
Monday, November 14, 2016

Progress or Not

No. Not a commentary on the election. Rather I'm updating my writing progress. 

It’s amazing what a person can get done when they have deadlines. No surprise there. I admit it. I’m a procrastinator. Waiting until the last minute to write a blog is my usual. That’s why I write my Monday Morning Musing post on—you guessed it—Monday morning.

Yesterday was my turn at Paranormal Romantics. Plus it was Weekend Writing Warrior (WeWriWa) time. Consequently I had to have two posts prepared. For Paranormal Romantics, the group had discussed writing about traditions. (Love when I’m given a topic.) Since family traditions differ by culture, I wondered about traditions in alien cultures. And why that would be important. For WeWriWa, a weekly post, I’m leaving excerpts (8-10 sentences) from my first PI mystery, The Case of the Bygone Brother. Love the comments. If you missed either of those posts, click on the links above.

Writing progress. I am making progress, very slow progress, on The Case of the Meddling Mama, 3rd Alex O’Hara mystery. I’m more than halfway through. Yay. I had to take out time to write a short story for The Roses of Prose holiday online anthology. As many of you know, each December the contributors to RoP write short holiday stories that are serialized over two or three days on the blogsite. The twist to this is that each story will begin with the same sentence. This year’s is: This was the absolute last time she kissed anyone under the mistletoe. Since my story last year ended with a kiss under the mistletoe, I happily continued the story from there. Is that serendipity or what? Same characters from Alex O’Hara’s Lake Michigan resort town. Contrary to my usual way of getting things done, I finished the short story more than a month ahead of time. My story will run from December 26-28.

I need to devote this week to Meddling Mama. My deadline to finish is/was November 30th. Will I finish in time? Maybe I should have joined NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) that when writers from all over the world determine they will write a 50k word novel in 30 days. That’s a little too intense for me. More power to those who participate. Next Monday, I’ll let you know about my progress.

Enough musing. Time to get to work on that mystery and think about Thanksgiving. Our niece is having dinner at her house this year. How delightful that the baton has passed to the next generation. I’ll only have to decide what dish I’m bringing.


  1. I'm a procrastinator too - I always think I have loads of time, then it's a mad rush at the end to get everything done! Best of luck with meeting your deadline, I'm sure you'll get it done :). Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family!

    1. Rushing around? That's me Rachel. Thanks. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, too.

  2. I procrastinate, too, and funnily enough, just finished a short story for an anthology that it turns out they don't want until next spring. Now I have no idea what to do, being done so early!

    1. LOL, Shannon. We procrastinators should unite. Tomorrow?

  3. Slow progress is better than no progress, Diane. I do tend to procrastinate far too much. Wishing you a productive month. Take care.

  4. Whew! That's a ton of blog post writing in a very tight space of time. I know ALL about that crazy buiz. ;) Of course, I wasn't procrastinating, just got behind with writing deadlines, but it can be done, eh? We both pulled it off! I don't to NaNo either. It just doesn't work well for some of us.

    1. This really is a crazy business. But it's still my fav job.

  5. while setting a deadline can help me solve my procrastinating ways, it doesn't work for me and writing. My creative juices come to a screeching halt when I approach a deadline.

    1. We can celebrate our differences, can't we? Whatever works.

  6. In school, I never would have gotten anything written without deadlines. I do a bit better now, but I still procrastinate too much. Good luck with what you're working on!

    1. Thanks, Cherie. I burned a lot of midnight oil in school, too.


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