
Monday, May 1, 2017

Home Again

What a week! But I have mixed feelings about it. After four days on the road, we're home. I'm glad to sleep in our own bed after nearly a month away. Yet, I miss the family we left in Arizona. Toddler Girl's 2nd birthday was delightful. She already knows how to find pictures on my cell phone. Her favorite was everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her. She played that video over and over, and giggle as she watches. A toddler's giggles are contagious.

My lack of planning for the weekend gave me a bit of grief, especially since I'd be on the road. Four blogs. I could have managed better. LOL

On my regular post at The Roses of Prose, I described our trip home. I over-estimated Hubs' interest in the route I planned.

Lexi Post invited me to Happily Ever After Thoughts. In her interview, she asked questions I hadn't answered before.

Then, Liza O'Connor let me share some background on The Case of the Meddling Mama.

And last but not least, every weekend is for Weekend Writing Warriors. I started sharing snippets from The Protector: An Outer Rim Novel.

Needless to say, I'm blogged out. If you get a chance, stop by on any of the posts and leave a comment. I always like to hear what you have to say.

Until Wednesday, then, when it will be Insecure Writers' Support Group Day, have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. It's really difficult to stay on top of blogging while traveling! I think you did a great job.


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