
Saturday, January 21, 2017

#WeWriWa - #8Sunday: One Red Shoe

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to read write! Writers share an 8 to10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

I'm back again with another snippet from my romantic suspense, One Red Shoe. In last week's snippet, Daria was leaving Iowa for NYC, despite her overprotective brothers' objections. Here's what's happening on the other side of the world.

Sam unlocked the hotel room, realizing too late that it wasn’t locked.
“Hello, Samuel, long time no see, as you Americans say,” Yuri Grashenko said from the corner of the small room, his smile as deadly as the Walther PPK in his hand. “Please return what you stole from my employer—he is most unhappy.”
“Why you talk nice to thief?” said the male voice behind Sam.
Spinning low with a move he hadn’t forgotten from his college basketball days, Sam slammed into the newcomer as a bullet from the PPK slammed into the wall where Sam’s shoulder had been seconds before. One good thing, Yuri wasn’t trying to kill him…not yet, anyway.
Sam and the newcomer—geez, the guy was big—rolled down the dark stairs in a tangle of arms and legs, elbows and knees wreaked as much havoc as the wood steps, bruises on bruises.
His dad was right…Sam should have gone to work in the steel mill, shoveling slag had to be easier than this.

It Happened One Night meets Knight and Day.

When elementary teacher Daria Mason left Iowa for a writers’ conference in New York City, she didn’t expect to come home with a wounded spy. Sam Jozwiak works for a shadow agency that gathers intel vital to U.S. security. From the moment he steals digital files from a Russian Mafia kingpin, Murphy’s Law takes over. No matter how he covers his tracks, the kingpin’s assassins find him. What’s worse than getting shot in the butt? Accepting help from an Iowa tourist. Thus, begins a road trip that takes Sam and Daria cross country with the assassins right behind them. 


  1. Doing just about anything sounds easier than that! LOL! Great scene.

  2. LOL Love that last line! I wonder how Sam will fare when he stops rolling down the stairs. Great excerpt! :)

  3. After reading your blurb, I expect this scene to lead to him getting shot in the butt.

  4. Despite how bad it is for Sam, that was a fun scene to read! I could picture everything easily. I bet you had fun writing it, too.

  5. Good to know he isn't trying to kill the guy (yet), but no sense in getting shot at all if you can avoid it. lol. Great action scene!

  6. Super good snippet with all the ingredients including father's warning.

  7. It reads like a rollicking good story. I love a touch of humor.

  8. A great action scene. A quick reaction to avoid the shot in the shoulder, but falling down the stairs with the big guy is definitely worse than working in the steel mill.

  9. Man, just what you don't want to see in your hotel room...

  10. I think the mill would have been safer, for certain! I hope whatever he took is worth it.

  11. Great moment of action! Hope Sam gets through it okay.

  12. Interesting turn of events! Good thing Sam is fast on his feet...enjoyed the action in the snippet.

  13. What a great last line, Diane! I imagine humor does take a bit of the edge off of the job ;-) Good snippet!

    1. Thanks, Teresa. Yes, Sam has a pretty good sense of humor.

  14. Butt-shot, not exactly a very dignified way to ride in a car on a cross-country chase...ouch! LOL!

  15. Great action. Liked his last line. :) He might be right at that. At the very least, safer. lol

  16. Great scene! Enjoyed the rapid-fire action combined with humor.

  17. I suspect he gets to live until they get what he stole, so he better get out of there!

  18. So the good news is he isn't trying to kill him - yet. Not such good news. Great snippet. Tweeted.

  19. I never figured basketball moves could save your life! Great action packed snippet!

    1. Thanks, Jenna. Sam is not that tall--6 feet. So as a college basketball player, he made up for lack of height with agility.

  20. Love the hint of human with the action. Great job!

  21. Great snippet Diane! Sounds like a very intriguing book.
    Good luck and God's blessings

    1. Thanks, Pam. I always appreciate your good wishes.


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