
Friday, November 11, 2016

Who's For Dinner with Jessica E. Subject

My friend Jessica E. Subject is here to share who she'd like to have dinner with. Also, she's celebrating the release of her new book, Cosmic Sutra. (Love that title.)

Here's Jessica.

First of all, I want to give a big thank you and hug to Diane for having me back on the blog.
It took me a couple of days to figure out who I would want to have dinner with. At first I thought of retired Canadian Astronaut Colonel Chris Hadfield. But then, I started thinking a little closer to home. You see, one of my grandfathers passed away when I was only two years old. 

I don’t remember him, but from what I’ve been told, he had a lot in common with my husband. Even though my grandmother married another wonderful man, who has made her very happy over the years, I still think about my grandfather, what it would have been like with him around. I know my mother thinks of him often, too, his birthday and the anniversary of his death depressing times for her.

I wouldn’t have any specific questions for him. It would be more about spending time with him, getting to know what he was like, and finding out if we share any similarities. Perhaps my weird sense of humor.

I really don’t know if he has any connection to my writing. Perhaps the open-mindedness—reflected in my stories—that I learned from my mother came from him. I know he preferred to be outdoors, and some of stories take place in the woods or on a lake. Or, like my new release, on the other side of the universe.


by Jessica E. Subject

Release date: November 7, 2016

Genres: Romance, Science Fiction, Lesbian, LGBT, Sensual

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-988428-02-4

Cover artist: Fantasia Frog Designs

# of pages: 58 ebook
# of words: 20,400


When Victoria is offered a scholarship to attend Thanh Academy for her last year of university, she jumps at the opportunity. Nothing could be more practical in her psychology studies than to travel to the other side of the universe and live amongst the life forms she strives to learn from.

Upon her arrival, she is met with hostility. Convincing the other students she is not like those from Earth who came before her takes time, but eventually she is embraced by a small group of friends, including a sexy female alien she fantasizes about on a daily basis.

Based on past experience, will Victoria keep her lust hidden deep inside to prevent losing a friend? Or will she confess her feelings to Kaye and possibly find her one true love?

Please note: This story was formerly part of the First Ladylove anthology.


Amazon US | UK | Canada | Germany | Australia


Victoria headed to the dining hall, empty except for two greys at the table farthest from the buffet. They eyed her and whispered to each other behind their long, spindly-fingered hands. She grabbed what looked to be a sandwich with purple bread and green toppings—nothing fuzzy, so she set it on her tray and hurried back to her room. No point in sticking around where she wasn’t wanted.

While she ate, Victoria studied the class textbook on her tablet. Their first lab was to study various cognitive reactions to differing objects. Kaye had already decided they were going to study the heart rate of individuals in their reactions to various races at the school. Sure her partner just wanted to prove how much everyone hates Terrans, Victoria agreed anyway. No point in arguing. She’d already observed plenty of other cues indicating their disdain for her.

Fifteen minutes before the scheduled lab time, she left, heading to the psychology wing. The hall lights had been dimmed compared to the daytime and gave the place an eerie glow. Though the greys had denied ever abducting anyone from Earth, Victoria might have believed otherwise if she happened to meet one along the way. Her pulse raced as she eyed the numbers on each door, trying to locate the correct one.

“C’mon, already.”

Victoria gasped, placing her palm on her chest.

“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me I managed to scare a Terran.”

“My name is Victoria.” She’d had enough of being referred to by her home planet, as if everyone on Earth was related and possessed the same personality and motivation. “And you just caught me off guard. It’s late, and I’m tired.”

“That’s strange.” Kaye held the door open as Victoria ducked into the room. “I thought your kind thrived at night.”

She surveyed the area, rubbing her arms. “Not me. I just want to get this over with and return to bed.” A wave of sleepiness washed over her at the thought.

“Fine.” Kaye’s antennae stood straight up rather than curving forward like they normally did. She’d lost her six inch glass claws, her exoskeleton only covering her arms down to her knuckles like a pair of fingerless gloves. “You go into the closet and record the results. I’ll stay out here to welcome our test subjects and hook them up, okay?”

Victoria cocked her head to the side. For the first time since they’d been partnered, Kaye had actually asked her opinion. “I guess.”

“It’s just that if they see you before the test, it will skew the results. I can’t help it if everyone feels that way about your kind. It’s just the way it is.”

With a nod, Victoria entered the cramped smaller room, not much bigger than a broom closet. If she didn’t know any better, she would have believed Kaye felt bad about the discrimination. Was the leabu beginning to soften? She could only hope.

Jessica E. Subject is the author of science fiction romance, mostly alien romances, ranging from sweet to super hot. Sometimes she dabbles in paranormal and contemporary as well, bringing to life a wide variety of characters. In her stories, you could not only meet a sexy alien or two, but also clones and androids. You may be transported to a dystopian world where rebels are fighting to live and love, or to another planet for a romantic rendezvous.
When Jessica isn't reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to get out and walk with her giant, hairy dog her family adopted from the local animal shelter.
Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers.



  1. I had only one grand alive when I was old enough to remember and I loved her dearly...know how you feel about losing grandparents. I admire your ability to create other (future?) worlds. Good luck.

    1. Thank you, Susan! I was lucky enough to have my three other grandparents alive for most of my life. My grandmothers are both still alive and in their 90s. I even remember two of my great-grandparents. But, I do think of my mom's father often.

  2. What a great dinner guest your grandfather would be!
    Your book sounds interesting and the cover really pops!
    Good luck and God's blessings

    1. Thank you, Pam! I believe so, too.
      And thanks about the cover! I am very thankful for my wonderful cover artist. :)

  3. Thank you again, Diane, for having me! Today, I think of my grandfather even more. It's Remembrance Day here in Canada, and he fought in WWII. Though, my mom tells me he would never talk about what he experienced fighting overseas.

    1. Always a pleasure, Jessica. A wonderful tribute to your grandfather.

  4. Sounds like an excellent choice! I'm sure it would be a wonderful time with him. Your book sounds excellent...congrats and nice to 'hear' from you! :)

  5. Thank you very much, Alicia! I'm sure it would. :)

  6. What an excellent choice. I didn't get to know my dad's dad very well. He died when I was about 4. But my brothers and sisters knew him well and tell stories about him. He was like the best grandpa-- the spoiling variety.

    1. Thank you very much, Elizabeth! It's nice that you still have stories from relatives. :)

  7. Touching post. I always felt grandparent-less as a child. My mom's mother was dead and Mom was estranged from her father. My dad's father was dead, and my Czech grandmother couldn't speak any English. Really missed the influence of their generation. Best of luck with your book. It sounds intriguing.

    1. Thank you, Marissa! It's too bad you didn't have the chance to interact with your grandparents.


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