
Sunday, October 19, 2014

#WorkInProgress #BlogTour

In the twenty years I’ve been writing, I’ve met so many wonderful fellow writers. Some have been traveling the road to publication for a long time, others are just beginning, and some have reached and exceeded their goals. Despite where we are on our journey, one thing is constant. We support each other.

So when Alyssa Alexander tagged me for the #WorkInProgress #BlogTour, I was delighted. The rules of the WIP Blog Tour are easy: (1) Link to the person who tagged you and tell all about them, (2) share the first sentence from the first three chapters of your WIP, and then (3) tag more writers and tell all about them.

Alyssa is charming, a hard worker, and a terrific bolster of her fellow writers. I met her through the Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America. At meetings, we often shared stories about the antics of her little boy and my one-year-younger grandson. The two boys have terrific imaginations that must have come from their mother or grandmother. LOL When I say she’s a hard worker, you won’t believe all she gets done. Besides the duties a mother and wife, she has a full-time job, and volunteers for her writing groups. Best of all, she writes enchanting stories that take place in the Regency period. Forget the traditional Regencies of Georgette Heyer (whom I loved, by the way). Alyssa’s characters are smugglers, warriors, and spies. I loved The Smuggler Wore Silk and can’t wait until the December 2nd release of In Bed With a Spy. I already pre-ordered it. Alyssa is on Facebook and Twitter.

And now for the author I’m tagging: Margo Hoornstra. Margo is a delightful lady who writes romantic fiction. A long time before I met her, she and a few other writers founded the Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America. And I am so glad she did because that’s where I met her. When Margo was downsized after years in the corporate world, she finally had time to return to her writing career. Margo’s realistic characters prove that love can happen at any age. I especially related to Cynthia in Only If You Dare who was helping her daughter plan a long-distance wedding. I’m not newly divorced like Cynthia, but I can tell horror stories about planning a wedding from a distance. Margo’s latest release is Saturday In Serendity, a charming reunion story. You can find Margo on Facebook here and Twitter here.

For the next portion of our WIP blog tour, the excerpts. Since I have two WIPs, I’m going to share two excerpts. First is the sci-fi romance I’m writing, the working title of which is The Barkeep. I know, my critique partner hates it, too.

“Last call.”
Dillan raced back to his quarters for his wrist comm.
Considering the knife at his throat, Dillan figured he needed a better excuse than wanting to make sure Rissa was all right.

My second set of excerpts is from my soon-to-be-released mystery featuring a female private eye named Alex O’Hara, The Case of the Bygone Brother.

She had trouble written all over her.

“Hello, gorgeous.”

I waffled between screaming at Nick that he couldn’t take away my agency and doing a happy dance that he planned to stick around.

Can you tell Alex is a little conflicted about Nick showing up after so many years? Just when she gets a case that will give her bottom line a much needed boost. She might even be able to change her diet from ramen noodles to prime rib. All she has to do is track down a man who’s been missing for over ten years. Piece of cake . . . until a mugger orders her to back off.

The Case of the Bygone Brother will be released at the end of October.

There you have it. Terrific friends and works-in-progress to tempt you. Happy Reading!


  1. Love the excerpts!! The Case Of The Bygone Brother sounds great! Margo, looking forward to your WIP!

    1. Thanks, Alyssa. And thanks for inviting me to come along on this tour.

  2. I love the one sentences. They keep you wondering and wanting to know more. I wish you all the best with your upcoming release!

  3. They both sound like great books, Diane!

    1. Nice to "meet" you, Raelee. I enjoyed my little part of the tour.

  4. These are so fun to read - thanks for sharing, Diane! Great to learn more about Alyssa and Margo, too! I think I heard you were sick yesterday? If so, feel much better soon, and hope to see you next month. :)

    1. Thanks, Kristen. I was a little sick on Saturday & had to miss the meeting. Nothing serious. I hope to see you, too.


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