
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday Sampler - STONES by Marilyn Baron

I don't usually comment on Saturday Samplers, but I have to on Marilyn's new book, STONES. Women of a certain age will find this story poignant, funny, and totally relatable. I loved it. Love the cover, too. Isn't it gorgeous?

Stones Blurb:

Books with Bling: A Coming-of-Middle-Age Novel

When Julie Paver’s husband Matt moves his business to Atlanta, she is forced to leave behind her thriving jewelry boutique, Stones. The move threatens their twenty-five year marriage, because now if Matt isn’t out of town negotiating a merger, he’s spending late hours on overseas phone calls with his sexy-sounding second-in-command. 

Feeling neglected and unloved, Julie seeks closure by reconnecting with her first love, Manny, when he pursues her with his Internet innuendos. Manny is unaware he is the father of Julie’s son, and Julie contemplates revealing the secret to him on the eve of their son’s wedding. But would such a walk down memory lane be worth the cost?

Julie and Manny finally meet at her oceanfront condo—in the midst of a hurricane—and elements collide to create the perfect storm in this coming-of-middle-age crisis. 


To go or not to go to Palm Coast is no longer the question. The question is what will I do once I get there? Will I really have the nerve to reconnect, or as my daughter Natalie likes to say, “hook up,” again with Manny Gellar? How will I feel tomorrow when I see him alone for the first time after 25 years? Will I finally reveal what I feel compelled—no, what I'm busting a gut—to tell him? That he has a beautiful son, that our son Josh is getting married in just three months? I'm probably rationalizing, but I think he finally has a right to know.  

If I could, I’d fix what is wrong with my marriage and put it back the way it was before. Before Matt yanked me out of Miami by my roots as if I were a noxious weed he was tossing out of a flower garden and carelessly transplanted us to Atlanta. Before we moved a state away from my family and my best friend and a business I’d worked a lifetime to create. Before Matt sold his freight expediting business to a German conglomerate for mega-millions and agreed to run the company for them from Atlanta for the next two years, barely consulting me. Before the German occupation, or rather before he became preoccupied with his sexy-sounding German second-in-command, Gretchen. Before he stopped sleeping with me in the biblical sense. Before I turned fifty. 

All I really want is closure. I’m convinced that meeting Manny Gellar again is the only way I will ever come full circle and reconnect with my life.

Stones Buy Links:

Amazon (Paperback and Digital)

The Wild Rose Press (Digital)
The Wild Rose Press (Paperback)  

Barnes & Noble


All Romance eBooks



About the Author:

Marilyn Baron is a public relations consultant in Atlanta. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America and Georgia Romance Writers (GRW) and the recipient of the GRW 2009 Chapter Service Award. Marilyn writes humorous women’s fiction, romantic thrillers, historicals, and paranormal romantic suspense for The Wild Rose Press. She has won writing awards in Single Title, Suspense Romance, Paranormal/Fantasy Romance and Novel With Strong Romantic Elements. Visit her Web site at to find out more about her other books and stories and upcoming releases and visit her blog at

Marilyn and her sister, Florida artist, Sharon Goldman just released a new musical called Memory Lane, at To listen to a medley of the songs, visit her Web site at .

A native of Miami, Florida, Marilyn now lives in Roswell, Georgia, with her husband. Marilyn graduated from The University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, with a B.S. in Journalism [Public Relations sequence] and a minor in Creative Writing. She met her husband at UF and both of her daughters graduated from UF. Go Gators!

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  1. Diane,
    Thank you for that lovely introduction and thank you for hosting me on your blog.
    Marilyn Baron

  2. Funny and poignant at the same time. Great work Marilyn!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Connie. I enjoyed signing with you at M & M.

  4. Oh, Stones sounds fascinating! Love that line about "the German occupation." Way to take a phrase, set it on its head and spin it for a new twist!

    1. Debbie, gotta get that WWII reference in there. Thanks for commenting.

  5. I loved STONES--perfect for women approaching or involved in that stage of life where perspectives change. Humor is key. Thanks for the post!

  6. Susan,
    So glad you enjoyed the post and the humor.

  7. Yes, it is gorgeous! The book sounds wonderful. If I could just find time to read it... One of these days!

    1. Thank you, Alicia. I appreciate your comment. Hope you find time to read it.

  8. Hi Marilyn,
    I have your, like Alicia, I need time to read it. I have such a busy release schedule over the next few months that I think it'll have to be my Christmas gift to myself...time to read. :) Good luck on your launch...oh, and I agree with the masses...I love the cover. Kudos to your cover designer.

    1. Sandy,
      Yes you do have a busy publishing schedule. Hope you find time to read it when your schedule permits.

  9. Marilyn,
    Great cover and sounds like a wonderful story. If it as good as your others, it is a winner.

    Susan Carlisle

  10. Thank you Susan. That's sweet of you to say.


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