
Saturday, May 6, 2017

#WeWriWa - #8Sunday The Protector: Help

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hops for everyone who loves to read and write! Writers share an 8 to10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

This week's snippet is from my sci-fi romance, The Protector (An Outer Rim Novel). Last week, Rissa discovered two girls hiding in the spaceport restroom. The older one proclaimed, 
“We are not going back.”

Apologies for the creative punctuation, which was done to keep within the sentence limit. 

Note: Traishan refers to natives of the planet Traish; Chellians are from the planet Chellus--both belong to the Central Planets. The story takes place out on the Rim, the frontier of space.

“You can’t make us, we’ll escape again.”
Since the taller one seemed to be the spokesperson, Rissa kept her eyes on her. Something about her was compelling—Rissa could be looking at herself at the same age. Then it hit her hard, like a blow to the stomach--that was what Miri would have looked like at that age, same strong Traishan features—olive skin, dark hair and eyes.
Rissa took a deep breath to steady herself before locking the outer door then said softly, “You asked for help, what can I do?”
“Get us out of here before they discover we’re gone,” the tall girl whispered, despite the strength in her voice, she worked hard to keep her chin from wobbling.
“Who?” Rissa said, afraid she knew.
“Those men, the Chellians. We can’t go back, we won’t.”
By the Matriarch, traffickers.

 Who knew rescuing two girls from traffickers would bring down a world of hurt?

After tavern owner Rissa Dix rescues two girls from a slave ship, she must rally the townsfolk to prevent traffickers from returning. Mining heir Dillan Rusteran has loved her for years. Little do they know that by rescuing more children they're tangling with a galactic trafficking ring.

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  1. I loved this whole series - and I absolutely adored this book! It's good to read about strong characters who are a bit older and wiser.

  2. Excellent snippet! You rock at sci-fi romance!

  3. I hope Rissa is truly able to help them. You show their fear very well! :)

  4. This book looks so good. I went to buy it and discovered I have it on my kindle. I need more time to read

    1. LOL, Teresa. You can't imagine how many times I've done that. Too many books, too little time.

  5. This chance encounter is already swelling with significance.

  6. Ah! The moment when she must answer the call to adventure (or disaster!).

  7. It's a great act of humanity to help the girls escape from their pursuers, but I can't help but feel that they'll be bringing with them a lot more trouble than Rissa could have ever asked for. Great job!

  8. Good scene. You left me wondering if...

    1. Thanks, Charmaine. That's exactly what I was going for.

  9. The girl is very determined, but it takes more than insistence to stop traffickers. Locking the door is probably just symbolic.

    1. Good point, Aurora. Locking the door was also to prevent anyone from coming in.

  10. So much going on in this scene - great stuff!! Love the instant connection to Rissa's past and her quick decision to defend the girls.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. Rissa has a very good reason for helping them.

  11. Great snippet. And left us wondering at that last line.

  12. Oh wow, I wonder what Rissa can do about this?

  13. Tense situation going on here, can't wait to read more! Really an effective snippet...

  14. Julie Evelyn JoyceMay 7, 2017 at 5:08 PM

    Very nice emotion in this excerpt. You've got us all on the edge here, Diane. Well done! :)

  15. Lots of emotion and tension in this snippet. Love your writing, Diane/

  16. Lucky girls to have been discovered. Loving this story.

    1. They are lucky that Rissa found them before the traffickers. Thanks, Kimberly.

  17. Great set up for the oncoming trouble. Love the way you established a connection between Rissa and the girl.

  18. Wonderful emotion. Loving Rissa already.


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