
Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Morning Musing

Random thoughts on the week that was.
A nasty virus can make you not care that you missed posting on Monday for the first time in four years.

You can be too sick to read.

You can sleep through TV shows you wanted to watch. The DVR is your friend.

Drinking LOTS of fluids means LOTS of trips to the bathroom.

Sharing the nasty virus with your spouse means you’re both too sick to go anywhere except the doctor’s and the pharmacy.

Soup, crackers, and tea can get boring.

Cough syrup with codeine helps.

Getting better takes time. Don’t push it.

Super Bowl commercials aren’t as good as they used to be. None as good as little Darth Vader starting his dad’s car with the “Force.”

Best PSA: woman who calls 911 and orders a pizza; dispatcher smart enough to know she’s being abused and needs help.

Best Super Bowl moment: the look on Tom Brady’s face when he realized the Patriots won.

Worst Super Bowl moment: the fight that broke out at the end.

Winter Storm with the worst timing: Super Bowl parties cancelled.

Best Monday Morning: waking up to sunshine after a winter storm.


  1. The end of the Super Bowl stunk all-around. The Sea Hawks made a great play followed by the worst. And then the fighting was terrible.

    I'm sorry you've been sick. I hope you're feeling better!

    1. I agree, Chrys, about the end of the Super Bowl. Thanks for the get well wishes. I'm better than last week. That's a plus. :)

  2. Glad to hear you're getting better. We've dodged all the grunges thus far. Disappointing about the SB fight. Too much adrenaline spiking, I guess. Thanks for the recap.

    1. Thanks, Margo. Yep, too much adrenaline--too much testosterone, too. :)

  3. For realz! You just won the Super Bowl why would you want to fight? Aren't you supposed to want to go to Disneyland? And the only good thing about being sick is appreciating your health more when you get well. Glad you've turned the corner!

    1. Thanks, M.J. I hear the cough hangs on for weeks but at least I'm feeling better. Yeah, I'd rather go to Disneyland than fight.

  4. UGH...I'm so sorry you've been ill. Sounds miserable! Yes, the ads you mentioned were great. I liked some of them this year, though. The Mindy Kalig one and the Brady Bunch Snickers one. And, I LOVE that a new Terminator movie is coming out! Hope your'e all well now.


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