
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Insecure Writers Support Group - Winter Blahs

It’s the first Wednesday of the month and time for the Insecure Writers Support Group. The purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! A big THANKS to Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this group and keeping it going. And thanks to this month's awesome hosts Gwen Gardner, Dolorah, Sarah Foster, and M. Pax!

The groundhog saw his shadow on Monday so it’s six more weeks of winter. No surprise there. In six weeks, spring arrives—whether Punxutawney Phil or Staten Island Chuck see their shadows or not. Spring can’t come soon enough. Although we didn’t get the snowfall Boston and the East Coast did last week, the Super Bowl Snow did a number on Michigan with record snowfalls. Not on the Lake Michigan coast, even if we did get dumped on. After all, our 159+ inches of snow last winter didn't set any records. We’re lucky about one thing, though. They do know how to remove snow here. Even sidewalks. That was a surprise for me last winter. This nifty machine with a plow just drives down the sidewalks along main thoroughfares and removes the snow. I’m not talking downtown either.

Since the snowplows quickly keep our roads clear, there’s no reason for cabin fever. Yet, mentally I feel like I’ve been cooped up for weeks. Am I writing? No. Not really. Okay, I’ve written my blogs (except a week ago Monday). But getting back to my Work-in-Progress? Nope. I’ve gathered tax documents, dug out receipts for taxes (family and my writing), attempted to bring order to my office. And I’ve watched a lot of television. Blame Amazon Prime for offering complete episodes of shows I didn’t watch first time around. Watching “Farscape” could be called research.  Well, I do write science fiction romance.

A new month, a new beginning. I need that proverbial kick in the pants to get back to work.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.

P.S. A follow up on last month’s post. I still am overwhelmed by the support, prayers, and well wishes for my sister whose bout with influenza led to pneumonia and serious heart problems. She is doing so much better now. Thank you all very much.


  1. Farscape is GREAT research! Also trying to pull myself out of the lack of Vitamin D and lure of Netflix doldrums. But once taxes are done and the sun begins to shine, it's back into the fray for the both of us!

    1. I knew you'd understand, Nancy. LOL I actually got back to writing today. Yay!

  2. Oddly enough, I'd trade you some of your snow! Winter is usually hard for me--long and gray and cold--but we've had a week of 50ish temperatures and sunshine, and our desert desperately needs snowpack in the mountains if we're going to survive the summer. That said, I'm a big believer in recharging when necessary. Good luck to you!

    1. Thanks, Rosalyn. If only we could figure out how to ship some of that snow to you.

  3. I've definitely been cooped up for days. I work from home too, and with the snow out, why bother to go out if I don't have to? haaha. Tonight I'm finally getting out for a library event with my local writers group.

    Deadlines keep me moving. At my RWA group in January, our speaker mentioned using holidays as benchmarks or deadlines. By Valentine's Day I'll have X finished. By President's Day Y finished, etc. Small goals that keep you moving through the calendar.

    1. Aren't chapter meetings great for inspiration! We don't have a Jan. meeting, which I really needed. I like the little goals instead of big ones that seem so overwhelming.

  4. SEND US YOUR SNOW! Tahoe is high and dry. The whole state of California is going to burn down this summer if we don't get snow this winter. It's kind of freaking me out! Hope you ditch your blahs this month and get back at the writing. I think we all go through those periods at times.

    1. I'm trying, Jannine. Maybe we can fill railroad cars with snow and ship it to you. I can see why you're freaking out.

  5. Anything is research if you spin it right. Sometimes we, as writers, need the absolute downtime to recharge and regroup. Sounds like that's what you're in this period of time for. Don't fight it, sit back and enjoy! You've earned it!

    1. Thanks, Margo. I think I've milked the downtime because of illness too long. I have lots of ideas though.

  6. Glad your sister is better. There is something about the mid-winter schlump. Hope you find newness in the spring that will eventually come.
    Play off the Page

    1. Thanks, Mary. Yep, spring will eventually come with all its chores that will sound better than wrestling words.

  7. Being cooped up is a good time to get writing done. ;) I'm glad your sister is doing better!

  8. Diane, it never hurts to use a little down-time for yourself. I'm slowly learning to do that. And research of any kind will eventually work its way into the imagination of a writer, so go for it! Spring will rescue us from all this snow soon...won't it???

    1. I keep asking myself why we moved over here. LOL Then I remember it was the grandkiddies who are definitely worth putting up with snow. Downtime is definitely needed at times. Thanks, Loralee.

  9. Snow! Uh...I'm still trying to dig myself out. At least the kids got to go sledding. Only if I were a kid again. =)

    1. Who says we can't still be kids? Last week, when NYC was shut down, Matt Lauer made a snow angel in the middle of 5th Avenue.

  10. Glad to hear your sister is doing better. Right now is probably not the best time to mention I live in CA or that the few rainy, foggy days manage to give me winter blues. Nah, probably shouldn't. Hope sunshine and warmth are in your near future.

    My IWSG Post

    1. Ah, Tia. Two others from CA have beaten you to it. LOL Different types of weather get different people down. Good thing we're not all the same.

  11. I'm sorry, but I can't sympathize about the snow. Oklahoma is not getting much of a winter at all, and winter is my favorite time of year. Hope you get some writing done soon, though. Will continue to pray for your sister!

    1. On behalf of my sister, thanks so much. Just wait for that snow. I'm sure it will hit you soon. The groundhog said so. :)

    2. BTW, welcome to IWSG, Alicia. We're quite a neurotic group. You should fit in well. ;)

  12. I'm just south of Boston and we've been getting slammed by snow lately. I haven't moved my car in quite some time. But then again, I'm a bit of a hermit, so if I don't have errands to run, I'm more likely to stay inside anyway.

    1. Wow, Sarah, you guys really got hammered last week. Good luck being a hermit this winter. :)

  13. Oh boy, do we have snow. The blizzard wasn't much of a blizzard for us in the city, but then it snowed again on Monday, adding another 8 inches on top of the foot we had already. I'm ready for winter to get gone already. But...winter is a nice time to curl up with a book and read. Or just nap.

    1. I hear ya, Michelle. A good book, a nap. Oh, yeah. Winter is a great time for all that.

  14. Sounds like you've been busy doing everything else but writing, but like you said, it's a new month with new opportunities.

  15. so happy to hear your sister is doing better! :-) and hey, TV shows can be a great inspiration, too! ;-)

  16. I have the winter blahs too, Diane! At the same time, I have so much to do, I can't decide what to tackle first! All I want to do is snuggle on my couch in a blanket. I am NOT a winter person, and even southeastern Virginia's relatively mild winter is becoming wearisome for me. Here's to an early spring!

    1. When I have too many things to do, I'm so overwhelmed I don't do anything. Not good. I hope we see an early spring, too.

  17. I love winter, but on Boston's North Shore we received more than a season's worth of snow in seven days, and there's nowhere for it to go. Plows keep the streets clear but the sidewalks are banked and impassable. Since I don't own a car and walk everywhere, I'm feeling a little snowbound. You'd think that would mean I'd be getting tons of writing done. Um…nope. :-)

    So glad your sister is doing better!

    VR Barkowski

    1. You really got a LOT of snow. I hate it when you can't see around corners because the drifts left by the plows are too high. Hopefully the snow will "disappear" soon.

  18. Winter is not my favorite season by any means. I've got four foot mountains of snow on both sides of my driveway, and I'm definitely tired of shoveling. We're already into February, though, the last "real" winter month, so spring will be here soon. I can't wait. I'm glad to hear your sister is improving!

    1. Thanks, Lori. I hate to say it but the worst winter storms I've been in have been in March. Yuck!

  19. I'm in Canada. No matter what, life never stops here. Schools haven't had a snow day in decades and streets are decently cleaned as more fresh white hell is falling upon us. Oh yeah. I get the Cabin-Fever-Without-Cabin feeling. Hey, at least your keeping up with the blog. And all those shows are going to be out of your way by spring time!

    Best of luck!

    1. You Canadians are so tough. :) I can't imagine no snow days. Of course I don't remember ever getting snow days when I was in school. Thanks, Georgina.

  20. A snowy day seems like the perfect inspiration to write, but it never quite works that way, does it?!

  21. Good to hear your sister is doing better!
    We get little snow here. When we do, it shuts the town down, as they just aren't prepared.

    1. Thanks, Alex. That's the way it was when I lived in rural Missouri. A couple of inches and everybody panics.

  22. i hear ya about distractions. i need to do my tax stuff which i want to do much less than write but we hafta! ah!
    and wonderful news about yoour sister, stay healthy!

    1. I know, Tara. We gotta pay those taxes or figure out how to reduce them. Thanks.

  23. Winter here in Norther CA has been too warm and sunny. We need the rain. Gives me an excuse to cook up a stew too. I took a long break in Nov and Dec and am having a hard time kicking my butt into writing gear too.

    1. Here in gray, cloudy Michigan warm and sunny sounds great. But I know what you mean, Dolorah. Writing this post on Wed. helped me get back to my WIP.

      Thanks for being a cohost this month.

  24. So happy to hear your sister is doing better.

    I've been busy transferring VHS takes to DVD and recording records to the computer - but not enough writing.

    1. Thanks, Diane. I have to learn how to transfer VHS to DVD. I have so many family movies I don't want to lose.

  25. You're freezing over there, and I'm baking in the hot and humid summer weather in the Southern Hemisphere!
    I would LOVE a snowy day... just one day...
    I'm so glad that your sister is on the mend.

    1. Michelle, in 5 months we'll be baking, too. Take care.

  26. Glad to hear your sister is doing better.

    When I'm struggling to get back into productivity mode, I force myself to do just a little bit each day. Maybe the same method would help you. :)

    Good luck! The winter is a great time to get a lot of writing done because there are no nice weather distractions.

    1. Thanks for our concern about my sister. Good idea about doing a little bit each day.


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