 

I have a variety of interests that keep me busy outside of both my IT day job and my writing efforts. I love the NFL and belong in two fantasy leagues; Love the NBA and have season tickets to Oklahoma City Thunder basketball; Love musical theater and also hold tickets to the Celebrity Attraction Broadway series in Oklahoma City. I love travel and reading, not to mention karaoke.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 
In November 2006. Ha! I think the 13th. (It may have been a Friday—just kidding). I’m not sure of the day.

How long does it take you to write a book? 

It actually depends on the book. Most writers will tell you there is one that will make you want to pull your hair out, and others that are considered gifts. Most fall somewhere in between. The gifts are rare and are truly treasured.

What’s your favorite movie? 

I love, love, love romantic comedies. Movies like: Legally Blonde, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, An American Dreamer, Romancing the Stone. But one of my very most favorite movies of all time is An Affair to Remember with Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant. Why? I love the final scene where he comes into her apartment and she is sitting on the sofa, legs covered with a blanket; He is floored and angry that she didn’t keep their date to meet at the Empire State Building. But while he is rambling and roaming/pacing her apartment, he is telling that someone came in to a small galley asking after a one of his paintings but that the woman was—he stops, realizing that the person who’d been asking couldn’t walk…even as he is saying the words! He starts up his roaming again, this time with purpose. She realizes he’s looking for the painting, so she starts talking quickly, but he opens the bedroom door—and there, he spots it over the bed. He raises his face to heaven, eyes closed. He goes to her and asks her why she didn’t tell him. They are both crying (and so am I), she says “I was so busy looking toward heaven because you were there…”

Well, what romantic does not fall for such a tale as that! Could you pass it up?

What does your family think of your writing? 

My family is so supportive. Though, even if they weren’t I don’t believe I could stop.

Have you ever stayed up all night to finish reading a book? 

Um. Yeah. Like alllll the time. If I can’t finish it, I’ll end up sleeping a couple of hours then waking long enough to read a little bit more... I mean, really, did you see all the activities I love? It’s the only time I have to read!

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? 

I’ve written about twelve books, some are not published yet. I have to say that I love both The Unlikely Heroine – book ii of my Cinderella Series and Maybe It’s You, the second in my Bloomington Series. Both heroines are in-your-face-you-want-to-hate-them-but-can’t-by-the-end characters. Pragmatic, strong but cushy on the inside.

What do you enjoy most about life? 

Everything. I don’t think I’ll ever get to everything I really want to do. But I’m giving it all I’ve got.

What did you learn from writing your first book? 

That it’s a lot harder than people would believe.

If you could give the younger version of yourself advice what would it be? 

Start sooner!

Tell us about your latest book. 

The latest book I’m working on is book 4 of my Cinderella Series, The Price of Scorn, Cinderella’s Evil Stepmother. It’s a difficult book to write because the ending is not your happily ever after. I mean, how could it be? She was soooo mean to Cinderella. But in this story, we learn why. At least that is the plan!

Blurb : Fourteen years after Esmeralda's marriage to Alessandro de Lecce, the birth of Pricilla's son, Jean-Luc, and Prince Charming's and Cinderella's coronation as King and Queen of Chalmers Kingdom, Lady Hildeguard Marit Benegoir-Simmon-Roch lies upon her death bed.

Hilda has never forgiven Cinderella for stealing Prince Charming from Esmeralda. But in a story of heartbreak, the sisters learn how tragedy and scorn shaped their mother's life into the woman she became. The question is: Can they forgive her?

This book is not yet up for sale, but its predecessors are!

The Wronged Princess – book i; Amazon Nook Kobo Smashwords iTunes
The Unlikely Heroine – book ii; Amazon Nook Kobo Smashwords iTunes
The Surprising Enchantress – book iii; Amazon Nook Kobo Smashwords iTunes

Fate was a funny thing, Hilda decided, rubbing a palm over her five-month swollen belly. She smiled, watching Pricilla's tiny hand followed hers. A love so fierce, it was agonizing, squeezed her chest. 
"Maman, when will I get to see my baby?" 
Such innocent words elicited a sharp sting of torment that pierced Hilda's lungs, making it difficult to draw a breath. "Soon, darling," she choked out, praying this new child made it through. 
"Will it be a girl, or a boy? I wish to have a boy, I think." Her little Pricilla was most pragmatic. Hilda knew she would never have to worry over this child. 
She grasped a breath, deeply, releasing it in a slow stream. "We shall have to wait and see. One has no choice in these matters." 
"Whyever not? I want a boy!" 
"Enough, ma chére," she said, shifting Pricilla to her feet. "I must speak with Gustaf. Off to the nursery with you." 
"Why should you want to talk to Gustaf? You have me." 
With a nervous laugh, Hilda glanced at the closed door, hoping her husband never heard their daughter referring to him by his given name. She leaned over and kissed the top of Pricilla's head. "I do, indeed." As if Hilda would ever endorse Gustaf with the title of "Papa." Leastways, Pricilla hadn't yet caught on to Hilda's other endearment of himbastard 
A noise just beyond the door snagged her attention, and despite her growing state, she bolted off the settee, jerking Pricilla's arm. 
"Maman," she cried. 
"Shsh." Swooping Pricilla from her feet, Hilda rushed to the wardrobe and thrust her inside. "Quiet. Not a word," she hissed. There was no time reassure her frightened daughter. She just needed her silence. "Do you understand? Not. A. Word." Hilda closed the door on wide blue eyes filled with terror. 
The chamber door flew back against the wall. "What interesting small talk you keep with our child, my dear." 
Smoothing clammy hands within the folds of her dress, Hilda moved away from the wardrobe. More than anything in the world Hilda would love denying the one thing her husband most desired. An heir. She would prefer Pricilla's disappointment over this new child being a girl. She lifted her chin. "I'm sure I have no idea of what you are speaking of, your grace." 
A slow, building breeze rent the air, along with the swarm of bees stinging her lower abdomen from the inside out.  
In a snake-like strike he gripped her upper arm. "Why does my own child not refer to me as papa? Could it be she is not my child, eh?" 
"How ridiculous. I have not been out of this house since the day I moved in," she bit out in a fit of temper. The back of his hand hit her jaw, snapping her head back. But for his hold, she would have been a heap on the floor. Just like Maman. 
"Now, where have you hidden my little jewel, mm?" 
Though her vision was hazy, Hilda refused to answer.  
He dragged her near the bed, dropped to his knees and peered beneath. "Too obvious, I suppose," he said with a menacing chuckle. Rising back to his feet, he surveyed the chamber, then strode to the sitting room door and glanced inside. The only place left was the wardrobe. His steps didn't slow, and he yanked the door back.  

One last question, Kathy. Where can readers find you? 

I can be found all over social media.

I'm so glad you could visit. Best wishes with The Price of Scorn.


  1. Fun interview! Nice to "meet" you Kathy :)
    Based on your movie choices, I think I love you. LOL Great Excerpt; congrats on your latest release! :D

  2. Thanks S.K.! I once did an audio/visual speech in college that was supposed to be no more than 7 minutes long. It included Alfred Hitchcock, and both movies To Catch a Thief and An Affair to Remember. Everyone was enthralled but I got point taken off because it ran 11! I showed that last scene and there WERE tears! Thank you for commenting.

  3. I love romantic comedies too! I need a happily ever after, so I can understand why writing the stepmother's story would be difficult. Best wishes on that! Great excerpt, too - makes me want to read more.

    1. Thank you so much, Patricia. It's tough but I'm hoping the outcome proves worthy.

  4. Great interview. I agree, An Affair to Remember was a tear jerker! Looking forward to the release of your wonderful story. What a unique idea...telling the evil stepmother's story. Love it!

  5. Fun, interesting interview, as usual Kathy :) I always enjoy reading about your activities. I really, really want to watch An Affair to Remember, now. I've never seen it.

    1. Be sure to see the one with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr version. The last scene is the killer. Now that I'm talking about it, I want to see it again too!

  6. I've never seen An Affair to Remember either, sounds good! Love your energy!

    1. See previous answer, Diana. And thank you, I'm feeling very energetic today for some reason!

  7. I, too, am a sucker for romantic comedies and LOVE An Affair to Remember. Sounds as if your books might make good movies, too.

    1. Oh, wow. What a lovely compliment. Maybe somedaaaaaaaaaaaay....Thank you, Susan.

  8. Loved the excerpt. So much emotion. Best of luck!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I always enjoy popping over to the lovely Diane Burton's blog!


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