
Monday, September 15, 2014

Time Travel

photo from IMDB

Have you been watching Outlander, the movie series based on Diana Gabaldon’s books? Wow. Is it ever fascinating! I read the books when they first came out. Even though I wasn’t crazy about historical romances, I love a good time travel. In Outlander, Claire is transported from post-World War II to 18th century Scotland. She desperately wants to return to her own time and her husband with whom she’s just been reunited after being separated by the war.

I don’t remember the details of Outlander as much as I do the general feeling of the book. So the movie series is like discovering it anew. Hubs enjoys it, too—more for the Scottish history (did I mention his grandfather came from Scotland?) than the characters. I do remember some things and it’s killing me not to reveal them. LOL I don’t want to spoil it for him.

photo from IMDB
My all-time favorite time travel movie is Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, where Kirk and crew save the whales and their 23rd century world. Fish-out-of-water (no pun intended) stories are always interesting and often comical. Maybe that’s why I enjoyed that movie so much—the humor. Like Jessie in my first book Switched, who sleeps through her favorite movie, I can recite most of the dialogue. If it’s on TV, I’ll watch it. Hubs will go downstairs to his workshop.

Time travel stories always pose the same questions—will she (or he) return to her own time? will she want to? Have you ever wondered what you would do in that situation? Would you want to stay? In many of the time travel books that were popular in the early 1990s, the main character always found her true love. Then either she stayed or he came forward to her time. A book I read through the night (just couldn’t put down) was Jude Deveraux’s A Knight in Shining Armor. Tears and joy. What a gripping story.

If time travel could exist, what time period would you want to travel to? 

If you haven’t discovered Outlander, it’s on Starz on Saturdays at 9pm Eastern Time. If you have On Demand, you can catch up on previous episodes.


  1. I'm a huge Outlander fan, I've read the entire series 3 or 4 times. The Starz version is true to the books and gut wrenching. Star Trek !V is the only Star Trek movie I really enjoyed but I did love the series. If I could travel back in time it would be to the 18th century and to Scotland because that's when my MacGregor ancestors began coming to America. I would want to know why they made the decision, how many members of the family came first, what trials did they experience, and so many other questions. Would I want to come back? I don't know, the past is so easily romanticized in my mind.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Winona. Fascinating that your ancestors were leaving Scotland around the time that Outlander takes place. No wonder you're such a fan. :)

  2. Okay, I'm so unsure about whether to watch Outlander. With all the raving, I feel I should check it out, but then again, I'm not a fan of historical or time travel. So...I don't know. Anyway, if I could travel back it would be to the Civil War days. That's one part of history I've always been fascinated with. Thanks for the fun post!

    1. Civil War? If that's an era you enjoy, by all means go for it. :)

  3. I've heard so many people mention A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR. Someday I really must read it! A time travel romance I enjoyed was LOVE, ETERNALLY by Morgan O'Neill which features ancient Roman times. But as far as going back to a different time period, I'm pretty content where I am. :) (Today, anyway.) Idid love Star Trek, though. Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. I'll have to check out Love, Eternally. Haven't heard of it before. Thanks.

  4. I swore I wasn't going to watch Outlander and yet...

  5. Hi, Diane,

    Love the thought of time travel... For me it would be back to the French impressionistic movement. I am an artist and the artist of that time lived and exiting life in Paris. Who wouldn't want to be transported back to Paris in the 1880's-90's?

    1. What an exciting time for artists! Thanks for coming by, Michael.

  6. I haven't watch Outlander, but maybe I should check it out some time. I once picked up A Knight in Shining Armor, but I didn't get past the first chapter. I guess I wasn't in the mood for it at the time because I do enjoy Jude Deveraux. I just read Butterman Time Travel Inc by PK Hrezo and Induction Day (Book Two) also by PK Hrezo. Both are NA books but so good. In the first book we get taken back to Woodstock and in the second book we go on board the Titanic! I highly recommend these books! As for a time period I'd like to travel to...well, I always wanted to meet Queen Elizabeth 1. :)

    1. I'll check out PK Hrezo. Haven't heard of those books. Thanks.

  7. Outlanders is on my TBR list--if I EVER finish the Goldfinch! Thanks for the post.

    1. I hope you get to it, Susan. It is a captivating book.

  8. What? *hiding the time travel device under a sheet* Time travel? *gulp* Yeah, that's totally not possible... ;)

    1. LOL, Crystal. Can you imagine showing up somewhere with a sheet over your head? Now I could see that on Halloween but ...

  9. I would love to go back to the wild west. Not permanently, of course, because it was a hard time, but I find something so fascinating and free about that time, as well. I watched the first episode of Outlander at a friend's house, but haven't gotten to watch any since then. And I've never read the books. They're on the list!

    1. I patterned my Outer Rim series after the wild west. The trill of exploring new land, being a settler but with most of the conveniences. :)


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