
Saturday, November 12, 2016

#WeWriWa - #8Sunday - The Case of the Bygone Brother

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Writers share an 8 to10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

The snippet this weekend is from my PI mystery, The Case of the Bygone Brother, a contemporary cozy takes place in a small Lake Michigan resort town, similar to the one where I live. Alex (Alexandra) O'Hara has taken over her dad's investigation agency, struggling to keep it going. When Nick Palzetti, son of her dad's partner, returns, he finds her lying across the top of a filing cabinet and tries to help her down.

         “Gotcha,” Nick said, a half sec before we tumbled to the hardwood floor. He must have twisted because I landed on top of him, which had to hurt--with my height, I’m no light-weight.
“Another fine mess you’ve gotten me into,” I said as I hooked a hank of hair behind my ear and propped my elbow on his chest. 
"Hel-lo?” an older woman’s voice warbled from the outer office, “Is anyone here?”
My one o’clock was early. Don’t come investigating, lady, I prayed as I scrambled to my feet. When my stocking-clad foot slid on the polished floor, Nick grabbed me to keep me from falling, and I flopped face down on top of him instead of the floor.
“Oh, dear. Am I interrupting something?”

Alex O’Hara finally gets a case that will give her bottom line a much needed boost. She might even be able to change her diet from ramen noodles to prime rib. All she has to do is track down a man who’s been missing for over ten years. Piece of cake . . . until an old flame arrives and a mugger roughs her up with orders to back off.

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  1. LOL That's quite the situation to be caught in. Fabulous snippet! :) On my TBR. :)

  2. LOL! You always get your characters into the most awkward situations Let's see her get out to of this gracefully. Nice job, Di!!

  3. I like that last touch, "Hello am I interrupting something?" Nicely done.

  4. And I'm wondering just where her face landed! LOL Great snippet!

  5. Oh that's funny! So happy to see another mystery writer in the group. Mine is also semi-based on the rural area where I live so I doubly relate!

    History Sleuth's wewriwa mystery

    1. Cool, Cindy. I'll be right over to read your snippet.

    2. Oops, I read it already. Where was my brain? LOL

  6. Enjoying the humor in this story very much. Really well done snippet!

  7. Well done, Diane. You didn't leave anything out in this amusing well written snippet and the picture you painted was so perfect!

  8. LOL Busted! Where do they go from here, I wonder. Excellent visuals, great snippet.

  9. Ha! I think she definitely has. I hope they can pick things up later.

  10. Perfect. Simply perfect. Especially the "Am I interrupting something?" touch. Well done.

  11. LOL. I love the humorous tone.

  12. Ha! That was cute! And refreshing that you wrote a character who would worry about someone walking in on them. Loved it!

    1. Thanks, Kara. Here she's trying to be so professional--in a skirt, her hair tucked into a bun--all for naught.

  13. She's not very graceful, is she? The first one he shares the blame in, but the second fall seems to be on her. And what a first impression to make on a client!

    1. LOL Will she lose the client because of this??? Thank, Caitlin.

  14. And she was lying on the filing cabinets because??? Is she falling all over him on accident? Very fun stuff here. Can't wait to read more.

    1. She was trying to reach something that had fallen behind. Thanks, Alexis.

  15. Sorry I'm this snippet. And, of course, love this book!!

  16. This day is just not getting any better. Hope her client is understanding!

  17. What a delicious snippet. I can't wait to see what the client has to say about it.

  18. Love this snippet. Just the sort of situation I would find myself in. Very amusing.

  19. "Oh dear." lol. Yep, that's a good way to start that question. Love this scene, Diane. Easy to visualize. And it made me smile.


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